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[802.3_NGEPON] IEEE P802.3ca PAR modification request

Dear IEEE P802.3ca participants,

It has come to my attention that is a typo in the draft IEEE P802.3ca PAR modification request <> developed at September 2018 interim meeting. Item 4.2 'Expected Date of submission of draft to the IEEE-SA for Initial Sponsor Ballot' reads 07/2018.

This can't be correct as it is in the past and the project hasn't started Working Group ballot yet. I believe that this date should have read 07/2019 and this is confirmed by the accompanying IEEE P802.3ca PAR Extension request <> item 4 'When will/did initial sponsor balloting begin' reads 01-Jul-2019.

Since both these PARs have already been pre-submitted to the IEEE-SA New Standards Committee (NesCom) I'm going to change item 4.2 on the IEEE P802.3ca PAR modification request to read 07/2019 so that it matches the IEEE P802.3ca PAR Extension request. This change to the IEEE P802.3ca PAR modification request, along with any other changes as a result of the IEEE 802 plenary PAR review by the other IEEE 802 groups, will have to be approved by the IEEE P802.3ca Task Force at the November plenary meeting.

Best regards,

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