Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 22:07:08 -0500 (CDT) From: Bill Lidinsky To: "IEEE802.1 Mailer" Subject: IMPORTANT: 802 Exec Information Following this email will be three email messages about the 802 Exec (now called LMSC -- Local and Metropolitan area network Standards Committee). I spoke of these at the interim meeting in Wakefield. Bill Message 1 - 802.0 (LMSC) Roles and Responsibilities Message 2 - Process for the Election Message 3 - LMSC WWW Page - Summary Notification Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 22:07:50 -0500 (CDT) From: Bill Lidinsky To: "IEEE802.1 Mailer" Subject: LMSC: ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES LMSC CHAIR: ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MARCH 1996 --------------------------------------------------- 1. Fulfill Duties as Outlined in LMSC Operating Rules 2. Obligations to Computer Society (a) Attend CS Standards Activities Board meetings as LMSC Chair (two face-to-face, nominally three telecons) (b) Represent LMSC views and needs (c) Guide/facilitate healthy evolution of SAB projects and practices (d) Produce summary reports on LMSC activities, three times a year (e) Generate LMSC Annual Report: past year highlights, next year target goals, summary overviews, major changes, etc. 3. Obligations to LMSC Beyond Explicit Dutied Identified in OP Rules (a) Sign and, in many cases, draft/author/edit official communications to external organizations (eg. RES 10, FCC, DAVIC, ITU-T ...nominally 15-20 documents per year, but growing) (b) Review and sign-off on Sponsor Ballot lists generated by Piscataway (c) Review and sign-off on PAR submissions, send to SAB and IEEE (d) Facilitate generation of LMSC agenda with significant help from the recording secretary, finalize agenda for Thursday executive meeting (noontime) (e) Review with the recording secretary, all LMSC actions items Friday afternoon 4 Plenary Meeting Facilitation: (a) On-call entire week to coach/mentor/facilitate resolution of issues and guide actions toward LMSC win-win results (usually 10-20 hours, 5-10 key projects). [This limits one's freedom to attend WG meetings for more than a few hours) (b) Act as liaison with IEEE Standards staff (at meeting and in Piscataway) on working issues/projects (usually 5-10 hours per Plenary meeting) (c) Lead ad hoc activities as needed, usually one or two per Plenary 5. Inter-Meeting Activities: (a) Follow-up on items in (3) above (b) Monitor X3S3 actions and provide inputs/feedback as needed (c) Monitor JTC 1 SGFS (profiles) for LMSC activity and delegate (d) Work with IEEE staff on issue resolution (eg. Sponsor Ballot process, SPAsystem directions/policy) (e) Respond to calls from the press, obtain approval of LMSC press releases from CS SAB etc (f) Respond to NesCom and RevCom concerns on behalf of LMSC PARs and draft standard reviews (if needed beyond WG chair actions) (g) Monitor JTC 1 actions affecting 8802 series of standards. General Notes: There are tremendous variations in the level of time/resources needed to support LMSC. There is a somewhat constant level of 20 hours per month (average) to do the various items identified above. There are also actions that demand attention whenever they occur, ranging from big issues that take 100+% of one's time because of the magnitude of the issue, or the volume of communications. Fortunately, the latter events are infrequent but they can consume full-time effort from two to ten days. The addition of reflectors and the SPAsystem should greatly facilitate the issue resolution, and we are all getting accustomed to open dialog and healthy interchange of views/ideas/concerns. I would hope that this electronic mode of operation would further minimize the workload. There is another level of activity that has tremendous advantages for LMSC at the same time it consumes substantial resources. From time-to- time the opportunity arises for LMSC spokespersons to speak at conference and seminars. One could make this a full-time job (not really), or ignore it. Experience indicates that good/valuable opportunities arise about every two years to make a major presentation at some national or international meeting (eg. MoMuC, Waseda University, 12/93, one-hour overview of all LMSC projects). It is my opinion that we should do more of this on a coordinated basis to spread the word, build further interest, gain added commitments to LMSC programs. VICE CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES --------------------------- 1. To stand in for the Chair when needed. This is sometimes just a few minutes at the executive committee meetins. Other times it means chairing a whole Plenary meeting. In the latter case, there are a couple of weeks' worth of work in the 4-6 weeks before the Plenary meeting, and 100% consumption of one's time during the meeting. 2. Chair rules change activities. When major issues are being addressed this can consume significant amounts of time, occasionally precluding meaningful participation in a working group. 3. Be expert on process and Roberts Rules of Order to help resolve issues in EC meetings and, when asked, at WG/TAG meetings. 4. Visit all WG meetings for short intervals during the Plenary week to keep abreast of the pulse of the organization. 5. Interpret the LMSC Operating Rules and provide advice to LMSC members, WG chairs, and other executive committee members when requested. This also requires the VC to have in-depth knowledge of the policies and procedures of the Computer Society SAB, and the IEEE Standards Board. 6. Present LMSC introductory information at each opening Plenary session. 7. Assist Chair with administrative and other assigned tasks. RECORDING SECRETARY'S RESPONSIBILITIES -------------------------------------- Required Core Responsibilities: 1. Records minutes of executive committee meetings (ie. four-hour Monday session and five-hour Thursday session, at each of three plenary sessions per year). 2. Draft, produce, distribute executive committee minutes to committee members and liaisons (nominally 40 people) (30-40 days after meeting). 3. Maintain official records of minutes for historical purposes. 4. Generate agenda for executive committee meetings. 5. Edits and coordinates press releases with Computer Society Additional Responsibilities (desired, could be given to others); 1. Maintain assignment lists (P802 decisions) (a) Liaisons (b) OUIs (c) LSAPs 2. Maintain archival records for: (a) Functional requirements, document revisions (b) Operating Rules document revisions (c) 802.0 Guidelines/Practices (d) PARs approved, revised, completed, withdrawn, etc. 3. Keep informal records of Monday pm and Friday pm Plenary 4. Conduct 802.0 ballots Not now part of Recording Secretary's responsibilities, though they have been done in the past by this office: 1. Plenary presentation of 802 overview 2. LMSC database management/coordination TREASURER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ----------------------------- 1. Establishment and Maintenance of Accounts (a) credit card companies, (AmEX, Discover, VISA/MC) (b) bank account (i) checking account (ii) credit card charge processing (c) vendor accounts (one currently: Zenith Maint) 2. Prepare Budget (a) annual CS SAB submissin (b) periodic recommentations/justification for meeting fee changes 3. Collect and Disburse Money (a) establish money handling procedures for meeting registration staff (i) check and travelers check endorsement (ii) credit card processing (iii) temporary storage of receipts (iv) daily cash-out (b) credit card desposit transactions (one or two per meeting day) (c) void/adjusted credit card transactions (one to three per meeting week) (d) storage of cash/check/etc during plenary meeting (e) preparation of deposits (deposit execution) (f) review of vendor invoices (CCI, hotel master account, A/V, etc) (g) expense reimbursement payments (executive committee member between meeting expenses, items specifically approved by executive committee) (h) deadbeat collections. 4. Reports (a) statement of operations, balance sheet (i) accounting period (meeting and following interval) at Monday executive committee and plenary (ii) estimated statements at closing executive committee and plenary meetings (b) reports of expenses to Computer Society (c) deadbeat report (recommendations for removal of voting rights when needed) 5. Capital Equipment (a) maintain records of owned equipment and assigned custodians (b) procure equipment approved by executive committee 6. Reprogram credit card transaction terminal for each meeting 7. Maintain files of all financial transactions (database and journal entry) NOTES 1. Existing PC based programs are quite comprehensive and thought to be useful for the next few years. 2. Pre-registration automation mechanisms are to be further encouraged. 3. The potential for IEEE CS assistance remains a possibility. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ----------------------------------------------- 1. 802 Plenary Meetings: Facilities and Services (a) oversee activities related to meeting facilities and services (b) ensure first-rate facilities and pricing (c) review and approve all decisions involving 802 funds for meetings facilities/services (d) present unusual expenditures to executive committee for approval (e) assist in identification of future site choices/locations (f) tabulate site choice selections and maintain calendar for plenary meetings (g) maintain Conference Guidelines for solicitation of hotel proposals (h) review hotel proposals for correctness and conformance to Guidelines (i) present summary of hotel options to executive committee and sign approval proposal on behalf of 802 (j) coordinate with CSP and LMSC Chair on major decisions 2. IEEE 802 Registration Database (a) responsible for database maintenance (b) oversee conference service staff on updates and additions (c) assure adequate backups and loss/corruption of data 3. 802 Document List (a) oversee maintenance and distribution of IEEE (Stds) documents (b) ensure collection of draft standards for distribution service at end of meeting (c) maintain backup copy of draft standards documents as required 4. Assist 802 Treasurer (a) review of expenditures and future budget preparations (b) identify meeting deadbeats and report to treasurer for collection 5. Conference Service Provider (CSP) (a) maintain document on CSP duties (b) oversee CSP performance at meetings (c) serve as primary resource for planning and problem resolution both at meetings and between as necessary (d) participate in letter of agreement between 802 and CSP (e) present summary recommendations on future CSP contracts to executive committee (f) execute (sign) approved CSP agreement on behalf of 802 Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 22:15:21 -0500 (CDT) From: Bill Lidinsky To: "IEEE802.1 Mailer" Subject: ELECTION PROCESS FOR THE ELECTION LMSC CHAIR AND APPOINTMENT OF LMSC OFFICERS LMSC Chair: Nominations for the position of LMSC Chair have been open since the March,1996, Thursday Executive Committee meeting. Nominations may be made by any LMSC Executive Committee member at any time and do not require a Second. Nominations will remain open through the nominations agenda item at the Monday Executive Committee meeting at the LMSC July, 1996, Plenary. Individuals interested in standing for LMSC Chair should contact the Executive Committee member of their choice and ask to be placed in nomination. If you choose to run, you are urged to have your name placed in nomination as early as possible so that your Nomination can be made and your credentials circulated on the LMSC Executive Committee e-mail reflector to Executive Committee members and in turn by the Working Group Chairs to their members. Nomination by an Executive Committee member is not necessarily an indication of support; however Executive Committee members making nominations are expected to ensure that the candidate(s) they nominate are full aware of the scope and nature of the responsibilities of the position. It is proper and appropriate for one Executive Committee member to nominate more than one candidate if so requested. If only one candidate is nominated then the Executive Committee may move to affirm that person at the Monday Executive Committee meeting. Otherwise, the election of the new LMSC Chair will occur by ballot of the Executive Committee at the Thursday Executive Committee meeting as the first item of Old Business. If multiple candidates stand for LMSC Chair then there will be an opportunity for LMSC members to meet the candidates during one of the Tuesday evening tutorial slots. This is intended to allow for LMSC members to form opinions about the candidates so they may make an informed preference known to their Working Group Chair and other Executive Committee members prior to the Thursday evening Executive Committee meeting. The new LMSC Chair will assume the responsibilities of that office at the close of the July Plenary, contingent upon affirmation by the Computer Society Standards Activities Board. The term of office runs through the March, 1998, LMSC Plenary meeting. Appointed Officers: At the Thursday Executive Committee meeting, immediately after (or in place of) the LMSC Chair Election agenda item, the LMSC Chair elect shall present and ask the Executive Committee to affirm his/her choices for the appointed offices of Vice Chair, Recording Secretary, Executive Secretary, and Treasurer. Persons interested in these offices are urged to make their interest known to any Executive Committee member who shall then expeditiously circulate their name, office of interest, and qualifications statement to the LMSC Executive Committee (by e-mail and FAX if before the Plenary week, by distribution in EC member folders). Persons interested in appointed offices should also make personal contact with all LMSC Chair nominees. The cut-off time for appointed offices/volunteers making their intere sts known is 6:00 pm, Tuesday, July 9 (at the Plenary meeting). Appointed officers will assume responsibility for their offices concurrently with the new LMSC Chair. In the event that the LMSC Chair elect is not affirmed by the CS SAB then appointments shall be valid only until a replacement LMSC Chair is elected. Otherwise, appointed officers' term of office runs through the March, 1998, LMSC Plenary meeting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROCESS FOR THE ELECTION LMSC CHAIR AND APPOINTMENT OF LMSC OFFICERS LMSC Chair: Nominations for the position of LMSC Chair have been open since the March,1996, Thursday Executive Committee meeting. Nominations may be made by any LMSC Executive Committee member at any time and do not require a Second. Nominations will remain open through the nominations agenda item at the Monday Executive Committee meeting at the LMSC July, 1996, Plenary. Individuals interested in standing for LMSC Chair should contact the Executive Committee member of their choice and ask to be placed in nomination. If you choose to run, you are urged to have your name placed in nomination as early as possible so that your Nomination can be made and your credentials circulated on the LMSC Executive Committee e-mail reflector to Executive Committee members and in turn by the Working Group Chairs to their members. Nomination by an Executive Committee member is not necessarily an indication of support; however Executive Committee members making nominations are expected to ensure that the candidate(s) they nominate are full aware of the scope and nature of the responsibilities of the position. It is proper and appropriate for one Executive Committee member to nominate more than one candidate if so requested. Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 22:18:50 -0500 (CDT) To: "IEEE802.1 Mailer" Subject: LMSC Election Announcement on WWW LMSC ELECTIONS ANNOUNCEMENT JULY 1996 PLENARY, ENSCHEDE, NL May 20, 1996: As members of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee, please be advised that elections for the new Chair of LMSC will be held at the upcoming 8-12 July Plenary session. An announcement about this event was made at the March Plenary however, an announcement on the LMSC WWW page is considered important as a means to advise all interested parties, particularly those not in attendance at the March meeting. The primary election is that of the LMSC Chair since Don Loughry now has new IEEE VP Standards responsibilities that compete for his time and resources and is therefore unable to continue his commitments to LMSC. In addition, the Vice-Chair position is also open as John Montague is unavailable to continue participation in LMSC activities. A set of roles and responsibilities for all positions, elected and appointed/confirmed is being e-mailed to the LMSC Executive Committee along with related procedures for conducting the election processes. The appointed/confirmed positions include those of the Vice-Chair, Executive Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. There are no ex-officio officers now and there are none anticipated as a result of these changes. Neither Don nor John intend to serve in an ex-officio capacity. It is expected that all WG/TAG Chairs will broadcast this set of e-mail messages to the members of their respective groups immediately. At the March Plenary a set of LMSC Chair Roles and Responsibilities (beyond Operating Rules) were posted to give potential candidates an opportunity to examine the underlying requirements. Jim Carlo indicated his interest in the LMSC Chair position in March. The overall timeline for key events is as follows; (1) close of nominations for LMSC Chair is the 8 July Monday morning Executive Committee meeting, (2) close of nominations for other appointed/confirmed positions is 6pm 9 July, (3) election of LMSC Chair as first item under "Motions, Internal" (MI) on Thursday evening, (4) confirmation of appointed officers immediately following Chair election. Those interested in serving as officers are encouraged to make their interests know at the earliest possible time BEFORE the July Plenary in order that the process proceed smoothly in an open manner. Further, it is requested that those intending to run for office have their credentials available and on file with the Recording Secretary no later than the close of nominations for the intended office. All candidates running for office are expected to attend the July meeting. LMSCELET.DOC