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[802.3_PDCC] Website updates

I’ve made three website updates:


  1. I’ve posted the minutes for the 10 January 2024 meeting. Please review them and let me know if there are any needed additions or modifications.
  2. I’ve updated the IEC 11801 private area, adding a link at the top of the page to the 11801 liaison area. New versions of 11801-1 and 11801-9911 are posted in the liaison area for our review.
  3. I’ve updated the ITU K series private area, posting the most recent versions of K.117 and K.147. IEEE 802.3 has committed to submitting review of each of these documents. I will send an email soon about how I plan to handle these reviews (awaiting replies about possible shared access review, à la SharePoint or Google Docs).


The plan is to start the K series documents review in the next PDCC ad hoc meeting, scheduled for 7 February at 1PM ET.




Chad Jones

Principal Engineer, Cisco Systems

Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Working Group

Chair, IEEE P802.3da Task Force

Principal, NFPA 70 CMP3

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