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stds-802-16: 802.16 Appointments

[Notice: It is the policy of 802.16 to treat messages posted here as non-confidential.]

The 802 Operating Rules specify that the Working Group Chair has the Authority
to carry "Assign/unassign subtasks and task leaders or executors, e.g.
secretary, subgroup chair, etc." In order to give direction to the Chair in
making those assignments, I plan to hold elections during the Closing
Plenary of Meeting #1. I expect the elections to include the following

   *802.16 Chair
   *802.16 Vice Chair
   *802.16 Secretary
   *Liaison, ETSI BRAN
   *Liaison, ITU-R Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A/9B
   *Chair, Coexistence Task Group
   *Chair, System Requirements Task Group
   *Chair, MAC Task Group
   *Chair, PHY Task Group

I plan to issue a formal call for nominations in advance of Meeting #1.

In the interim, I am making several appointments:

-I am appointing Jay Klein and Ron Kemper as Co-Chairs of the PHY Task
Group through Meeting #1. These two volunteered as leaders of the PHY Task
Group during Meeting #0.

-I am appointing Jim Mollenauer and Chet Shirali as Co-Chairs of the MAC
Task Group through Meeting #1. These two volunteered as leaders of the MAC
Task Group during Meeting #0.

-I am appointing Brian Petry and Gene Robinson as Co-Chairs of the System
Requirements Task Group through Meeting #1.

-I am reappointing Leland Langston as Chair of the Coexistence Task Group
through Meeting #1.

-I am appointing Scott Marin as Secretary of 802.16 through Meeting #1.

-I am appointing Paul Khanna as Liaison to ETSI BRAN through Meeting #1.

-I am appointing Jose Costa as Liaison to ITU-R through Meeting #1.

-I've posted contact information for all of these appointments to the web.

-In response to an invitation to 802.16 from the National Spectrum Managers
Association <http://www.nsma.org>, I have tasked Erol Yurtkuran to speak on
802.16 at the NSMA Annual Convention on May 19 and collect information
pertaining to a possible liaison relationship between 802.16 and NSMA.



Dr. Roger B. Marks  <mailto:marks@nist.gov>
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
National Wireless Electronic Systems Testbed (N-WEST) <http://nwest.nist.gov>
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO
phone: 1-303-497-3037  fax: 1-303-497-7828