TIA FO-2.2 Task Group on Modal Dependence of Bandwidth Report to 802.3 HSSG Michael J. Hackert Chairman HACKERT_MJ@CORNING.COM TG 2.2 Overview - Scope summary - Current status - Example results - Future Activities 2.2 TG Scope - Develop recommendation of bandwidth prediction methodology for the short haul interconnect application. - Determine if a specifiable launch condition exists which provides a better agreement between fiber bandwidth characterization and actual performance. - The ultimate goal will be to devise a bandwidth test for fiber which is representative of the installed cable performance. - Develop a recommendation for test methods as appropriate. 2.2 TG Focus - Current short wavelength (850 nm window) sources (e.g. VCSEL and CD laser technology). - One fixed length - 300 m. - 62.5 and 50 mm fiber will be included with equal priority. 2.2 TG Evaluation Criteria - Agreement between fiber characterization and source / field measurement, - Measurement reproducibility, and - Ability to be readily implemented by test equipment for fiber and sources. 2.2 TG Additional Considerations - Any proposed launch condition will be in addition to the standard overfilled launch. - A method must be provided to both measure the fiber and to verify the sources launch an acceptable modal content. 2.2 TG Current Status - The scope has been established. - A work plan has been developed. - Routine meetings are in progress. - Experimentation has begun and results show promise. 62.5 =B5m Multimode Fiber 850 nm Bandwidth Gain Factor Distribution (plot) Observations and Conclusions from Example Results - Histogram of 850 nm SMF launch bandwidth shows 3x average increase for 26 fibers. - All fibers increased but the minimum increase was 1.1x. - Further work is required to understand why some fibers increased more than others. 2.2 TG Current Status - No conclusion can be drawn yet. - Significantly more work will be required to characterize fiber and source performance. - Anyone interested in participating can contact Mike Hackert at HACKERT_MJ@CORNING.COM. 2.2 TG Future Activities=09 - Continue evaluation along current scope - Develop recommendation of bandwidth prediction methodology - Expand scope to include: - Evaluate variation / sensitivity to launch condition, - Extending results to other lengths, - Evaluating the performance of installed systems, - Determination of impact to chromatic dispersion, and - Long wavelength (1300 nm window) operation.