802.1 plenary meeting, 3/11/96, 3:45pm, LaJolla, Ca. Items listed below did not necessarily proceed in the following order, However, they are listed in the order of the published agenda...) ----------------- Agenda: 1. Minutes: Slager 2. Documents: Keen 3. Voters and voting - Keen January "non-meeting"; should it count toward 802.1 voting? It was decided that the January un-official meeting would not count towards 802.1 attendance requirements. A building member expressed an objection to this. (It had been explicitly noted at the last plenary that it would be an unofficial meeting and would not count towards the attendance requirements.) 4. Task Group a) Overview and Architecture b) Internetworking (Mick Seaman) ---------------------------------- 802.1 Internetworking task Group - March 96 Objectives for this meeting: 802.1p traffic class & dynamic mcast filtering: -Instructions to the Editor (Tony Jeffree) to provide 802.1p/D3 for the WG ballot after this meeting. -Resolution of major technical issues at this meeting. Aim for resolution complete at next meeting and pass WG ballot on 802.1p/D4. 802.1Q vLANs -identify requirements/agreements for basic interoperability. -Partition work into basic & advanced categories, identify obstacles to agreement on basic formats & forwarding rules. -Agree subject breakdown for progressing work. -Agree resolution of basic formats & forwarding rules. -Continue to share data & Understanding -Stimulate further contributions -Agree interim meeting? ---------------------------------- 802.1 Internetworking task Group - March 96 Agenda: March 96. Tues 8-9:30 802.1p/D2 review 10-12 vLANs -media or network based vLANs (John Bartlett) -embedded vLAN tagging (John Bartlett) -two models for vLAN tagging (Norm Finn) -ATM & vLANs (Krichna) 2-3 vLANs 3:30-5 vLAN breakouts Wed -- technical plenary 10:30-12 vLAN breakout reports 2-3 vLAN breakout reports... 3:30- vLAN breakout, or 802.1p/D2 Thurs 9-10:30 vLAN basic interoperability 11-12 vLAN arch problem partitioning. ----------------------------------------- 802.1p draft D3 ballot ... 802.D reaffirmation vLANs (802.1Q if approved) ********************************************* c) Functional Requirements Dormant Interest? 5. Details for this meeting - Lidinsky (rooms..) --no parallel meetings. (All 802.1p participants are also interested in vLANs.) 6. Minutes approval: Montreal meeting - Slager ***Motion: minutes approval, was made by John Hart, seconded by Robin Taker. No objections, 3 abstentions. 7. Executive Committee Report Bill Lidinsky reported. A count (30) was taken of those people who will very likely attend the next plenary meeting in Twente. 8. 802.1j/D5 and 802.1G - Lidinsky sponsor ballot -- not yet done... The "log jam" seems to be over... this will proceed. 9. 802.1p/D2 (Tony Jeffree) Draft status Ballot status 10. 802/D22 (Alan Chambers) Draft status - not done yet. target (Changes were more difficult than first perceived.) Ballot status - balloting will hopefully start soon after Easter. 11.Electronic Distribution of 802.1 Documents - Lidinsky Almost all documents in machine readable form on ftp postscript text 802.1 WWW server - ? pdf documents (Adobe Acrobat) ---discussion (we will try this...) 12.Internetworking 13.Request for reserved multicast address for 802.3x (See item 16....) 14.Patent Issue - Lidinsky Ascom-timeplex / Xylan I worked with IEEE and FNAL IEEE property in my keeping Attorney reviewed 802.1 files at my office and copied many (5 boxes) 15.Reaffirmation of Chair / Vice Chair ***Motion: Hal Keen moved for Bill Lidinsky's reaffirmation Tony Jeffree seconded. Objections: 0 / Abstentions: 0 ***Motion: John Hart nominated Alan Chambers for Vice Chair/ Tony Jeffree seconded. 23 for, 0 against, 0 abstentions 16.Reserved Multicast MAC address - Siefert (? 4:45...) Document # 96/019 (Request for IEEE 802.1 Reserved Multicast Address Assignment) ***Motion: Made by John Hart, seconded by Tony Jeffree -That 802.1 request a reserved multicast address from the block 01-80-C2-00-00-01 to 01-80-C2-00-00-0F for 802.3x MAC Control -That the actual value of the address assigned NOT be made public knowledge until 802.3x is forwarded for sponsor ballot (placeholders have been left in the draft standard). -That the address selected NOT be 01-80-C2-00-00-04, as this hashes to the same bucket as the broadcast address with a popular family of controller ICs. *** for: 25 / Against: 0 / Abstain: 0 17.802.3x Gigabit "Ethernet" PAR (? 5:00) Presentation by Howard Frazier ... (Document 96/026, paper) 18.Newspaper Article - "VLAN standards stymied by CISCO/IEEE squabble" - Network world, 26 Feb., 1996 We should come up a press release from this plenary. John Hart / Alan Chambers: motion to adjourn. no objections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEEE 802.1 closing Plenary 96-03-14 LaJolla, Ca. 2pm 1. Voting membership: (attachment 3) Alan Chambers reviewed list ... no questions or objections were raised. 2. Documents ... have all documents been given to Hal/Rvs ? - yes 3. Meeting notes, Montreal/SanJose (-approved,at opening plenary) 4. Agenda items requested for Exec Thursday night - 802.1Q PAR (distributed via exploder) Press release (attachment 4) ***P802.1 recommends to the 802 Exec: LMSC approves the attached Press Release about progress on VLAN standardization in LMSC. 802.1 Motion:Hart, Second: Jeffree, For:33 Against: 0 Abstain:0 ATM Forum Liaison (attachment 5) Request for Reserved Group MAC Address for 802.3x (voted on in opening plenary) JTC1 Letter Ballots (see item 7 below) 5. Functional Requirements Plan is to revise MAC Service Definitions so that FRD no longer needed. No work at this meting (3rd in a row). Now to be handled under O & A. 6. 802/D22 Overview and Architecture No work at this meeting. Ballot expected during mid-April to end-May. 7. ANSI action items: JTC 1 letter ballots. 10038/DAM 2 MOs for MAC Bridges, 802.1j - status 802.1 recommends that the 802 Exec make the following motion: "The recommended US responses on the following ISO/IEC JTC1 ballots should be 10038/DAM 1 MAC bridging with DBDQ, 802.6k yes DTR 11802-1 LLC Addresses yes DTR 11802-5 MAC Bridging of Ethernet V2.0,802.1H yes with comments* DTR 8802-1 Overview of LANs - Tasker yes *comment: Ensure that the corrections in the IEEE correction sheet are applied to the published TR. (attachment 5) ***** motion: Jeffree, second, Chin yes:23 no:0 abstain: 1 8. vLANs - Seaman - - - - - - - 3 resolutions to affirm the work so far, record agreement and set direction. 1. Adopt an Architecture: 2. Intention to standardize a basic, one level or flat addressed, tag format. 3. Intention for future work on a complementary two level or hierarchical addressed tag format. - - - - - - - **** 802.1 Resolves: - To adopt an architecture for vLANs which provides interoperability between different vLAN technologies (e.g., port based, address based, protocol based) and formats. (Such a range of techniques is required by the wide application space of vLANs.) - The architecture specifically provides for effective interoperability between regions of the network in which the MAC addresses of frames are those of the communicating end stations (a flat addressing approach) and regions in which frames are addressed from switch to switch, for scalability to very large networks (a hierarchtical addressing approach). ***** Moved: Hart Seconded: Wakerly yes:32 no:0 abstain:1 - - - - - - - ***** Resolved 802.1 had achieved consensus on The frame formats for 1-level addressing. They will be: Enet/802.3 media 6 6 2 2 _______________________________________________________________ ­ DA ­ SA ­ E-type ­ vLAN ­ ...remainder of ­ new ­ ­ ­ ­ vLAN_1 ­ ID ­ original frame ­ FCS ­ --------------------------------------------------------------- (includes E-type/length) 802.5 / FDDI Media 6 2 2 _____________________________________________________________________ ­AC­FC­DA­SA­routing­ SNAP- ­ E-Type ­ vLAN ­...remainder of ­ new ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ header ­ vLAN_1 ­ ID ­ original frame ­ FCS ­ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ­ ­ ­ Token present (translated if original was Ring if 802.3/Ethernet) only RII=1 Moved: PJ Singh Seconded: Floyd Backes yes:30 no:1 Abstain:2 Note: As it turns out, PJ is not a voting member (yet). This was not noted until after the meeting had adjourned, and as the proposal has the undeniable support of 802.1, the Motion stands as carried. - - - - - - - ***** Resolved: 802.1 will support scalability to very large networks by developing the two-level addressing model provided for in the architecture. Moved: Hart, Second:Chin yes:33 no:0 Abstain:1 - - - - - - - 9. MAC Bridging - Seaman 10. 802.1p/D2,D3 Traffic Class Expediting & Dynamic Multicast Filtering - Jeffree Tony Reported on the progress and the editorial instructions. Attachments 1 & 2. ***motion: Tony Jeffree then made a motion to make the changes to draft 2 and then to ballot the resulting Draft 3 (projected finish date mid-April). John Hart seconded it. 34 votes yes, 0 no, 0 abstain. 11. Revision / reaffirmation ballots needed - chambers 802.1d MAC Bridging updates: ballot following July meeting... 802.1E : ballot group being formed 12. Interim meeting *** 802.1 resolves to hold an interim meeting on the subject of VLANs in the Boston area 4, 5, 6 June 1996 Moved: Seaman Seconded: Slager yes:27 no:0 abstain:3 13. 802.1 electronic operation - Chambers discussion: server move to Unix system Acrobat / PDF documents (we are going to try document distribution with PDFs... in addition to PS docs) Web page (one of our own, or use SPA systems?) 14. Other Thursday night Exec items - Chambers discussion: Other group's PARs Book distribution Expected attendance at Twente (20: sure, 40: sure or hopeful) Future 802 meeting venues Motion to Adjourn, Karl Shimada Second: Jeffree ... no objections -------------------------------------------------------------------- Attachment 1: Status of: Draft Standard for Traffic Class and Dynamic Multicast Filtering Services in Bridged Local Area Networks P802.1p, March 14, 1996 HISTORY P802.1p/D1 published November 1995. D1 describes: 1) Filtering services in Bridged LANs; 2) Modifications to Forwarding Process to allow traffic class expediting based on multiple queues & extension of FDB to represent priority information; 3) Description of filtering services; 4) Initial cut at protocol definitions to provide filtering services; 5) Place-holder sections for management, performance annexes etc. PROGRESS SINCE MONTREAL MEETING Development of draft 2, including the following major changes: 1) Annexes added to describe design considerations and to record comment resolutions & issues list; 2) Re-development of GARP to simplify the state machines; 3) Treatment of registration by both "clients" and "servers". ACTIONS DURING LA JOLLA MEETING: 1) Reviewed the revised document & issues; 2) Developed instructions to the Editor for revision of the document, to be followed by publication of P802.1p/D3 for initial 802.1 ballot in mid-April `96; 3) Adobe Acrobat PDF version of 802.1p/D2 generated; this will be made available (with readers) via the 802.1 FTP server after the meeting, as a pilot for distribution of D3. ------------------------------------------------------------ Attachment 2: INSTRUCTIONS TO THE EDITOR OF P802.1p 802.1 instructs the Editor of P802.1p, Tony Jeffree, to produce revision P802.1p/D3, based upon the following inputs: 1) Comments received during the La Jolla meeting with respect to the contents of P802.1p/D2 (see below); 2) Comments and contributions forwarded to the Editor via the 802.1 Email exploder, before end of March 1996; 3) Expansion by the Editor of section 6 (Bridge Management). The major comments received on the document during the La Jolla meeting are as follows: 1) Need to add a definition of Group in section 1, and to fix the text in section 9 to make it clear that Group does not imply Group MAC ddress; 2) Service descriptions (2.6.7) to be clarified to distinguish between user services and management functions; 3) In 3.7, the Note needs modifying to clarify the distinction between consistency and conformance. Also, the Note is repeated in 3.7.5; 4) In 3.7.5, add a Note indicating that the de-queueing rules do not preclude the use of other rules; 5) In section 3, the use of FDB entry type names is inconsistent; 6) The text in section 9 should be further clarified to make the distinction between existence and membership (of a Group). Also need to fix the diagrams to illustrate that distinct state machines handle existence & membership; 7) Add definition in 9.6 for the use of : and * in the state diagrams; 8) Find more appropriate names for the ATTEMPT LEAVE states in 9.6.2; 9) Fix bit ordering ambiguity in the text of &; 10) Fix the examples in Annex H to match the state machine descriptions; 11) Fix Issue 3 by mentioning the implications of registering unicast addresses (scaling, single priority per address); 12) Change priority processing in line with John Grinham's proposal (give precedence to statically configured priority values); 13) Change LSAP to LLC Address in 9.4 b); 14) Add discussion in an Annex of the implications of mixed mode LANs (old/new Bridges); 15) Modify the description of static/dynamic entries to make it clear that there is a single entry which has permanent and volatile elements; 16) Need discussion in an Annex of the requirements for interoperability with other higher layer multicast protocols, e.g., IGMP, and the consequent implementation constraints; 17) Assorted typos and other minor corrections, e.g., as identified in David Addison's contribution. The revised draft will be circulated for 802.1 letter ballot via the 802.1 FTP server, in PDF and PostScript formats, by mid-April 1996. MOVED: Jeffree SECONDED: Hart For: 34 Against:____0____ Abstain:___0_______ -------------------------------------------------------------------- attachment 3: list of voting membership as of 3/14/96 802.1 voting members, March, 1996 name Address Org Floyd Backes 3Com floyd_backes@3mail.3com.com Avner Ben-Dor John Boal David Brady Bay Networks dbrady@baynetworks.com Laura Bridge 3Com Jeffrey Catlin Alan Chambers Steve Chan Hon Wah Chin Cisco hwc@cisco.com Steve Cooper Paul Cowell Andy Davis J.J. Ekstrom U B Jekstrom@UB.com Paul Frantz Bay Networks pFranz@baynetworks.com John Grinham Steve Haddock Network Peripherals shaddock@npix.com John Hart 3Com John_Hart@3mail.3com.com Steve Horowitz 3Com Witz@chipcom.com Tony Jeffree consultant 100271.522@compuserve.com Jan-Olaf Jemneno Hal Keen Keith Klamm Paul Lachapelle Cabletron paul@ctron.com Paul Langille Ascom Nexion langille@nexen.com Bill Lidinsky Martin McNealis Cisco Jorg Ottensmeyer Luc Pariseau Yonadav Perry Brian Phillips Anil Rijsinghani Digital netcad.enet.dec.com Mick Seaman 3com mick_seaman@3com.com Lee Sendelbach IBM Himanshu Shah K. Karl Shimada Rising Star Research kkarl@netcom.com C. Fred Shu Rosemary Slager IBM rvslager@vnet.ibm.com Richard Sweatt Robin Tasker Dono van-Mierop John Wakerly Alantec wakerly@alantec Peter Wang Philip Wang Michael D. Wright Michele Wright Xylan mwright@xylan.com Wayne Zakowski --------------------------------------------------------------------------- attachment 4: text of a Letter from ATM forum / 802.1 response To: IEEE P802.1 From: ATM Forum Technical Committee, LAN Emulation Working Group Subject: QoS, VLANs, & Multicast Support As its December, 1995 meeting in London, the LAN Emulation WG added support for QoS and enhanced multicast support to its list of requirements for LANE V2. The LANE WG is aware that P802.1 is also doing work in the area, particularly 802.1p and support for QoS. We also expect that 802.1's work on VLANs is closely related to this activity. The LANE WG requests IEEE 802.1 to forward for information, appropriate documents (e.g. current drafts, requirements documents, etc.). Further, the LANE WG requests IEEE 802 to appoint a liaison, such individual to present a tutorial on the above subjects to the ATM Forum Technical Committee at its April 1996 meeting in Anchorage, Alaska or sooner. We attach the latest agreed upon version of the LANE v2.0 requirements for your information. Attachment - - - - - -end of letter - - - 802.1 resolves to send: 802.1p Copies of LaJolla Resolutions VLAN PAR Floyd Backes & requests -current MPOA Baseline text. -LANE v2 -a tutorial on MPOA & LANE in Enschede. Moved: Robin Tasker Second: R.Slager yes: 30 No: 0 Abstain: 0 --------------------------------------------------------- attachment 5: text of letter with corrections for IEEE std 802.1H... To: Kathy Doty From: Alan Chambers Subject: Corrections for IEEE std 802.1H-1995 Date: March 14, 1996 The following are the corrections needed for 802.1H. Can you apply them to the IEEE master text and generate the Correction Sheet for publication; then just to make sure (!) please send / fax the finished Correction Sheet to me and Hal Keen for checking, before issuing it generally. Thank you, sincerely, Alan M Chambers. - - - - - - IEEE Std 802.1H-1995 Correction Sheet Issued ... 1996 Attached are corrected pages 8 and 14. The following corrections have been made: Page 8, figure 6 row labeled "IEEE 802.3 MAC frame RFC1042-encoded", third column, The entry should read "IEEE 802 MAC frame, RC 1042 encoded (SNAP OUI 00-00-00)" ørather that " ... tunnel-encoded ... 00-00-F8)"| Page 8, figure 6, notes a and b. The designations "Bridge 1" and "Bridge 2" should be interchanged; and "needs to match" in each note should read "matches". Page 14, first line. "IEEE 802.3 LLC addresses" should read "IEEE 802.2 LLC addresses". ---------------------------------------------------