CONTENTS of *.zip file John Abbott 11/01/2005 ** INTRODUCTION*************** There are two 1300nm data files on the IEEE site. This one has a 5000 mode delay set constructed to match the OM2 overfilled BW distribution using the OM1 delay set. The reason to use this data set is as a check against any biases entering the data set in the process of "augmenting" the set below. The other has a DIFFERENT 5000 mode delay set constructed by augmenting the transformed OM1 data set by a factor of 6x to 30,000 sets before selecting 5000 actual fibers and determing the best match to the OFL BWs. **************************** *******References************ 1. JSA presentation abbott_1_0705.pdf at IEEE802.3aq LRM meeting July 2005 2. JSA presentation summarizing this data set Abbott_OM2_revision_11_2005.pdf included in this *.zip file. ******************************* CONTENTS of *.zip file 1. READ_ME_FIRST_STEP2_OM2_1300.txt This file (contents & explanation) See the References above for an introduction. 2. OM2_MC50_3X_tau1300_1_5Kb.dat 5000 mode delays at 1300nm for installed base OM2 modeling (50um 500/500) creating using set of 5,000 test fibers shifted from OM1 mode delay set. This data set has the mode delays. It needs to be used with the mode power distribution for the lasers/launch conditions being modeled. We are assuming that only the first 10 groups be given significant power, and that the outer two are considered attenuated. These mode delays approximate a manufacturing distribution, just as was done for the TIA simulations of OM3 fiber (850nm 10GbE 300m) described in JLT Vol. 21 May 2003 pp.1256-1275, and pp.1242-55. THE DISTRIBUTION INCLUDES FIBERS WHICH DO NOT MEET THE 500/500 SPEC and needs to be truncated using the data in file (3.) just below. 3. OM2_Step2_OFLBW_summary.dat Set of OFL1300 and 16um offset BWs corresponding to installed base OM2 model This data set is used to truncate the modeling results so that only fibers meeting the OFL 500/500 requirement are included. 4. PXG_50um_1300_26_12.dat Set mode power distributions for gaussian beams launched into 1% Delta 50um core radius fibers at 1um intervals from 0um to 25um. 26_12 refers to 26 radial positions and 12 mode groups supplied. 5. OM2_MC50_1_BW_16umP.dat 1300nm OFL BW and 16um offset BW for comparison & reference purposes. 6. OM2_MC50_1_BW_10umP.dat 1300nm OFL BW and 10um offset BW for comparison & reference purposes. 7. Abbott_OM2_revision_11_2005.pdf Presentation on this data set (in REFERENCE list at top of this file). Includes scatter plots of OFL850 vs OFL1300 and the cumulative probability distributions. Please sent questions/comments to John Abbott Corning Incorporated