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[802.3_4PPOE] Website Updated, Action Items

All, first off let me thank you for a productive meeting in Victoria. I am pleased with the progress made. I have added the PAR Ad-Hoc results doc that Wael presented Wednesday morning and the unapproved minutes.

Here is my list of action items from the meeting:

Kousi to update slide two of her presentation to designate PSE or PD numbers in the chart and to address the 24V nurse call systems versus the PoE based one she shows in the table. I have asked her to adjust the slides and re-present them in Geneva.

Yair to give a max power available presentation in Geneva so we can nail down that objective.

Christian to give a current imbalance presentation in Geneva so we can determine if we need a current imbalance objective.

Yair to chair a Compatibility Matrix Ad-Hoc so we can write an objective similar to 802.3at Objective #14.

Chad to work on PAR and 5C docs from material presented and generated in Victoria. 

Is there anything that I missed? 

For those that have not registered yet, tomorrow is the deadline to register for the Geneva meeting. The registration fee rises by $100 after tomorrow.

Chair, 4PPoE Study Group