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[802.3_25GSMF] IEEE 802.3 Out-of-cycle interims



As announced at the IEEE 802.3 interim meeting on 12th January 2017, IEEE 802.3 will hold three out-of-cycle interims in February as follows. The IEEE 802.3 interim meetings page can be accessed at <>.


Best regards,



Steven B. Carlson

Chair, Multi-Gig Automotive Ethernet PHY Study Group

Executive Secretary, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group


High Speed Design, Inc.

Portland, OR





IEEE 802.3 Multi-Gig Automotive Ethernet PHY Study Group


Date: Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd February 2017

Time: 08h00 to 17h00 ET both days

Location: Warren, MI, USA (greater Detroit area)

Host: General Motors

Outline agenda: Consideration of adoption of further objectives in support of the draft PAR and CSD.

Hotels: There is no hotel room block for this meeting, hotel arrangements are left to attendees.

Meeting Registration: There is no meeting fee, please send an email to Steven B. Carlson < scarlson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> if you are planning on attending.



IEEE 802.3cc 25 Gb/s Ethernet over Single-Mode Fiber Task Force contingent interim session


Date: Wednesday 15th February 2017

Time: 13h00 to 16h00 PT

Location: San Jose, CA, USA

Host: Cisco

Outline agenda: Respond to comments received on the 1st Working Group recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3cc draft D2.1 and charter generation of IEEE P802.3cc draft D2.2 for a 2nd Working Group recirculation ballot if required.

Hotels: This is a contingent meeting that may be cancelled with short notice. Hotel arrangements are left to attendees.

Meeting Registration: There is no meeting fee, please send an email to David Lewis <david.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> if you are planning on attending.

Web Conference: As a contingent interim Task Force comment resolution meeting open teleconference participation is offered to all. Please send an email to David Lewis <david.lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxx> for dial in information.

Voting: Only participants who physically attend are allowed to vote.

Attention: This is a "contingent" meeting which may be cancelled if D2.2 comes back with no comments to resolve. A notice of cancellation will be sent out as soon as possible if the meeting is to be cancelled, but please be sure to consider this when making travel planning decisions.



IEEE 802.3cb 2.5 Gb/s and 5 Gb/s Backplane Task Force contingent interim session


Date: Tuesday 21st February 2017

Time: 09h00 to 12h00 MT

Location: Longmont, CO, USA

Host: Seagate

Outline agenda: Respond to comments received on the 2nd Working Group recirculation ballot of IEEE P802.3cb draft D2.2 and charter generation of IEEE P802.3cb draft D2.3 for a 3rd Working Group recirculation ballot if required.

Hotels: This is a contingent meeting that may be cancelled with short notice. Hotel are left to attendees.

Meeting Registration: There is no meeting fee, please send an email to Daniel Smith <daniel.f.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx> if you are planning on attending.

Web Conference: As a contingent interim Task Force comment resolution meeting open teleconference participation is offered to all. Please send an email to Daniel Smith <daniel.f.smith@xxxxxxxxxxx> for dial in information.

Voting: Only participants who physically attend are allowed to vote.

Attention: This is a "contingent" meeting which may be cancelled if D2.2 comes back with no comments to resolve. A notice of cancellation will be sent out as soon as possible if the meeting is to be cancelled, but please be sure to consider this when making travel planning decisions.