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stds-802-16: SYSREQ: Results from on-line comment resolution

[Notice: It is the policy of 802.16 to treat messages posted here as non-confidential.]


We have results from our on-line comment resolution that are summarized below.
Thanks to all who participated by submitting their valuable comments and casting
their votes.  I think we will now have a much improved document.

The results are split into 2 documents.  A summary, 802.16sc-99/36 at
http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/16/sysreq/contributions/80216sc-99_36.pdf and
included below, is publicly available but a detailed report, that includes
voter's names and reasons for their votes, is in 802.16sc-99/35 at

The detailed report is meant for commentors to understand why their comment(s)
may not have been accepted and give them the opportunity to revise comment(s)
and submit new ones during the next comment cycle.  Since voters may be
sensitive to their votes and explanations, the detailed document is available
only to 802.16 voting members and is protected with an 802.16 member password.
The detailed report is still easy to find---it's on the page with all the other
sysreq contributions.

Note: If you are voting member, you should have received login information from
Roger Marks which gives you access to the protected areas of the web page.  If
you don't have this login information, please contact Roger.

Best Regards,

Brian Petry
802.16 sysreq editor


This is the summay editor's report of the results from the 802.16 System
Requirements Task Group's on-line comment resolution period, 1999-09-17
through 1999-10-6 (please refer to 802.16sc-99/34).

38 people voted and deserve 802.16's thanks for spending their valuable time
to fill-out and return their ballots.

Here is a summary of the results:

144 comments total
 94 accepted
 31 majority accepted, but not 75%
  1 tie
 18 rejected by a majority of the voters

All of the comments marked Editorial were accepted.

For each comment, one of four votes was possible:
   (A) Accept
   (M) Would accept, but only if modified.
       Note that (M) was not counted an accept.  It has the same effect on
       the results as an abstain.
   (B) Abstain
   (R) Reject
The (M), (B) and (R) votes specified a reason for their vote choice.

Note that the full report, which includes voter's names and their vote
"reasons" is 802.16sc-99/35.  The full report may be used by commentors to
find out why their comment was not accepted and possibly seek to revise their
comment given reasons for the non-accept votes.

Tally of results:

Item# Type Acc  Rej Mod aBs Result
114:    E  35   2   1   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
115:    T  29   8   1   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
116:    T  27   9   1   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
117:    T  36   1   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
118:    E  23  11   3   1   Accepted by >= 50% majority.
119:    E  29   8   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
120:    T  30   4   2   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
121:    T  17  15   4   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 11.
122:    E  34   2   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
123:    T  30   5   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
124:    E  34   1   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
125:    T  33   1   3   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
126:    E  28   7   1   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
127:    E  32   0   0   6   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
128:    T  25  10   2   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 3.
129:    T  25  10   2   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 3.
130:    T  31   5   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
131:    E  35   1   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
132:    T  24  12   1   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 4.
133:    T  26   9   0   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 2.
134:    T  30   6   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
135:    T  28   5   1   4   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
136:    T  31   4   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
137:    T  31   4   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
138:    T  32   4   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
139:    E  36   1   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
140:    E  29   7   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
141:    E  33   4   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
142:    E  33   4   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
143:    T  20  12   3   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 8.
144:    E  19  16   1   2   Accepted by simple majority.
145:    E  37   0   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
146:    T  19  13   5   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
147:    T  30   4   3   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
148:    T  35   0   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
149:    E  33   0   3   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
150:    E  32   3   1   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
151:    E  32   3   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
152:    E  36   0   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
153:    E  34   0   1   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
154:    E  34   0   0   4   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
155:    T  29   2   4   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
156:    T  31   4   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
157:    T  28   6   1   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
158:    T  32   4   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
159:    T  31   3   0   4   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
160:    E  31   5   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
161:    E  32   5   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
162:    T  29   6   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
163:    T  31   5   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
164:    T  14  17   0   7   Rejected by simple majority.
165:    T  30   3   1   4   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
166:    T   9  22   2   5   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
167:    T  11  21   3   3   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
168:    E  34   2   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
169:    T  15  17   5   1   Rejected by simple majority.
170:    T  19  19   0   0   Failed to achieve majority (tie).
171:    T  34   2   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
172:    E  33   4   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
173:    E  35   2   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
174:    E  26   2   9   1   Accepted by >= 50% majority.
175:    E  32   0   6   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
176:    E  38   0   0   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
177:    T  30   1   6   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
178:    T  29   9   0   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
179:    T  20  18   0   0   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 8.
180:    T  17  20   0   1   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
181:    E  33   3   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
182:    E  35   1   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
183:    T  19  13   3   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
184:    T  12  18   6   2   Rejected by simple majority.
185:    T  32   4   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
186:    T  26  10   1   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 2.
187:    T  33   4   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
188:    T  23  12   1   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 5.
189:    T  29   6   2   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
190:    T  31   4   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
191:    T  32   4   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
192:    T  27   4   4   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
193:    T  34   2   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
194:    T  19  15   0   4   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
195:    E  35   1   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
196:    E  30   7   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
197:    T  31   2   1   4   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
198:    T  31   3   2   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
199:    T  18  16   3   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 10.
200:    T  18  17   0   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 10.
201:    T  17  18   1   2   Rejected by simple majority.
202:    T  17  18   1   2   Rejected by simple majority.
203:    E  38   0   0   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
204:    E  33   2   1   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
205:    E  36   1   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
206:    E  32   3   1   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
207:    E  36   0   2   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
208:    E  35   1   2   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
209:    E  33   1   2   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
210:    T  10  22   4   2   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
211:    E  23  12   1   2   Accepted by >= 50% majority.
212:    T  19  14   3   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
213:    T  10  23   1   4   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
214:    T  18  16   1   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 10.
215:    E  36   2   0   0   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
216:    T  23   9   1   5   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 5.
217:    E  36   1   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
218:    T  32   4   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
219:    E  34   2   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
220:    E  36   1   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
221:    T  35   2   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
222:    T  15  21   0   2   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
223:    T  23  12   0   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 5.
224:    T  29   7   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
225:    T  13  22   0   3   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
226:    T  13  24   0   1   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
227:    T  30   6   1   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
228:    T  13  23   0   2   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
229:    E  28   4   4   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
230:    T  32   4   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
231:    E  21  14   1   2   Accepted by >= 50% majority.
232:    T   6  28   0   4   Rejected by >= 75% majority.
233:    T  27  10   0   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
234:    T  14  20   0   4   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
235:    T  23  13   0   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 5.
236:    E  35   1   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
237:    T  27   9   1   1   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
238:    T  19   7   8   4   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
239:    T  24   6   0   8   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 4.
240:    T  31   3   1   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
241:    T  32   2   1   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
242:    E  30   5   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
243:    T  27   8   1   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
244:    E  34   2   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
245:    E  31   5   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
246:    E  24   8   4   2   Accepted by >= 50% majority.
247:    T  13  20   0   5   Rejected by >= 50% majority.
248:    E  31   5   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
249:    T  23  12   0   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 5.
250:    E  35   1   0   2   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
251:    T  27   0   7   4   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 1.
252:    T  35   0   0   3   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
253:    T  26   9   3   0   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 2.
254:    T  34   3   0   1   Accepted by >= 75% majority.
255:    T  19  15   1   3   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 9.
256:    T  24   6   6   2   Failed to achieve 75% accept votes by 4.
257:    T  10  25   0   3   Rejected by >= 50% majority.