P802.1-95/007 Instructions to the Editor for the revision of Overview and Architecture 12 July 1995 1. In 1.2, replace the definition of 802 LAN with a more readily accessible description; retain the present more technical definition, but move to an appropriate place in section 4. 2. Also in 1.2, introduce bridges / switches as key concepts. 3. Also in 1.2, add an indication of typical performance expectations (speed, latency). 4. Add a statement about the internationalization intended for most IEEE 802 work items. 5. In 1.3, update the list of applications and devices supported, in accordance with the discussions at the July 1995 meeting of P802.1. 6. Modify the introductory text in section 2, to have a less strictly normative sense (more appropriate to the overview role). 7. Modify the text on LAN/MAN management to reflect the revised 802 position agreed at the July 1995 meeting. 8. In, add a note on the interpretation of the words "object" and "agent" in the management context. 9. In 3, delete from "or IEEE 802y compatible" (page 8 line 44) to end of sentence. 10. Delete second paragraph of 11. Delete last paragraph of 4.2.3. 12. Add a mention of LLC addresses, with references to TR 11802-1 and 8802-2, at the end of 4.2.4. 13. In 4.2.6, add text on isochronous operation (to be supplied by Mr John Boal).