IEEE P802.15.2/D8 Sponsor Group Ballot February 2003 COMMENT RESPONSE: Please respond no later than: 9 March 2003 Return all comments via the IEEE-SA Balloting Center Form. COMMENT INFORMATION: Please use the form below for all comments. This will make it easier for the editor to properly record and track all submissions. Make as many copies of the template as necesary and submit as an ASCII text file as part of your IEEE-SA Balloting Center Form. Multiple comments can be submitted in one ASCII text file or e-mail. Please use the format below, and ensure that the comments are in ASCII form. Acceptable comment types: E = Editorial T = Technical PLEASE E-MAIL THIS FORM (cut and paste line below) ----- PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT LINE -------- P802.15.2/D8 Comments -----CUT AND PASTE TEXT BELOW THIS LINE ONLY PLEASE-------- CommenterName: CommenterEmail: CommenterPhone: CommenterCellPhone: CommenterCompany: Clause: Subclause: Page: Line: CommentType (E or T): Comment: CommentEnd: SuggestedRemedy: RemedyEnd: