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[STDS-802-11-TGAY] Reminder: Call for contribution/comment resolution in January 2018 interim

​​Hi all,

It is a first reminder on the call for contribution/comment resolution for the 802.11y sessions in January 2018 interim.

There are 7 scheduled sessions as follows:
- Monday AM2
- Monday PM1
- Tuesday AM1
- Tuesday AM2
- Wednesday PM2
- Thursday AM1
- Thursday PM1

Please let me know preferably by the end of  Sunday (January 14) if you plan for any presentation, including the DCN, the time preference, and the length of your presentation.  Note that some of the sessions, e.g., Tuesday AM2, are already fully reserved.


On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 9:00 AM, Edward Au <> wrote:

Please note the following reminders:

[1]  The letter ballot LB231 for IEEE 802.11y D1.0 will be closed at 23:59 ET on January 7 (Sunday).    Please refer to and see if you are a member of the Ballot Group.   If so, please remember to cast your vote and submit your comments (if any) prior to the deadline.   As per the IEEE 802.11 operations manual,  a voter must return a valid vote in 2 of the last 3 letter ballot series to maintain their status.   This means the voter can miss or return an invalid vote at most 1 such ballot series. 

[2]  Our next 90-minutes call is at 10:00am ET on January 10 (Wednesday).   Tentative agenda items include the presentation 17/1880 from Lochan (Qualcomm) and comment assignments.   Please let me know by January 9 if you would like to present any contribution in the call.

[3]  There are 7 sessions in January interim for IEEE 802.11ay as follows.    Let me know if you plan to present any contribution / comment resolution as per your earliest convenience.
Monday AM2
Monday PM1
Tuesday AM1
Tuesday AM2
Wednesday PM2
Thursday AM1
Thursday PM1

[4]  On Monday PM1 in the January Interim, Adrian, our WG chair, will present a tutorial on comment resolution.   I would encourage you to attend especially if you plan to volunteer to resolve any comment.

I wish all of you and your family a happy and healthy 2018!



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