To: Subject: 802.1 Agenda, Denver Interim Meeting (VLANs, etc.) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 13:33:14 -0700 From: Mick Seaman Bill Lidinsky and I have the task of setting the agenda for this meeting. This will be a full 802.1 meeting, though I expect it will be mainly taken up with the work of the Interworking Task Group - VLANs, and the closely related subjects of P802.1p Multimedia and P802.1d (revisions to 802.1D). For the VLAN work the major goals for this meeting will be to reach an operating consensus on: a. what VLANs are (benefits, user view, end station view, management view) b. how we partition the effort (this is a big subject) c. what the requirements are (expanding on a. to include questions of interoperability, target topology, scale etc. as well as tightening up loosely defined items). If we with the above we will be in good shape to move towards setting criteria for evaluating alternatives that satisy the requirements. If we suceed on partitioning the effort we will be able to begin the formal PAR generation process, though we will not have our first proposed PAR for circulation until the close of the November 802 meeting (I am not currently anticipating that one PAR can over all this work). This email is to solicit input on the agenda to myself and Bill Lidinsky. This may be a request to make a presentation or review an input paper, or a suggestion on how to frame the discussion to reach the objectives above - though I'm not proposing we set the agenda via group email discussion. Agenda time will be preferentially allocated to: (a) items which address the above, with particular emphasis on helping us reach an operating consensus at this stage (b) written input papers, particularly where available for distribution prior to the meeting. As per the 802.1 VLAN resolution at the July 802 meeting we are soliciting *technical* input. Mick Seaman 802.1 Interworking Task Group Chair (or reply to this mail). Bill's email address is