Meeting: IEEE 802 Plenary Where: Atlanta, GA Date: November 12-14, 2007 Monday November 12, 2007 Attendance: Steven Wood Gary Turner Refael Ram John Lemon Michael Kelsen Yan Wang Arjan De Heer 1340: Chair showed proposed meeting agenda and there was no objections. Refael Ram suggested spending a little more time on 802.17 futures. Steven Wood moved to accept the agenda as presented and Gary Turner seconded the motion. It passed unopposed. 1342: John Lemon appointed Michael Kelsen as the 802.17 Secretary. 1344: Chair reviewed working group membership and individuals in danger of losing their voting status. Chair reviewed IEEE patent policy with the group. Chair made a call for patents. A response from Refael Ram that he believes Corrigent has some patents and will be filing a letter shortly. 1402: Chair reminded the group that officer elections for Chair and Vice-Chair of 802.17 working group will take place at the March Plenary in Orlando and that anyone in the group may run for either position. 1405: Chair reviewed Executive Committee report. 1413: Chair reviewed PARs up for approval this meeting. 1425: Meeting break for 20 minutes. 1450: Meeting resumed with presentation by Refael Ram describing an alternative frame format to support RPR frames on standard Ethernet devices. John Lemon presented a presentation on addressing markets that are not a good fit for RPR. Lengthy discussions on merits of each approach followed. 1650: Meeting recessed for the night. Tuesday November 13, 2007 Attendance: Steven Wood Gary Turner Refael Ram John Lemon Michael Kelsen Yan Wang 0910: Group reviewed outstanding maintenance requests. 1025: Meeting break for coffee 1035: Resumed reviewing technical maintenance requests. 1138: Recess for lunch 1306: Resumed with discussions of 802.17c topics and timeline. Group then reviewed requirements defined for 17c from the previous meeting. 1345: Group discussed future activities for 802.17 group. Participants will go back to their respective companies to ascertain interest and commitments to participate. 1410: Meeting in recess. Wednesday November 14, 2007 Attendance: Steve Wood Refael Ram Yan Wang Michael Kelsen John Lemon Gary Turner Glen Parsons 900: Meeting called to order. Chair shared discussions with 802.1 leadership on RER and indicated further talks with 802.1 are necessary before progressing. Work on 802.17c will continue with a goal of providing edits to the editor in the March plenary. A PAR for 802.17d to cover maintenance will likely be proposed after which the group will likely go into hibernation. 0915: Group set date of January 22, 2008 for next conference call interim meeting starting at 8am PST. Motion #2 by John Lemon for interim date/time, moved by Gary Turner, seconded by Michael Kelsen and unopposed. 0930: Glen Parsons talked to the group about Carrier Ethernet protected rings activities. 1030: Gary Turner moved to adjourn. Motion was seconded by Steve Wood and approved unanimously.