3:45pm 96/06/04 Tony Jeffree, speaking on IEEE 802 standards process ---------------------------- 802 STANDARD DEVELOPMENT PROCESS PAR approved... | | circle: technical development ---> initial draft(s) | | | to next circle ... | circle: working group ballot ... pre-process ballot comments... ... Editing meeting .... Document editing instructions ... ... produce next draft ... back to working group ballot (until pass...) | | (pass on the working group ballot .. to sponsor ballot circle | circle: sponsor ballot (see above..) | | (see above circle ...) | | (pass on the sponsor ballot ... to final editing. to publication ... -------------------- Preamble Required: -technical input -Agreed document structure -Apportionment of writing tasks -Collation & integration of document -Agreement on the scope. Not required: -nitpicking over grammar, typos, etc., unless thay affect the intent -adherence to strict IEEE formatting rules (Although the earlier you start ...) -------------------------- 802.1 Ballots Required: - 50% response to ballot; 75% approval (2 strikes and you're out...) - All ballots (voting or non-voting) are considered & addressed. - Editing instructins reflect agreed disposition of all ballot comments. - Consistent approach to editing the document (editor may will take input from other sources in deciding the final text, but need one person to implement the changes.) - Create sponsor ballot group in time for next stage - Start process of Liason with IEEE stds office - ?? input to SC6 if 802 still thinks this is important - visibility in E.G. IETF Not required: -Ballot dead-beats -Nit-Picks ----------------------------------- Sponsor Ballots Required: - 75% response; 75% approval - close to IEEE final format - otherwise, as fpr802.1 ballots Not required: -dead beats. ------------------------------------- Postamble: Required: -Document in format reading by IEEE editor -802.1 editor & IEEE editor agree any changes in format, cosmetic issues, typos, grammos, ... etc. -802.1 editor takes input (if necessary) to confirm non-technical nature of any changes. Not-Required: -further input from 802.1 ------------------------------------ Time considerations; -802.1 ballots take 1 802 meeting cycle (from draft n ballot to draft n+1 ballot) -Sponsor ballot take 1 802 meeting cycle. -Final editing akes about 1 meeting cycle -Assuming 2 802.1 balllots + 1 sponsor ballot as the minimum, publication date is at least 16 months from first ballot. People needed: -A number of editors who will generate the various sections of text. -Coordinating editor, responsible for maintaining the integrity of the overall document & driving the documentation process.