IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WPANs™

The following page will provide you all the information you will need to cast your vote in the IEEE 802.15.1 Balloting Group's third Sponsor Ballot or second recirculation.

OPENING OF BALLOT: Monday, January 7, 2002, 1PM EST
CLOSURE OF BALLOT: Thursday, January 17, 2002, 11:59PM EST

SB3 closed at 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Thursday, 17Jan02. The Std. 802.15.1/D1.0.1 Second Recirculation Sponsor Ballot passed at 93%, as stated by the IEEE-SA Ballot Center Summary found below. We received eight (8) comments from two (2) Balloters; they are also found below. :::UPDATED 01Feb02:::



Have you joined the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Pool? If not, you should consider joining. It is easy to become an IEEE-SA Member and it provides the IEEE 802.15 Working Group Voter the ability to continue to ballot on the technical validity of our proposed standard(s) - post Working Group or rather in Sponsor Ballot. The IEEE-SA Member dues are nominal. If you are interested point your Browser at the Ballot Pool Form in HTML which you need to fill out and submit to become a member of the 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Balloting Pool.

Note 1: You can enter the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Pool without an IEEE-SA Member Number but if you do not join the IEEE-SA then you will be dropped from the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Group when it is formed.

Note 2: The 802.15.1 Balloting Group has been formed (invitation closed 24Jan01) please contact our Sponsor to be added:

If you would like to contact the IEEE 802.15 Webmaster, email to
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(Modified: 02-Feb-2002 ), Rev. 0.1