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[8023-CMTF] San Francisco meeting materials posted

The meeting materials for San Francisco have been posted at the following URL:
P802.3ar will meet Tuesday, all day if necessary.
In addition, we have the opportunity to present Wednesday morning during the 802.1/802.3 joint technical plenary. It should be a good opportunity to:
1) present a P802.3ar TF status update
2) gauge 802.1 WG support for the congestion management-related presentations heard by 802.1 in Berlin (Paul Congdon, Davide Bergamasco and Manoj Wadekar).
3) solicit participation/support from 802.1 for 802.3ar TF
I'd encourage those interested to come on Tuesday and help plan/prepare the presentation for the joint tech plenary. This meeting is scheduled from 9a-11a Wednesday morning and will also need to cover, at a minimum 802.3as TF and RESG.
See you in San Francisco.
Kevin Daines
Chair, P802.3ar Congestion Management TF