To: Cc: Subject: [JR Rivers: Re: [Mark Sankey/US/3Com: gigabit enet and vlan]] Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 11:22:33 -0700 From: Mick Seaman > Is 802.1 going to ask 802.3 to extend the Ethernet MTU for tagged frames?? > Mark referred to the "frame length problem" in his second bullet. > JR Yes. Clearly such a decision can only be made by 802.3, and we (802.1) have already committed to discussing this with them. I have already flagged this to 802.12. Although they will have some difficulties with existing chipsets which do hard checking the general sense of the 802.12 meeting that I talked to in San Diego is that our approach is good and should be followed through. Mick [attached: original E-mail from JR Rivers (quoted in full, above) with attached copy of P802.1-96/056 (d96/d96n056.txt)]