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Re: [802SEC] +++10 Day EC Email Ballot+++ 802.1aq book signing


On 235//12 10:02 AM, Tony Jeffree wrote:
Geoff -

We have had similar signing events in the past for books published by the IEEE on LAN topics, and have also had IEEE book stalls at our Plenaries in the past, selling a wider range of IEEE publications.

I do recall the IEEE having a table where they peddled goods from their profit making arms.
I do not recall signing events.
I recognize the similarity of this to the event we are talking about. I have never been wild about these but have recognized these are more or less part of what comes with the SA being a subsidiary of the Institute. I think the space between this and a signing event for the same merchandise is a shallow and slippery slope but I do think the line is right about here.

And actually, developing/selling standards is also supposed to be an IEEE profit making operation - are you suggesting we are over the line there too?

While selling standards may or may not be (or supposed to be) a profit making operation, it is undertaken by an arm of the IEEE that is most definitely under the portion of the SA that is both "not for profit" and "for the benefit of humanity". They are "our (consensus) product" (rather than the independent product of some of our members).

I have no problem with any activity or promotion that we take to sell standards. That is proper and not "over the line". I would have absolutely no problem with a booth at an 802 Plenary selling (at a premium even) signed copies of any of our standards. (Frankly I'm a little surprised that Roger hasn't done that already.)

The issue here is the sanctioned promotion of the sale of a class of unballoted non-consensus publications that are potentially opinion pieces not subject to any of the checks and balances of the standards process.

Best regards,



On 23 May 2012 17:45, Geoff Thompson < <>> wrote:


    As usual, I am not allowed to vote on this.
    I am uncomfortable with this though as being overly commercial.
    I think this activity dances on the line.

    This is a commercial promotion for a profit making operation
    within the
    We have had numerous other books written by standards luminaries
    specifically and equally focused about other standards.  They have
    been published by others than the IEEE.  I would find it difficult to
    deny them equal opportunity to promote an equal (or better)
    product that
    was focused on one of our efforts.

    I don't think this is a clear call but I would rather we avoid the
    than dance over it.

    Best regards,


    On 235//12 7:01 AM, Tony Jeffree wrote:

        Paul has authorized me to run an email ballot on the following

        Motion:  Grant permission to IEEE-SA staff to organize,
        promote and conduct
        sales of a book on 802.1aq, including author signing, at the
        July 802

        Moved: Jeffree Seconded: Thaler


        This book, which is published through IEEE, was written by two
        members of
        the 802.1 WG who were contributors to the work on IEEE Std.
        802.1aq which
        was approved by SASB in March 2012.

        This will be a 10-day ballot, closing on 3rd June 2012 AOE; as
        per current
        P&P I will terminate the ballot early if it is clear that the
        outcome has
        been decided.


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    This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email
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This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector.  This list is maintained by Listserv.