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Re: [STDS-802-11-CAC] Motions

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---
Hi Stephen,

Here are two motions from TGba:

Motion 1: TGba RevCom
Approve the report in 11-20/1707r2 as the report to the IEEE 802 EC on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11ba D8.0 to RevCom, granting the WG chair editorial license

[Move: Po-Kai Huang
Second: Steve Shellhammer
TG result: Passes with unanimous consent]

Motion 2: TGba CSD re-affirm
Re-affirm the CSD in

[Move: Po-Kai Huang
Second: Yongho Seok
TG result: Passes with unanimous consent]


On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 12:32 PM Stephen McCann <mccann.stephen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---
Dear all,
               please can you inform me of any potential motions for the CAC review next Monday.  If you don't have the exact wording at the moment that's ok. I'd just like to put a draft slidedeck together over the next few days.

I already know about the 5 RCM SG motions.

Kind regards


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