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stds-802-16: Published: ETSI TM4 Liaison Letter [DRAFT]

Title: ETSI TM4 Liaison Letter
Document Number: IEEE 802.16l-00/14 [DRAFT]
URL: <http://ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/80216l-00_14.pdf>
Source: Roger Marks <mailto:marks@nist.gov>

At the Session #7 Closing Plenary, 802.16.2 submitted a proposed liaison letter to ETSI TM4. The letter was approved without objection, subject to my editorial revisions.

I have developed this revision with the 802.16.2 Chair (Leland Langston), our liaison to TM4 (Marianna Goldhammer), and TM4's Liaison to us (Barry Lewis).

This letter is for "information only".

If you care to comment on it, please send me a note. If I don't hear any objections before Friday (May 26), I will send it off.
