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Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] MMF ad hoc - Thursday 28th Feb 2013 9am -10.30am pacific

There is a tentative Caui-4 meeting at 10AM Pacific on this day.


Mike Dudek 

QLogic Corporation

Senior Manager Signal Integrity

26650 Aliso Viejo Parkway

Aliso Viejo  CA 92656

949 389 6269 - office.




From: Jonathan King [mailto:jonathan.king@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2013 4:10 PM
To: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; a_flatman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Abbott, John S Dr; Amezcua, A. (Adrian); Andy Moorwood; Anslow, Peter; Anthony Torza; Bernstein, Gary; Brad Booth; Daniel Dove; Ephrem Wu; Gary Nicholl (gnicholl); Harry Fu; Jack Jewell; Jeffery Maki; John Petrilla; Keith Nellis; Kolesar, Paul; Lian Zhao; Martin Gilpatric; Phil.McClay@xxxxxx; Mike Peng Li; Mike Dudek; mnowell@xxxxxxxxx; Oren Sela; Piers Dawe; Rabinovich, Rick (Rick); Rick.Pimpinella@xxxxxxxxxxx; Robert Coenen; ryan.latchman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; Scott Kipp; Shmuel Levy; Swanson, Steven E; Tracy, Nathan L; Vipul Bhatt
Subject: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] MMF ad hoc - Thursday 28th Feb 2013 9am -10.30am pacific


Dear all,


I’m proposing an MMF ad hoc call on  Thursday 28th Feb 2013 (9am -10.30am pacific) , to give an opportunity for reviewing recent work relevant to the 802.3bm MMF objectives (1.5 hour duration if sufficient presentations otherwise shorter and cancelled if there are no presentations requested).

Please send requests for presentations to me.


I’ll send call details and provisional agenda out early next week.


As a reminder here’s the list of items needing further work


For the 20m reach PMD:

If defined, should a 20m reach PMD be compatible with a 100m PMD ?

Jitter budget and metrics for an un-retimed FEC supported PMD ?

Further contributions addressing options for 20m MMF reach objective, showing broad market potential and significant cost density or power improvements.


For the 100m reach PMD:

Fine tune parameters/eliminate TBDs and items for further study, compliance tests development, reach for OM3



Best wishes
