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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] Allowed puncturing patterns

Thanks all for the discussion. According to the discussion, I think the proposed resolution in my doc correctly reflects Opt a. Your further comments regarding the doc is welcome.

于健 Ross Yu
Sent from Great Huawei Mate 20X

发件人:Sigurd Schelstraete <sschelstraete@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
收件人:STDS-802-11-TGAX <STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
时 间:2020-04-11 07:42:14
主 题:Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] Allowed puncturing patterns

Hi Mark,

I agree with your Strawman proposal. The focus should be on P80, so “?” in all of S80 looks correct to me.

Although full puncturing of S80 doesn’t make sense (in that case the BW wouldn’t be 160 MHz), I don’t think we need to police that explicitly. What really matters is that the receiving STA understands which parts of P80 are available for decoding content channels.






From: *** 802.11 TGax - HEW - High Efficiency WLAN *** <STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Chen, Xiaogang C
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 2:48 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] Allowed puncturing patterns


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Hi Mark,

I didn’t intended to complicate the CR. To make it simple, let’s focus on clarify the definition in current D6.0.

So forget b,c,d,e…





From: *** 802.11 TGax - HEW - High Efficiency WLAN *** <STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Tianyu Wu
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 11:15 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGAX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAX] Allowed puncturing patterns


Resend my understanding. Some “-“ missing in last email. 

4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x--???? 

7) --??????  but not -------- (at least one x outside primary 40).


On Apr 9, 2020, at 11:12 AM, Tianyu Wu <tianyu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Hi Mark,


Thanks for your summary. My understanding of current spec:

4) -x—

5) --x- or —x

6) -x--???? 

7) --??????  but not -------- (at least one x outside primary 40).


For 6)-x--????  and  7) --?????? 

The detailed puncture channel(s) are determined by AP and signaled in HE-SIG-B. 


I think it might be ok to have some further clarification such as don't puncture the whole S80 or the whole S40 + S80, which means to disallow the following modes:

6) -x--xxxx    and

7) --??xxxx or —-xxxxxx


I am in general not in favor of defining more artificial rules for puncturing modes at this stage of 11ax. 







On Apr 9, 2020, at 10:41 AM, Mark RISON <m.rison@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


This is the follow-up to the teleconf discussion just now, to

attempt to reach consensus on which puncturing patterns are and

are not allowed.




If the primary 20 MHz channel is the leftmost one, and x means

punctured, - means not punctured and ? means can be punctured,

then these correspond to only allowing the following patterns

in each case (obviously the patterns will get rearranged if the

P20 is not the leftmost one) for the value of the Bandwidth

field in the HE-SIG-A field of an HE MU PPDU:


4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x--???? but not -x--xxxx

7) --x-???? but not --x-xxxx, or

   ---x???? but not ---xxxxx, or

   --xx???? but not --xxxxxx


During the teleconf I think I heard some variants proposed (calling

the one above z):


a) Allow full puncturing of S80, i.e.:


4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x--???? including -x--xxxx

7) --x-???? including --x-xxxx, or

   ---x???? including ---xxxxx, or

   --xx???? including --xxxxxx


b) Don't allow any puncturing of S80 (maybe the D1.0 wording?), i.e.:


4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x------

7) --x----- or

   ---x---- or



c) Allow "any 2" puncturing for the 7 case (I think I heard something

like that?), i.e.:


4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x--???? [all x for ? TBD]

7) --x-???? where exactly one of the ?s is a x, or

   ---x???? where exactly one of the ?s is a x, or

   ----???? where exactly two of the ?s are an x, or



d) Or was it "at least 2" puncturing for the 7 case, i.e.:


4) -x--

5) --x- or ---x

6) -x--???? [all x for ? TBD]

7) --x-???? where between 1 and 3 (4 TBD) of the ?s are xs, or

   ---x???? where between 1 and 3 (4 TBD) of the ?s are xs, or

   ----???? where between 2 and 3 (4 TBD) of the ?s are xs, or

   --xx???? where between 0 and 3 (4 TBD) of the ?s are xs


Plus a variant to any of the above:


e) For any/all of the above, don't allow more than 2 adjacent xs

for the 160M case (obviously N/A for 80 and I think also for 80+80)


Please select your option (z or a-d, plus e) or otherwise describe

your understanding.


Happy Easter, and best wishes to you, your colleagues and your families,




Mark RISON, Standards Architect, WLAN   English/Esperanto/Français
Samsung Cambridge Solution Centre       Tel: +44 1223  434600
Innovation Park, Cambridge CB4 0DS      Fax: +44 1223  434601
ROYAUME UNI                             WWW:

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