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Re: [STDS-802-3-25G] 25 Gb/s Ethernet MMF ad hoc meeting details Dec 19th 9am to 10.30 am Pacific - CANCELLED

Title: RE: [STDS-802-3-25G] 25 Gb/s Ethernet MMF ad hoc meeting details Dec 19th 9am to 10.30 am Pacific - CANCELLED

Dear all,

as I’ve received no requests for presentations or discussion time for  the ad hoc meeting scheduled for Dec 19th , the meeting is cancelled.

The presentation 25 Gb/s 100 m MMF reach objective draft baseline proposal reviewed and revised during the December 4th ad hoc will be presented to the! task force during the January meeting as king_25GE_02_0115.pdf. The file is available here:

If you wish to be listed as a supporter send me an e-mail.

Thank you for your time, attention, and contribution to the 25G optical ad hoc,  and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta next year !

Best wishes


From: Jonathan King
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 5:41 PM
To: STDS-802-3-25G@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Shinkyo, Kaku'; 'Paul Brooks'; 'Mark Nowell (mnowell)'; 'Kenneth Jackson/ABQSEDU'; 'Dan Dove'; 'George Zimmerman'; 'Peter Jones (petejone)'; 'Jason Pritchard'; 'derek.cassidy@xxxxxx'; 'Malicoat, David (HP Networking - ATG)'; 'Tony Zortea'; 'Eric Baden'; 'Amrik Bains (ambains)'; 'John F Ewen/Rochester/IBM'; 'Rob Stone'; 'Sambasivan, Sam'; 'Gordon Wiegand/AT-Austin/3M/US'; 'Shankar Hariharan (shhariha)'; 'Mike Peng Li'; 'Swanson, Steven E'; 'Erdem Matoglu/EST/ATCS'; 'Omer Sella'; 'Mike Dudek'; 'Kolesar, Paul'; 'Thananya Baldwin'; 'Ryan Latchman'; 'Pirooz Tooyserkani (pirooz! )'; 'Piers Dawe'
Subject: RE: [STDS-802-3-25G] 25 Gb/s Ethernet MMF ad hoc meeting details Dec 19th 9am to 10.30 am Pacific

Dear all,

Just a reminder that there is an ad hoc scheduled for 19th December details below (and the meeting password will be ‘IEEE’).

Please let me have any requests for presentation time, or discussion topics as soon as you are able.

If there are no requests, the meeting may be cancelled.

The 25G optics ad hoc page is up to date; the revised slides for the presentation  ‘25 Gb/s 100 m MMF reach objective draft baseline proposal’ can be found at :

Please e-mail me if you would like to be listed as a supporter/contributor.

Best wishes


-----Original Appointment-----
From: Jonathan King
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:22 AM
To: STDS-802-3-25G@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Shinkyo, Kaku'; 'Paul Brooks'; 'Mark Nowell (mnowell)'; 'Kenneth Jackson/ABQSEDU'; 'Dan Dove'; 'George Zimmerman'; 'Peter Jones (petejone)'; 'Jason Pritchard'; 'derek.cassidy@xxxxxx'; 'Malicoat, David (HP Networking - ATG)'; 'Tony Zortea'; 'Eric Baden'; 'Amrik Bains (ambains)'; 'John F Ewen/Rochester/IBM'; 'Rob Stone'; 'Sambasivan, Sam'; 'Gordon Wiegand/AT-Austin/3M/US'; 'Shankar Hariharan (shhariha)'; 'Mike Peng Li'; 'Swanson, Steven E'; 'Erdem Matoglu/EST/ATCS'; 'Omer Sella'; 'Mike Dudek'; 'Kolesar, Paul'; 'Thananya Baldwin'; 'Ryan Latchman'; 'Pirooz Tooyserkani (pirooz)'; 'Piers Dawe'
Subject: [STDS-802-3-25G] 25 Gb/s Ethernet MMF ad hoc meeting details Dec 19th 9am to 10.30 am Pacific
When: Friday, December 19, 2014 9:00 AM-10:30 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).
Where: Webex

Dear all,

here are meeting details for the announced MMF ad hoc call to take place on Friday 19th December,  9 am -10.30 am  Pacific

The main purpose of these meetings will be to review and edit a draft baseline proposal to address the objective to define a single‐lane 25 Gb/s PHY for operation over MMF.

In addition, I’d invite you to bring forward presentations or discussion topics pertinent to the 25GE MMF baseline development.

Please e-mail any requests for presentation time. 

I’ll send out a provisional agenda a day or two before the meeting date.

Best wishes


Jonathan King invites you to an online meeting using WebEx.

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