I'd like to request the following IEEE 802.1 items be placed on the Friday consent agenda:
- PARs to NesCom
- P802.1CS PAR Modification to NesCom
- P802f PAR to NesCom
- P802.1AEdk PAR to NesCom
- Drafts to SA Ballot
- 802.1CMde to SA ballot
- 802.1Qcr to SA ballot
- 802.1Qcx conditional to SA ballot
- P802.1AE-2018/Cor-1 to SA ballot
- 802E to SA ballot
- Drafts to RevCom
- 802.1AS-REV to RevCom
- 802.1AX-REV to RevCom
- 802.1X-REV to RevCom
- External communications (ME)
- Approve communication from 802.1 to ITU-T SG15 and CPRI Cooperation on Fronthaul Sync Requirements
- Approve communication from 802.1 to ITU-T SG15 on 802.1CMde draft sharing
- Approve communication from 802.1 to ITU-T SG15 on OTNT Standardization workplan
- Approve communication from 802.1 to ITU-T JCA IMT-2020 on roadmap
- Approve eblast on the P802.1ABdh project
- Approve submission of 802.1AS and 802.1AX to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for adoption under the PSDO agreement, once approved and published
- Approve submission of 802.1CMde to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for information under the PSDO agreement
Complete motion details in document ec-19-0196-00-00EC:
Glenn Parsons
Chair, IEEE 802.1 WG
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