Re: [802-LMSC] Chairs slides and draft letter to IEEE SA president regarding PSDO process
I will add an agenda item under "Other Business" and update shortly.
-----Original Message-----
From: ** IEEE 802 LAN-MAN Standards Committee ** <STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of James P. K. Gilb
Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 12:32 AM
To: STDS-802-LMSC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802-LMSC] Chairs slides and draft letter to IEEE SA president regarding PSDO process
My slides for the 4 February 2025 teleconference can be found at:
In addition, at the end of the call I would like to discuss a draft letter to the IEEE SA president regarding the current status of the PSDO process. If there is consensus, we will have a short review and then email ballot to approve. The draft can be found on mentor as:
James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair
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