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[RPRWG] Agenda Items for March Meeting

Dear RPRWGers, 

March is fast approaching (far too fast).

Our meeting in March has the following goal, confirmation of the
Task Force decision in January concerning the first draft and
a week of comment resolution and technical contributions on
Draft 0.1 which was posted recently.

We have a total of 1.5 days in plenary mode (all of .17) and 2
full days broken into smaller groups.

We will finish up no later than 7pm on Thursday as we lose
the room at 8pm. There are no meetings scheduled for friday.

The rough agenda is as follows:

8am	Editors meeting at Sheraton
11am	802 Plenary at Hyatt

1pm	802.17 Opening Plenary at Sheraton

8am	Plenary at Sheraton
1pm 	Sub groups

8am	Sub Groups (all day, and all of the night :)

8am 	Sub Groups

1pm	802.17 Closing Plenary

Requests for Agenda slots should be sent to me as
soon as possible. Include a summary of the presentation
so I can judge if it is relevant. 

The goal is presentations that support major comments made 
against the draft or sections of the draft not yet determined
(i.e. topology). The file name of the presentation, presenters 
name etc.

Presentation slides should be sent to myself by March 6th
the latest. 


Michael Takefman              tak@xxxxxxxxx
Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
voice: 613-254-3399       fax: 613-254-4867