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Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] Agenda & Schedule Updated

Dear Brad

A lot of work has been done by very many people to examine the pros and cons of each 500m solution. 
A perfectly valid conclusion from the TF might be that there is no compelling alternative to LR4with CAUI-4  for the 500m SMF objective.




From: Brad Booth [mailto:bbooth@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 8:19 AM
To: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] Agenda & Schedule Updated




As you know, the agenda needs to be approved by the task force. 


Dan, Kapil,


As there is no social at this plenary, would it be possible to consider using that evening? If so, it may be in the best interest of the task force to spend Tuesday plugging up what is the largest missing section of the draft - 500m SMF. Wednesday from early to the late hours and Thursday morning could be allotted for comment resolution. As this is a task force review, there is no penalty for lack of response to all comments, but there is a huge penalty for the project if there is no resolution to the 500m SMF objective. 




On Saturday, July 13, 2013, Chris Cole wrote:

Dear Task Force Participants,

The limited time Thursday AM means that we will not get to hear most of
the presentations in support of expected SMF PMD motions in the last
hour of the meeting. These presentations reflect considerable work on
the part of their authors to provide information to the Task Force
Participants for basing their votes.

I would like to offer for Task Force consideration an alternate
organization of the Thursday AM session.

Each presentation would be allocated 7 minutes. To minimize set-up time,
the chair would briefly show the title page and then display the
summary/concluding slide to which the author would then speak for a few
minutes and take clarifying questions. This requires the TF Participants
to read through the presentations ahead of time. The next presenter
would walk up to the podium and get ready to speak to his presentation
while the current speaker was finishing answering questions. The chair
would rigidly enforce the 7 minute time allocation. The presenter would
have the option to elect not to have any Q&A time, but rather have the
chair flash through their presentation while they briefly highlight key
points on their slides. Again, the 7minute time allocation would be
rigidly enforced.

If we keep the Agenda and Housekeeping motions to 20mins, and the Break
to 10mins, that gives us 90mins in the 9AM to 11AM slot before motions
from 11AM to 12N. With 7 minute slots, this lets us hear all 12
presentations in support of various SMF PMD proposals. These numbers can
be tweaked.

Thank you


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Dove [mailto:ddove@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 11:54 AM
To: STDS-802-3-100GNGOPTX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_100GNGOPTX] Agenda & Schedule Updated

Dear Task Force Participants,

An update to the Agenda and Schedule has been uploaded at < > to
include the results of prioritization and explanation of scheduling for
SMF baseline presentations.

Like many of you, I will soon be traveling and unavailable so if you
have any questions or concerns, please notify me prior to 5pm this
evening PDT.

Best Regards,

Dan Dove
Chair, IEEE P802.3bm