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[STDS-802-11-TGAX] 答复: TGax CRC Teleconference 2020-03-19

Hi Mark,


Sorry for the late reply. Attached please find the updated version with my replies.


I encourage the PHY guys to pay attention on some of the CIDs regarding 160MHz preamble puncture description.


Also, in the last comment, Mark wants to change the wording from preamble puncture to 20Mhz subchannel puncture. I’d like to hear people’s comment on this.


I will present it in this week’s CC. You are welcome to join the discussion.



于健, Ross Yu


发件人: Mark Rison [mailto:m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 2020324 5:39
收件人: Yujian (Ross Yu) <ross.yujian@xxxxxxxxxx>; STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: RE: TGax CRC Teleconference 2020-03-19


Thanks for this, Ross.  I attach some comments.





Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français

Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre       Tel: +44 1223  434600

Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS      Fax: +44 1223  434601

ROYAUME UNI                             WWW:


From: *** 802.11 TGax - HEW - High Efficiency WLAN *** <STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Yujian (Ross Yu)
Sent: 23 March 2020 00:46
To: STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGAX]
答复: TGax CRC Teleconference 2020-03-19


Hi Osama,


Please add 497r0 into the queue. I plan to present it in April 2nd’s call. It covers 10 CIDs that are assigned to me.



于健 Ross Yu

Huawei Technologies


发件人: *** 802.11 TGax - HEW - High Efficiency WLAN *** [mailto:STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 代表 Osama AboulMagd
发送时间: 2020317 21:15
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] TGax CRC Teleconference 2020-03-19


Hello All,


The agenda for the teleconference on Thursday is below. Please let me know if you plan a submission to add to the list.


The plan is to start by checking out if any resolution is ready for motion. Then continue with 11-20/0315.


·        Call the meeting to order

·        IEEE-SA IPR policy and procedure

·        Attendance Reminder – Please send an e-mail to Yasuhiko Inoue (yasu.inoue.h2k5@xxxxxxxxx) and/or Osama Aboul-Magd (Osama.aboulmagd@xxxxxxxxxx)

·        Motions related to submissions discussed last week, if ready:

    - Jarkko Kneckt

    - Po-Kai Huang

    - Bo Sun

    - Alfred Asterjadhi

    - Alfred Asterjadhi






From: *** 802.11 TGax - HEW - High Efficiency WLAN *** [mailto:STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Osama AboulMagd
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 2:21 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] TGax CRC Teleconference 2020-03-19


Hello All,


TGax CRC has two teleconferences scheduled for this Thursday. Please let me know if you plan a submission to add to the queue.


I’ve uploaded r1 of the agenda document.


The plan is to continue where we left off and see if resolutions are ready for motions.


Monday March 16 @ 10:00 ET

Thursday March 19 @ 20:00 ET


Both calls are scheduled for 3 hours.


Teleconferences are bound by the conditions stipulated by the documentation below. Please review them and bring up any questions/concerns you may have before proceeding with the teleconference


•       IEEE Code of Ethics


•       IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Affiliation FAQ


•       Antitrust and Competition Policy


•       IEEE-SA Patent Policy



 •       IEEE 802 Working Group Policies &Procedures (29 Jul 2016)


•       IEEE 802 LMSC Chair's Guidelines (Approved 13 Jul 2018)


•       Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings


•       IEEE 802.11 WG OM: (Approved 10 Nov 2017)                                                                                                                                                                      



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Attachment: 11-20-0497-01-00ax-misc-cr-on-d6-0-draft.doc
Description: 11-20-0497-01-00ax-misc-cr-on-d6-0-draft.doc