IEEE-SA Sponsor ballot non-voter comment entry

IEEE-SA Sponsor ballot non-voter comment entry spreadsheet


Do NOT use this spreadsheet if you are part of the sponsor ballot group. Instead please, follow the instructions provided on the myBallot portal under the "manage myBallot Activity" link. Only use this spreadsheet if you are NOT part of the sponsor ballot group and wish to commnet.

  1. Web ID: This field is required and must contain your IEEE account Username. If you don't have one you can obtain one from

  2. Category: This field is optional but if you leave blank, the system will automatically populate with General. If you enter Technical or Editorial, spell out completely or the upload will be invalidated.

  3. Page/Sub-clause/Line Number: These fields are optional. Any data entered in Page/Line Number must be integers only i.e. no alpha characters or symbols - doing so will result in an error and the upload will be invalidated. The sub-clause field should contain the full sub-clause number (beginning with the clause number). If you wish to reference multiple pages, provide the details in the comment field.

  4. Comment/Proposed Change: These fields are required. Enter your comment and proposed change in these fields, respectively. Use plain text characters only. If you use any characters entered with "Crtl" or "Alt" keys; or if you use symbols of any kind, if will result in an error and the upload will be invalidated.
When you have entered your comments please email them as instructed.

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Last Update: 24-Jun 2014

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