To:,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Subject: For 802.0 - Proposed 802.1 PAR Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 02:37:02 -0700 From: Mick Seaman 802.1 proposes to submit the following PAR to 802.0 for their approval at the July 1995 meeting of P802. THis PAR is in the general area of multimedia support by Bridged LOcal Area Networks. It is an editorial revision of one of the draft PARs circulated and considered by 802.1 at the March 1995 meeting of P802, and is now being forwarded for 802.0 consideration as per 802.1 resolution at that meeting. ------- IEEE Standards PROJECT AUTHORIZATION REQUEST (PAR) 1. Date of Request: 2. Assigned Project#: 802.1p 3. Does this PAR revise a previously approved PAR: NO 4. Description of Proposed Document: New Standard Full Use 5. Project Title: Supplement to Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges: Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering 6. Scope of Propose Standard: Specification of mechanisms in MAC Bridges to expedite delivery of time critical traffic and to limit the extent of high bandwidth multicast traffic within a Bridged Local Area Network. Specification of mechanisms to classify traffic as supporting time critical services or requiring multicast filtering on the basis of MAC frame information. Specification of optional protocol mechanisms in MAC Bridges to support dynamic registration for time critical delivery or filtering services by end stations. Specification of optional protocols between MAC Bridges to convey registration information in a Bridged Local Area Network. 7. Purpose of Proposed Standard: To improve support of time critical and multicast intensive applications, including `multi-media' interactive applications, across bridged LANs. To reduce the degree to which the level of multicast traffic and the loading levels selected for timely information delivery limit the number of attached stations and the throughput of Bridged Local Area Networks. To facilitate Bridged Local Area Network support of the 'hierarchical multicast' capabilities developed for internets, in a way that is compatible with their emerging network layer protocols. 8. SPONSOR: LMSC 9. Name of group that will write the standard: IEEE Project 802.1 Working Group 10. Target Completion Date: May 1997 11. Proposed Coordination: Method of Coordination: SCC10 (IEEE Dictionary) Circulation of Drafts ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Circulation of Drafts Liaison Membership IETF Circulation of Drafts 12. Are you aware of any patent, copyright, or trademark issues? No. Are you aware of any standards or projects with a similar scope? No. 13. Copyright Agreement for IEEE Standards I hereby acknowledge my appointment as Official Reporter to the IEEE Project 802.1 Committee to write/revise a Standards Publication (entitled or to be entitled) IEEE Std. 802.1q (Supplement to IEEE Std. 802.1D-1993) Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges: Traffic Class Expediting and Dynamic Multicast Filtering In consideration of my appointment and the publication of the Standards Publication identifying me, at my option, as an Official Reporter, I agree to avoid *knowingly* incorporating any copyrighted or proprietary material of another without such other's consent and acknowledge that the Standards Publication shall constitute a "work made for hire" as defined by the Copyright Act, and, that as to any work not so defined, I agree and do hereby transfer any right or interest I may have in the copyright to said Standards Publication to IEEE. Name W.P. Lidinsky_______________________ (signature of chair of working group) Title Chair, IEEE Project 802.1 Working Group Date July 1995 14. Person delegated to receive communications and conduct liaison with interested bodies: (This is normally the chair of the working group. If not, please indicated IEEE position.) Name William P. Lidinsky Telephone 708-840-8067 Company Fermilab, M/S 234 Fax 708-840-2783 Address P.O. Box 500 Telex City Batavia State IL Zip 60510 E Mail 15. Submitted By: (This is normally the sponsor's liaison to the Standards Board. If not, please indicate IEEE position and relationship to the sponsor.) ================