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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to NFPA CMP 16 in respect to Power over Ethernet

Hi Chad,

I submitted the attached contribution to the BICSI Codes working group that is meeting every Tuesday from 11 am to 1 pm Eastern till Sep 15, 2015.

I would like members of IEEE 802.3bt to please review the attached proposal as the starting point for an IEEE 802.3 public input ( PI) comment to NEC NFPA 70 Code Making Panel 16.  The thinking behind this contribution is to use the same Table 11(B) in the 2014 code to derive the  voltage requirements for the PSE ( engine) and the ampacity requirements for the cabling ( transmission) so the two are compatible and consistent with each other. 

I will be happy to take input from the task force and refine this proposal, re-circulate,  to reach consensus at the September meeting in Bonita Springs. Thx.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Jones (cmjones) [mailto:cmjones@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 12:26 PM
To: STDS-802-3-4PPOE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [802.3_4PPOE] IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to NFPA CMP 16 in respect to Power over Ethernet

All, please see below. We have been directed by Tom Moore to use the public comment process. Therefore, we have the action item of generating text suitable for submission through the NFPA comment process at the September Task Force meeting in Bonita Springs.

Chad Jones
MGR, HW ENG, Cisco Systems
Chair, IEEE P802.3bt 4PPoE Task Force

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Law, David
>Sent: 01 August 2015 00:23
>To: IEEE 802.3 Working Group <stds-802-3@xxxxxxxx>
>Subject: IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to NFPA CMP 16 in respect to Power 
>over Ethernet
>Dear Colleagues,
>When I sent the IEEE 802.3 liaison letter to NFPA CMP 16 in respect to 
>Power over Ethernet
>715 .pdf> I was directed by Tom Moore, Chair, NFPA NEC CMP 16, to use 
>their public comment process. Based on this response I saw two options, 
>either I submit the letter verbatim through the public comment process, 
>or request that the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force to develop text more 
>suited to be submitted through a comment process.
>I have decided to do the latter and will request that the IEEE P802.3bt 
>Task Force develop the text at the their September interim meeting. The 
>IEEE 802.3 Working Group will then have the opportunity to consider the 
>text at the IEEE 802.3 Interim meeting on the evening of Thursday 17th 
>September in time for the public review deadline for online submission 
>of 25th September.
>Best regards,
>  David

Attachment: binxizsO6_Ul2.bin
Description: =?Windows-1252?Q?BCC-840-160WG-C019_=96_NEC_FR-4643_Masood_2015-08-13_d3.?= =?Windows-1252?Q?docx?=