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[802.3_DWDM] July Plenary Joint Task Force Meeting - July 16


With the recent announcement of the IEEE 802.3 July Plenary meeting, which was discussed on last week’s interim Joint Task meeting, I am making the following announcement –


  1. The Joint Interim Task Force meeting on July 23 has been cancelled, due to the conflict with the IEEE 802.3 July 23 Closing Plenary meeting.
  2. A July 16 Joint IEEE P802.3ct / P802.3cw TF Plenary Teleconference Meeting has been scheduled for 10am to 12noon ET.  Please note that this is our normal joint TF Interim Teleconference time, and will  use our normal teleconference information. 




John D’Ambrosia

Chair, IEEE P802.3ct Task Force

Chair, IEEE P802.3cw Task Force

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