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RE: [RPRWG] Uploads & Next Meeting Agenda

We absoutely need to have sufficient time for voting on objectives. However, voting will be easier, possibly quicker and certainly more accurate if everyone understands the meaning and implications of the motions.

To facilitate understanding I recommend we solicit presentations on fundamental subjects such as Terms and Definitions, Scope of a MAC, Carrier Perspectives, Proposal Summaries, etc.... so that new participants as well as long-time attendees have common ground to debate the subtle and significant points contained in the motions.

This probably means that presentations will run longer than a day, but it will make the voting process far more effective. 

- Kanaiya

-----Original Message-----
From: Pankaj K Jha [mailto:pkj@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 11:29 AM
To: Mike Takefman
Cc: stds-802-17@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RPRWG] Uploads & Next Meeting Agenda

Dear Mike:

- I feel having just one day for presentations is way too insufficient. We have just come from one round of day-long voting on objectives/motions at RPR meeting in Hilton Head. People need to present their technical contributions and discuss various issues in detail before they think they have enough information to be able to vote.

- Even if there aren't enough presentations, we should use the meeting time just to have brainstorming sessions. So far we haven't had any whiteboard discussions, we've only had Powerpoint slides. With more in-depth discussions people would get a better idea on how to vote on issues.

- Without enough discussions on any particular  issue (take buffering, wrapping vs. steering, for example) I don't know how can any one can vote on any particular issue. This meeting is anyway an interim meeting, so we should focus on getting together and hashing issues out in an informal/semi-formal manner so technically all issues are resolved. At the next plenary (Portland, OR) we can then vote on issues.

- I don't think much has changed in the last one month that people need to begin voting again. Deeper discussions need to happen. We may need to discuss in greater detail and then take a stock of situation and then vote based on technical grounds.

Please advise.

Best regards,

Mike Takefman wrote:

The preliminary minutes of the March Meeting and the Objective Spreadsheet
from the March Meeting are now at

The agenda for the May meeting is not yet ready but the rough
schedule is:

Monday - Presentations
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Voting on Objectives / Motions
Friday - planning the July meeting

People who wish to be guaranteed a spot on the Monday agenda
need to email me a request for a slot which includes their
name, presentation title and estimate of time to present
(excluding questions). This email must be received by
the 14th of april. If the topic is not appropriate for the
meeting I may defer / refuse a request.

After the 14th, slots can still be requested but the likelyhood
of getting a slot *may* be lower.

All slides are due by the 7th of May in colour or b&w pdf but with
no fancy backgrounds that waste disk space.

I will be sending out an email in a few days discussing the objective
setting process and some of the work we need to get done at this


Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager HW Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-271-3399       fax: 613-271-4867