To: Gavin Young, DSL Forum Technical Committee Chair From: Tony Jeffree, 802.1 Chair Date: November xx, 2006 Subject: DSL Forum Liaison w.r.t. Ethernet CFM management object model IEEE Project 802.1ag, Draft 7.1, is attached to this liaiason. Clause 12 contains a protocol-independent specification of the managed objects used to control Connectivity Fault Management. Clause 17 contains a MIB that is an example of a specific implementation of Clause 12. It is intended that the managed objects and MIB in Clauses 12 and 17 be useable by Bridges, VLAN Bridges, and Provider Bridges and stations (which category includes routers). In reading these clauses, please keep in mind that P802.1ag D7.1 is a draft, not a final document. It is currently in a Working Group recirculation ballot. We anticipate that 802.1 will forward P802.1ag for Sponsor Ballot for techinical approval by all of IEEE 802 in January, 2007. While significant technical changes to Draft 7.1 are unlikely, nothing can be guaranteed until balloting has been successfully completed. Also, P802.1ag is an amendment to IEEE Std. 802.1Q-2005, and therefore you will find strikeout/underlined text specifying editing instructions for that document in the text of P802.1ag. Regards, Tony Jeffree