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Re: [802.3_YANG] 802.3 YANG Data Model(s) Study Group Ad Hoc


Not being well versed with IEEE processes, at this stage, what are the kind of contributions is the SG is looking for?

Are we still discussing PARs and CSDs, or are we at a point to start discussing YANG models? Or would it better to wait for PAR and CSD to be approved in the plenary, before discussing YANG models?


On May 27, 2016, at 11:13 AM, Peter Jones (petejone) <petejone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

As announced in the F2F at the May meeting, (see ), the YANG Data Model(s) Study Group Ad Hoc will re-commence meetings every second week in the Friday 8:00am – 9:00am PST slot. The first meeting will be June 10th.
The goal of these meetings is to hear contributions to progress the work of the study group.
Please send requests for presentation time at least 24 hours before the meeting time (preferably earlier), and send presentations at least 24 hours in advance.
If there are no requests for presentation time, the meetings will be cancelled.
Peter Jones 
802.3 YANG Data Model(s) Study Group Ad Hoc Chair            
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