Dear 802.18 members,
cc 802.11, 802.15, 802.19 members,
On 16 June 2023, EU RSPG began a consultation on its report "
The development of 6G and possible implications for
spectrum needs and guidance on the rollout of future
wireless broadband networks". Even though the main contents of this report are related to cellular networks, there are some coverages about the role of licence-exempt spectrum use in Sections 5.1, 5.2, and 6.3 of the report.
For details, please visit:
The comment submission deadline is Friday, 25 August 2023.
If you would like IEEE 802 LMSC to prepare a response, please bring a contribution to IEEE 802.18 to review and consider approval no later than 3pm ET, Thursday, 10 August 2023.
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