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Re: Conference call


I attended the conference call... duhhhhh

I also wanted to point out that my early note to the speed reflector did point
out the proposed copper 2.5 Gbps rate.

I believe that the proper handling of this issue is to acknowledge it, and very
brief discussion of "throttling" ~10 GbE down to lower data rates (e.g. ~2.5,
5.0, and 7.5). Having acknowledged it and noting that the audience was heavily
biased towards addressing the 10 and ~10/SONET/SDH issue, the group decided to
focus on the latter issue.


Rich Taborek wrote:

> This note is more of a level-set rather than a comment to help keep us on
> track... For the sake of argument... and not a statement of endorsement of
> any speed or WAN transport option.
> Thus far, Speed ad hoc discussion has identified two speeds, 10 Gbps
> Ethernet payload and SONET OC-192 transporting Ethernet payload. I'd like to
> point out that the Copper ad hoc led by Chris Diminico has proposed a 2.5
> Gbps alternative on 100 meters of Cat 6 UTP. This gives us three speed
> proposals for the multi-gig MAC....


Best Regards,

Richard Taborek Sr.    Tel: 650 210 8800 x101 or 408 370 9233
Principal Architect         Fax: 650 940 1898 or 408 374 3645
Transcendata, Inc.           Email: rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1029 Corporation Way    
Palo Alto, CA 94303-4305    Alt email: rtaborek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx