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[STDS-802-11-TGBA] Updated agenda for TGba teleconference on Monday April 3rd 10am ET

Dear all,
Here is a tentative agenda for the call on Monday April 3rd 10am ET. We will start from the remaining PHY presentations. For the presenters who are listed below, please check the schedule and let me know if it works for you. Also note the following bridge information (we are NOT using conflicts with TGak call).
<--- Scheduled Bridge – Do not edit or remove ---
Monday, April 03, 2017 7:00 AM US Pacific Time
916-356-2663, 8-356-2663, Bridge: 3, Passcode: 4555152
For smartphones in the US and Lync softphone globally: tel:"+19163562663,,3,,4555152#"
Speed dialer: inteldialer://3,4555152
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  1. Call the meeting to order
  2. IEEE 802 and 802.11 IPR policy and procedure
  3. Attendance reminder. Please send an email to Leif Wilhelmsson (leif.r.wilhelmsson@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
  4. Presentations:
  1. Adjourn
The conduct of this meeting is governed by IEEE, IEEE-SA and IEEE LMSC policies, which include:
- IEEE Patent Policy
- Ethics
- 802 LMSC P&P
- 802LMSC Operations Manual (OM)

Links to the documents or web-pages describing the policies may be found here:
The following documents provide additional information on the governing IEEE-SA policies:
- Patent FAQ (
- Affiliation FAQ (
- Anti-Trust FAQ (
In addition, the conduct of this meeting is governed by IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM), which is also linked from here: