IEEE8021-CFM-V2-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- ****************************************************************** -- IEEE P802.1ag(TM) CFM MIB -- ****************************************************************** -- ****************************************************************** -- EDITOR NOTES -- ****************************************************************** -- The MIB described in this document is a work in progress. -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! -- -- 02/12/2008 - First revision of the 802.1ap CFM MIB. -- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- The goal of this first revision is to provide a big picture of the type of -- re-indexing needed for the CFM MIB module. Major issues still need to be -- addressed, mainly related to the method used to bring in the new MIB -- and eventually deprecate the old. Two options arose in early discussions: -- 1. Completely replace the entire MIB with a new one (and perhaps -- make some statement about the old MIB being obsolete and/or deprecated), -- 2. Just deprecate the tables that need new indexing and add the new. -- -- The updated CFM MIB module re-indexes the following tables to support -- Service instances defined by one or multiple ISID, VID or defined by -- no identifier. -- *dot1agCfmStackTable -- *dot1agCfmVlanTable -- *dot1agCfmDefaultMdTable -- *dot1agCfmConfigErrorListTable -- *dot1agCfmMaCompTable -- The new module imports new textual conventions from the -- IEEE8021-TC-MIB: -- *IEEE8021ServiceSelectorTypeTC, -- *IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueTC, -- *IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNoneTC, -- *IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifierTC -- -- 03/18/2008 - Proposed second revision of the 802.1ap CFM MIB. -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- -- This propposed revision attemps to solve the problem of -- adding new I-SID shim management functionality to the CFM MIB while preserving -- the original indexing scheme released with 802.1AG-2007. -- This is a very rough draft, more work is needed before -- it can become a usable management module. In particular, -- object descriptions in the new I-SID specific tables must be updated. -- Modifications were performed according to the following comment: -- "In order to avoid deprecating tables and still support configuring CFM -- for more than 4K I-SID service instances, another solution could be to -- use the current CFM MIB tables to configure CFM Entities on "normal -- bridge blocks" (per VLAN/ LAN) and add new tables -- to configure CFM on the new shim ( per I-SID). -- This will mean having a new Stack, Error list , Vid list , default MD -- and MA comp tables in addition to the existing ones to configure the -- Backbone Service Instance Multiplex Entity only." -- -- 04/15/2008 - 3rd revision -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- The following tables are reindexed: -- *dot1agCfmStackTable -- *dot1agCfmVlanTable -- *dot1agCfmDefaultMdTable -- *dot1agCfmConfigErrorListTable -- *dot1agCfmMaCompTable -- Re-indexing requires deprecation the complete old tables and objects. -- New tables and objects are created to replace old tables/objects with a new name: -- *dot1agPbbCfmStackTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmVlanTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmDefaultMdTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmConfigErrorListTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmMaCompTable -- 04/17/2008 - 4th revision -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- This version of the MIB implements deprecation -- by splitting the previous module in two: -- * An new MIB that contains only the new CFM-MIB objects. -- (re-indexed tables) -- * An old MIB containing deprecated tables and tables left -- unchanged in the new MIB. -- Changes: -- * groups with tables left unchanged are imported in this module to appear in the compliance -- statement -- * New groups containing the new re-indexed tables are added to the compliance statement -- * New OIDs are created to support the new re-indexed table -- * tables/notification left unchanged are deleted from the new module. -- The following tables are renamed : -- *dot1agPbbCfmStackTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmVlanTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmDefaultMdTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmConfigErrorListTable -- *dot1agPbbCfmMaCompTable -- They new name is -- *ieee8021CfmStackTable -- *ieee8021CfmVlanTable -- *ieee8021CfmDefaultMdTable -- *ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListTable -- *ieee8021CfmMaCompTable -- 04/18/2008 - 5th revision -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- Changes: -- *Renamed the new MIB Module to IEEE8021-CFM-V2-MIB -- *imported ieee802dot1mibs from the IEEE8021-TC-MIB and used it for the new IEEE8021-CFM-V2-MIB -- *Module Identity in the new MIB renamed to "ieee8021CfmV2Mib" -- *Textual conventions imported from the IEEE8021-TC-MIB renamed (TC suffix removed) -- *New compliance module renamed in the new IEEE8021-CFM-V2-MIB -- *New object groups created for the ojects that were not deprecated in the IEEE8021-CFM-MIB -- These groups are now imported to appear in the compilance clause of IEEE8021-CFM-V2-MIB. -- *Object groups with deprecated items and compliance module are now deprecated. -- *Compilation warnings in the latest smilint version to be addressed in the next revision. -- 05/6/2008 - 6th revision -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- Changes: -- *Conformance clause fixes --****************************************************************** IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] RowStatus, TruthValue, MacAddress FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] InterfaceIndex FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863] IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType, IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue, IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNone, IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier, ieee802dot1mibs FROM IEEE8021-TC-MIB --cfm types Dot1agCfmMhfCreation, Dot1agCfmIdPermission, Dot1agCfmMDLevel, Dot1agCfmMpDirection, Dot1agCfmMepIdOrZero, Dot1agCfmMDLevelOrNone, Dot1agCfmConfigErrors, -- cfm indexes dot1agCfmMdIndex, dot1agCfmMaIndex, --cfm groups dot1agCfmStack, dot1agCfmDefaultMd, dot1agCfmVlan, dot1agCfmConfigErrorList, dot1agCfmMa, -- cfm row items dot1agCfmMepLbrBadMsdu, dot1agCfmMdRowStatus, dot1agCfmMaNetRowStatus, dot1agCfmMaMepListRowStatus, dot1agCfmMepRowStatus, --cfm conformance groups dot1agCfmCompliances, dot1agCfmGroups, dot1agCfmMdGroup, dot1agCfmMepGroup, dot1agCfmMepDbGroup, dot1agCfmNotificationsGroup, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdDefGroup, ieee8021CfmMaNetGroup FROM IEEE8021-CFM-MIB ; ieee8021CfmV2Mib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200804180000Z" -- 04/18/2008 00:00GMT ORGANIZATION "IEEE 802.1 Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG-URL: WG-EMail: Contact: David Elie-Dit-Cosaque Alcatel-Lucent 3400 W. Plano Pkwy. Plano, TX 75075, USA E-mail: Contact: Norman Finn Cisco Systems 170 W. Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134, USA E-mail: Contact: David Levi 4655 GREAT AMERICA PARKWAY SANTA CLARA, CA 95054, USA Tel: +1-408-495-5138 E-mail: " DESCRIPTION "Connectivity Fault Management module for managing IEEE 802.1ag Copyright (C) IEEE802.1." REVISION "200804180000Z" -- 04/18/2008 00:00GMT DESCRIPTION "Included in IEEE P802.1ap Draft" ::= { ieee802dot1mibs 110} -- ****************************************************************** -- Note: Re-indexed 802.1AG tables -- ****************************************************************** -- This section contains new tables replacing deprecated tables in -- this version of the MIB -- ****************************************************************** -- The CFM Stack Table -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmStackTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Ieee8021CfmStackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is one CFM Stack table per bridge. It permits the retrieval of information about the Maintenance Points configured on any given interface. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses 12.14.2" ::= { dot1agCfmStack 2 } ieee8021CfmStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ieee8021CfmStackEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Stack table entry" INDEX { ieee8021CfmStackifIndex, ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorType, ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorOrNone, ieee8021CfmStackMdLevel, ieee8021CfmStackDirection } ::= { ieee8021CfmStackTable 1 } Ieee8021CfmStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ieee8021CfmStackifIndex InterfaceIndex, ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorType IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType, ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorOrNone IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNone, ieee8021CfmStackMdLevel Dot1agCfmMDLevel, ieee8021CfmStackDirection Dot1agCfmMpDirection, ieee8021CfmStackMdIndex Unsigned32, ieee8021CfmStackMaIndex Unsigned32, ieee8021CfmStackMepId Dot1agCfmMepIdOrZero, ieee8021CfmStackMacAddress MacAddress } ieee8021CfmStackifIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object represents the Bridge Port or aggregated port on which MEPs or MHFs might be configured. Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL, if necessary, change the value of this variable, and rearrange the ieee8021CfmStackTable, so that it indexes the entry in the interface table with the same value of ifAlias that it indexed before the system restart. If no such entry exists, then the system SHALL delete all entries in the ieee8021CfmStackTable with the interface index. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 1 } ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Service Selector identifier indicated by ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorOrNone. See textual convention IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType for details. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, 22.1.7" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 2 } ieee8021CfmStackServiceSelectorOrNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Selector identifier to which the MP is attached, or 0, if none. See textual convention IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue for details. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses, 22.1.7" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 3 } ieee8021CfmStackMdLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMDLevel MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MD Level of the Maintenance Point." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 4 } ieee8021CfmStackDirection OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMpDirection MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Direction in which the MP faces on the Bridge Port" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 5 } ieee8021CfmStackMdIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the Maintenance Domain in the ieee8021CfmMdTable to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 6 } ieee8021CfmStackMaIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The index of the MA in the ieee8021CfmMaNetTable and ieee8021CfmMaCompTable to which the MP is associated, or 0, if none." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 7 } ieee8021CfmStackMepId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMepIdOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If an MEP is configured, the MEPID, else 0" REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 8 } ieee8021CfmStackMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MacAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "MAC address of the MP." REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmStackEntry 9 } -- ****************************************************************** -- The CFM VLAN Table -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Ieee8021CfmVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table defines the association of VIDs into VLANs. There is an entry in this table, for each component of the bridge, for each VID that is: a) a VID belonging to a VLAN associated with more than one VID; and b) not the Primary VLAN of that VID. The entry in this table contains the Primary VID of the VLAN. By default, this table is empty, meaning that every VID is the Primary VID of a single-VID VLAN. VLANs that are associated with only one VID SHOULD NOT have an entry in this table. The writable objects in this table need to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses,,,, 22.1.5." ::= { dot1agCfmVlan 2 } ieee8021CfmVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ieee8021CfmVlanEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VLAN table entry." INDEX { ieee8021CfmVlanComponentId, ieee8021CfmVlanSelector} ::= { ieee8021CfmVlanTable 1 } Ieee8021CfmVlanEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ieee8021CfmVlanComponentId IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier, ieee8021CfmVlanSelector IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue, ieee8021CfmVlanPrimarySelector IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue, ieee8021CfmVlanRowStatus RowStatus } ieee8021CfmVlanComponentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bridge component within the system to which the information in this ieee8021CfmVlanEntry applies. If the system is not a Bridge, or if only one component is present in the Bridge, then this variable (index) MUST be equal to 1. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 17.5" ::= { ieee8021CfmVlanEntry 1 } ieee8021CfmVlanSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a service ID belonging to a service that is associated with more than one Service Selector identifiers, and this is not the Primary Service ID of the service. The type of this Service Selector is the same as the primary Service Selector's type defined by ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorType in the ieee8021CfmMaCompTable. " ::= { ieee8021CfmVlanEntry 3 } ieee8021CfmVlanPrimarySelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the Primary Service selector for a Service that is associated with more than one Service Selector identifiers. This value MUST not equal the value of ieee8021CfmVlanSelector. The type of this Service Selector is the same as the primary Service Selector's type defined by ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorType in the ieee8021CfmMaCompTable. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clauses" ::= { ieee8021CfmVlanEntry 5 } ieee8021CfmVlanRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns MUST have a valid value before a row can be activated. " ::= { ieee8021CfmVlanEntry 6 } -- ******************************************************************* -- The CFM Default MD Level Table -- ******************************************************************* ieee8021CfmDefaultMdTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "For each bridge component, the Default MD Level Managed Object controls MHF creation for VIDs that are not attached to a specific Maintenance Association Managed Object, and Sender ID TLV transmission by those MHFs. For each Bridge Port, and for each VLAN ID whose data can pass through that Bridge Port, an entry in this table is used by the algorithm in subclause 22.2.3 only if there is no entry in the Maintenance Association table defining an MA for the same VLAN ID and MD Level as this table's entry, and on which MA an Up MEP is defined. If there exists such an MA, that MA's objects are used by the algorithm in subclause 22.2.3 in place of this table entry's objects. The agent maintains the value of ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus to indicate whether this entry is overridden by an MA. When first initialized, the agent creates this table automatically with entries for all VLAN IDs, with the default values specified for each object. After this initialization, the writable objects in this table need to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 12.14.3" ::= { dot1agCfmDefaultMd 5 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Default MD Level table entry." INDEX { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdComponentId, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelectorType, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelector} ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdTable 1 } Ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdComponentId IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelectorType IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelector IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus TruthValue, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdLevel Dot1agCfmMDLevelOrNone, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdMhfCreation Dot1agCfmMhfCreation, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdIdPermission Dot1agCfmIdPermission } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdComponentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bridge component within the system to which the information in this ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry applies. If the system is not a Bridge, or if only one component is present in the Bridge, then this variable (index) MUST be equal to 1. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 17.5" ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 1 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Primary Service Selector identifier indicated by ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelector. See textual convention IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType for details. " ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 2 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdPrimarySelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Primary Service Selector identifier of a Service Instance with no MA configured. See IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue for details. " ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 3 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of this Default MD Level table entry. True if there is no entry in the Maintenance Association table defining an MA for the same VLAN ID and MD Level as this table's entry, and on which MA an Up MEP is defined, else false. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 4 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMDLevelOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating the MD Level at which MHFs are to be created, and Sender ID TLV transmission by those MHFs is to be controlled, for the VLAN to which this entry's objects apply. If this object has the value -1, the MD Level for MHF creation for this VLAN is controlled by ieee8021CfmDefaultMdDefLevel. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause," DEFVAL {-1} ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 5 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdMhfCreation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMhfCreation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A value indicating if the Management entity can create MHFs (MIP Half Function) for this VID at this MD Level. If this object has the value defMHFdefer, MHF creation for this VLAN is controlled by ieee8021CfmDefaultMdDefMhfCreation. The value of this variable is meaningless if the values of ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus is false. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" DEFVAL {defMHFdefer} ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 6 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdIdPermission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmIdPermission MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value indicating what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV (21.5.3) transmitted by MHFs created by the Default Maintenance Domain. If this object has the value sendIdDefer, Sender ID TLV transmission for this VLAN is controlled by ieee8021CfmDefaultMdDefIdPermission. The value of this variable is meaningless if the values of ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus is false. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" DEFVAL { sendIdDefer } ::= { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdEntry 7 } -- ****************************************************************** -- The CFM Configuration Error List Table -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The CFM Configuration Error List table provides a list of Interfaces and VIDs that are incorrectly configured. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 12.14.4" ::= {dot1agCfmConfigErrorList 2} ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Config Error List Table entry" INDEX { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelectorType, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelector, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListIfIndex } ::= { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListTable 1} Ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelectorType IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelector IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListIfIndex InterfaceIndex, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListErrorType Dot1agCfmConfigErrors } ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Service Selector identifier indicated by ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelector. See textual convention IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType for details. " REFERENCE "802.1ag Clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry 1 } ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Service Selector Identifier of the Service with interfaces in error. See IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValue for details. " REFERENCE "802.1ag Clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry 2 } ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the IfIndex of the interface. Upon a restart of the system, the system SHALL, if necessary, change the value of this variable so that it indexes the entry in the interface table with the same value of ifAlias that it indexed before the system restart. If no such entry exists, then the system SHALL delete any entries in ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListTable indexed by that InterfaceIndex value. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry 3 } ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListErrorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmConfigErrors MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A vector of Boolean error conditions from 22.2.4, any of which may be true: 0) CFMleak; 1) ConflictingVids; 2) ExcessiveLevels; 3) OverlappedLevels. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListEntry 4 } -- ****************************************************************** -- The CFM Maintenance Association (MA) Component Table -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmMaCompTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF Ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Maintenance Association table. Each row in the table represents an MA. An MA is a set of MEPs, each configured with a single service instance. This is the part of the complete MA table that is variable across the Bridges in a Maintenance Domain, or across the components of a single Bridge. That part of the MA table that is constant across the Bridges and their components in a Maintenance Domain is contained in the ieee8021CfmMaNetTable. This table uses three indices, first index is the IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier that identifies the component within the Bridge for which the information in the ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry applies. The second is the index of the Maintenance Domain table. The third index is the same as the index of the ieee8021CfmMaNetEntry for the same MA. The writable objects in this table need to be persistent upon reboot or restart of a device. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 18.2" ::= { dot1agCfmMa 4 } ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The MA table entry." INDEX {ieee8021CfmMaComponentId, dot1agCfmMdIndex, dot1agCfmMaIndex } ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompTable 1 } Ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ieee8021CfmMaComponentId IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier, ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorType IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType, ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorOrNone IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNone, ieee8021CfmMaCompMhfCreation Dot1agCfmMhfCreation, ieee8021CfmMaCompIdPermission Dot1agCfmIdPermission, ieee8021CfmMaCompNumberOfVids Unsigned32, ieee8021CfmMaCompRowStatus RowStatus } ieee8021CfmMaComponentId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021PbbComponentIdentifier MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bridge component within the system to which the information in this ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry applies. If the system is not a Bridge, or if only one component is present in the Bridge, then this variable (index) MUST be equal to 1. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause 17.5" ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 1 } ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Type of the Service Selector identifiers indicated by ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorOrNone. If the service instance is defined by more than one Service Selector, this parameter also indicates the type of the ieee8021CfmVlanPrimarySelector and ieee8021CfmVlanSelector in the ieee8021CfmVlanTable. In Services instances made of multiple Service Selector identifiers, ensures that the type of the Service selector identifiers is the same. See textual convention Dot1agCfmServiceSelectorType for details. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 2 } ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorOrNone OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IEEE8021ServiceSelectorValueOrNone MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Service Selector identifier to which the MP is attached, or 0, if none. If the MA is associated with more than one Service Selectors Identifiers, the ieee8021CfmVlanTable lists them. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 3 } ieee8021CfmMaCompMhfCreation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmMhfCreation MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates if the Management entity can create MHFs (MIP Half Function) for this MA. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" DEFVAL { defMHFdefer } ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 4 } ieee8021CfmMaCompIdPermission OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Dot1agCfmIdPermission MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumerated value indicating what, if anything, is to be included in the Sender ID TLV (21.5.3) transmitted by MPs configured in this MA. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" DEFVAL { sendIdDefer } ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 5 } ieee8021CfmMaCompNumberOfVids OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of VIDs associated with the MA. " REFERENCE "802.1ag clause" ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 6 } ieee8021CfmMaCompRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The status of the row. The writable columns in a row can not be changed if the row is active. All columns MUST have a valid value before a row can be activated. " ::= { ieee8021CfmMaCompEntry 7 } -- ****************************************************************** -- Units of conformance -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmStackGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ieee8021CfmStackMdIndex, ieee8021CfmStackMaIndex, ieee8021CfmStackMepId, ieee8021CfmStackMacAddress } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects for the Stack group." ::= { dot1agCfmGroups 12 } ieee8021CfmMaGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorType, ieee8021CfmMaCompPrimarySelectorOrNone, ieee8021CfmMaCompMhfCreation, ieee8021CfmMaCompIdPermission, ieee8021CfmMaCompRowStatus, ieee8021CfmMaCompNumberOfVids } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects for the MA group." ::= { dot1agCfmGroups 13 } ieee8021CfmDefaultMdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ieee8021CfmDefaultMdStatus, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdLevel, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdMhfCreation, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdIdPermission } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects for the Default MD Level group." ::= { dot1agCfmGroups 14 } ieee8021CfmVlanIdGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ieee8021CfmVlanPrimarySelector, ieee8021CfmVlanRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects for the VLAN ID group." ::= { dot1agCfmGroups 15 } ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListErrorType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects for the CFM Configuration Error List Group." ::= {dot1agCfmGroups 16 } -- ****************************************************************** -- MIB Module Compliance statements -- ****************************************************************** ieee8021CfmComplianceV2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for support of the CFM MIB module." MODULE MANDATORY-GROUPS { dot1agCfmMdGroup, dot1agCfmMepGroup, dot1agCfmMepDbGroup, dot1agCfmNotificationsGroup, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdDefGroup, ieee8021CfmMaNetGroup, ieee8021CfmStackGroup, ieee8021CfmMaGroup, ieee8021CfmDefaultMdGroup, ieee8021CfmVlanIdGroup, ieee8021CfmConfigErrorListGroup } GROUP ieee8021CfmVlanIdGroup DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID group is optional." OBJECT dot1agCfmMepLbrBadMsdu MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "The dot1agCfmMepLbrBadMsdu variable is optional. It MUST not be present if the system cannot compare a received LBR to the corresponding LBM." OBJECT dot1agCfmMdRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." OBJECT dot1agCfmMaNetRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." OBJECT dot1agCfmMaMepListRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." OBJECT dot1agCfmMepRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." OBJECT ieee8021CfmMaCompRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." OBJECT ieee8021CfmVlanRowStatus SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1), notInService(2) } WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { notInService(2), createAndGo(4), destroy(6) } DESCRIPTION "Support for createAndWait is not required." ::= { dot1agCfmCompliances 2 } END