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Re: [802.3_4PPOE] PSE current limiting (ILIM / TLIM)

Hi all,

Updated text for PSE current limiting.

Yair - there is no basis in our draft, or in Clause 33 to conclude that current limiting only applies to positive transients.

Clause 33 says:

The statements on page 183/26 and 184/1 are literally the inverse of each other, they cannot both be met.

What I think you're saying is that because transients longer than 250uS have to meet the VPort_PSE-2P specification, then for the bulk of the TLIM time, in a compliant system, it can't happen that VPSE is outside of this range ?
Note however that after a transient (however short) the PD has up to TLIM before it needs to meet the operating power limits and during this time there is a bulk cap voltage difference that needs to be resolved.

Hence, for the system spec to work, we do need the PSE to current limit for a duration of at least TLIM min, when the PSE voltage >Vtran-2P.

Kind regards,


On Tue, 2018-04-17 at 11:44 +0000, Lennart Yseboodt wrote:

Please see proposed baseline for PSE current limiting.

Kind regards,


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