Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 13:08:25 -0400 From: To: Subject: Default VLAN There is a need for a "default" VLAN that spans the entire bridging infrastructure. This is needed for two reasons. One is that you would want management to be able to be forwarded over a VLAN that never is pruned. The other is that you will want the ability to forward frames (as opposed to dropping them) when you do not have a VLAN mapping for those frames. I don't believe that this leaves open the possibility of loops. I'm sure that there are some complex cases that I have not gone through. A better exercise is for everyone to put on their thinking caps and see if a loop existence can be proved. I'm sure that there is the possibility of a one time loop (frame doubling back as it were), but I have not found a case where the frame travels infinitely. -- Steve