IEEE 802.3 Revision Requests History

Change Request 1000 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28A, 30 - Additional Selector field allocated to 802.505-Nov-98

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 1
CommentType: Editorial
My comment is editorial or at least a question as to the wisdom of putting a temporary thing like a URL into the body of a Standard as is being suggested for Table 28A-1.
Reject: The revisions of the standard itself have a limited life and the Standard has been through two revisions (IEEE Std 802.3-1998 and IEEE Std 802.3-2000), and has had multiple supplements, since the web site was launched. I therefore still believe this is something we should do and has the benefit of pointing the user to the latest information.

Comment #: 2
CommentType: Editorial
In addition to the suggested URL, also add the newer and shorter URL:
Add above text.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1001 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn3.5 - MAC Control frames and QTag Type field21-Apr-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Tom Mathey noted that Mick Seaman said that 802.1 were planning to put a similar statement in 802.1D. We should co-ordinate this change with them. Revision request returned to submitter to change text of note.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
New status Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
It was noted that the text ‘shall’ in the request should be corrected to read ‘shall’.
The proposed new wording should match that of 802.1D. Once checked we should the go to ballot. Until then status should remain “I”.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
The change request has already been implemented in the Y2K edition even thought it is current on hold. Add to Y2K errata list with the statement that "This change has been proposed (URL) and is on hold by the maintenance committee. It was add due to editorial error."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
As noted in March 2001 this change had already been implemented in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 even thought it was on hold. The following text is now included in the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 to rectify this. Page 43: subclause 3.5.4, last sentence. Delete the text “MAC Control frames shall not bear QTag Type field.” NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3,2000 Edition, removed by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - but is currently on hold in the IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Committee. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

Need to review 802.1D and its maintenance update to see if a similar statement has been added.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Awaiting further input from the submitter.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Still awaiting further input from the submitter.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Still awaiting further input from the submitter.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Still awaiting further input from the submitter.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Still awaiting further input from the submitter. There was a suggestion to just reject this request based on lack of feedback from the requester however Bob Noseworthy agreed to have a look at the request and see if it can be progressed.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Still awaiting further input from the submitter.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
The submitter withdrew this request.

Change Request 1002 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published31 - MAC Control sublayer functions and frames18-Jan-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 10
Change #: 1002
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) T
Comment: RE #1002 This change has already been put into 802.3-2000.
SuggestedRemedy: Don't make any change. But I voted approve because the change is okay. It is just that it already has been made.
Accept: Thanks for pointing this out and we are currently investigating why this happened.

Comment #: 18 (Observer comment)
Change #: 1002
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
I agree with the intent of the revision, but there is no need to introduce any additional conformance requirement ("shall statement"). The "shall
statement" in 31.5.3 is adequate.
Change the proposed change to read: "The MAC Control sublayer sinks all MAC Control frames."
Reject: This shall statement enforces the need to sink MAC Control frames at the MAC Control sublayer and as the request states this is already mandatory as the state machine shows this. We however note that a PICS entry is missing due to this additional shall statement. We
will add the missing PICS entry.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
The change request has already been implemented in the Y2K edition even thought it has yet to complete balloting. Add to Y2K errata list with the statement that "This proposed change is currently being balloted (URL) and was add due to editorial error."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
As noted in March 2001 this change had already been implemented in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 even thought it was still in ballot. The following text is now included in the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 to rectify this. NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition, replaced by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently being balloted as part of IEEE P802.3ag Maintenance Ballot #6.This was published in IEEE Std 802.3,2000 Edition in error.

This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1003 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn4.2.7.4 - List of physical layer signals08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
More rationale was need for this request and it has been returned to the submitter for him to provide this text.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
New status Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
No action. Still awaiting more rationale for this request from submitter.
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Rich Seifert to help him draft further text for the ‘Rationale for revision’ section of the change request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
The change request has already been implemented in the Y2K edition even thought it has yet to complete balloting. Add to Y2K errata list with the statement that "This proposed change is currently being balloted (URL) and was add due to editorial error."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
As noted in March 2001 this change had already been implemented in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 even thought it was on hold. The following text is now included in the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 to rectify this. Page 64: subclause, item b). In the var list add the text “wasTransmitting: Boolean; {Indicates transmission in progress or just completed}” between the variable “transmitting ” and “collisionDetect.” NOTE - The deletion of the text, restored by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently on hold in the IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Committee. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

The request is a duplicate of material now covered in request 1021. The request is being Withdrawn by the maintenance committee.
New status Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1004 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published5.2.4.1 - Missing footnote08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
While it is accepted that the note referred to is missing, it is not known what it said so more research is required into what the exact revision should be. The request is therefore returned to the submitter for investigation into what the note used to say. Geoff Thompson will provide assistance with previous copies of the standard.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
New status Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
No action. Still awaiting clarification if the note was ever there and if so what it said.
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Geoff Thompson to help him review earlier versions and drafts of the standard to clarify if the note was ever present and if so what it said.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Geoff Thompson, after 27th March, to help him review earlier versions and drafts of the standard to clarify if the note was ever present and if so what it said.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Awaiting Tom to contact Geoff in reference to this change.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Geoff Thompson has reviewed the previous editions of IEEE Std 802.3. What he reported is as follows -

The footnote is (from bottom of page 77 of the 1993 Edition)

(8) 32 bit counter size specification is not a part of this ISO/IEC standard. Resolution of 32 vs. 64 bit counter size will be addressed during the further work required to develop this section into a specification sufficient for ISO/IEC interoperability requirements.

As closely as I can tell there was a dual reference to this footnote.

The first which was numbered in the old text of which said:

(1) Number of SQETestErrors: Recommended, ReadOnly, 32(8) bit counter

In this line in a triumph of vagueness in style the "8" looks like an exponent to the 32.

The send reference which I think is to the same thing (but it is a little vague) is the famous line we are looking at:

CounterLarge=0..maxLarge--See footnote

There is no Clause 5 in the 92 Edition

In the first printed edition of Layer Management IEEE Std 802.3h-1990...

There is no footnote nor mention of 64 bit counters at all that I can find.

Based on the above the proposed revision text will be changed to read - Add a footnote that reads "Example counter size; for information on how to size counters see 30.3". The rationale for revision should be changed to read "The sentence 'counterLarge = 0..maxLarge -- See footnote.;' refers to a footnote which does not exist, this change restore the footnote.

Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Will be included in next ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1004
Comment Type TR
Page 1004-2 line 54: The footnote does not provide useful information - 30.3 doesn't giveinformation on how to size counters unless you consider the increment rate to be suchinformation. If that is what is meant, make the footnote state that 30.3 gives counter incrementrates. Also, why does the note start "Example counter size" as there is no example?
Either make the footnote more informative or delete "See footnote" If See footnote is retained, itshould probably be put in the brackets used for comments in text as it isn't currently properpseudo-Pascal.
Change the footnote to read 'The CounterLarge declaration is an example of how to declare acounter. This particular example produces a 32 bit counter.The current footnote reference will also be formatted to be a comment.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 24-Jun-03
No D3.0 Sponsor ballot comments received.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1005 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published8.2.3 - Messages sent on CI Circuit08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: Tom Mathey to consult technical experts Alan Flatman and Pat Thaler. Why is the Clause 10 parallel text not the same.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
No action. Still awaiting submitter to contact technical experts. Action: Tom Mathey to consult technical experts Alan Flatman and Pat Thaler. Why is the Clause 10 parallel text not the same.
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 3
Change #: 1005
CommentType: Technical
Comment: Due to lack of attention to detail, the recommended text provided by Pat Thaler at the July 2000 La Jolla Plenary meeting was not fowarded to the comment database. Text is provided below.
SuggestedRemedy: Replace sentence ‘When no state is asserted the messages signal_quality_error, MAU_available are sent.’ with‘ When no state is asserting message signal_quality_error, the message MAU_available is sent.’

Comment #: 11
Change #: 1005
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
Comment: RE: 1035 The text here is not the revision that was approved
in maintenance.
SuggestedRemedy: Replace with the agreed upon text.
Accept: The agreed text is contained in comment #3. (Note that while this comment lists Revision Request 1035 it is believed that this comment refers to Revision Request 1005 as that is the comments that addresses subclause 8.2.3).

Comment #: 19 (Observer comment)
Change #: 1005
Clause: 8
Subclause: 8.2.3
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) T
10BASE5 networks are of historical interest only. We should consider deprecating the entire clause, rather than looking for inconsistencies in some abstract architectural description of an obsolete transceiver.
Forego the revision request, and consider deprecating Clauses 8 (10BASE5), 11 (10BROAD36), 12 (1BASE5), and 16 (10BASE-FP).
Accept in Principle: While we will continue progressing this Revision Request, in addition we will add a request to place the text ‘This PHY/MAU is not recommended for new installations’ in Clauses 8 (10BASE5), 11 (10BROAD36), 12 (1BASE5), 16 (10BASE-FP), 23 (100BASE-T4) and 32 (100BASE-T2). The text “PHY” and “MAU” will be used as appropriate for the clause it appears in.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
The change request has already been implemented in the Y2K edition even thought it has yet to complete balloting. Add to Y2K errata list with the statement that "This proposed change is currently being balloted (URL) and was add due to editorial error."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
As noted in March 2001 this change had already been implemented in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 even thought it was still in ballot. The following text is now included in the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 to rectify this. Page 143: subclause 8.2.3, last paragraph. “When no state is asserted the messages signal_quality_error, MAU_input_idle are sent.” should read “When no state is asserted the messages signal_quality_error, MAU_available are sent.” NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition, replaced by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently on hold in the IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Committee. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1006 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex D.5 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1007 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4. - Incorrect reference08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1008 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published7. - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: IEEE Editor: This one is a style issue.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1009 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published7.2.2.2 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
It was noted that this change request related to rather than as stated in the change request at present. The request will be updated to reflect the correct subclause.
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1010 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published9.7.1, 9.7.2 - Duplicate clauses08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: Tom Mathey to check previous revisions of 802.3 to determine when the duplication of these clauses first occurred and to ensure the duplication did not also cause some other text to be removed.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
No action. Still awaiting confirmation when the duplication of these clauses first occurred and to assurance that when the duplication occurred it did not also cause some other text to be removed
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Geoff Thompson to help him review earlier editions and drafts of the standard to clarify if the note was ever present and if so what it said.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Technical Expert consulted - Geoff Thompson. The repeats of the two subclauses are indeed simply duplicates, this is an errata. The repeats have been removed from the Y2K edition.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1011 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published11.4.2 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1012 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published12.4.2 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1013 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published12. - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: Tom Mathey to check earlier editions to see when this was correct.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Technical Expert consulted - Geoff Thompson: See previous page for technical verification. The Peak Output Voltage does not exceed 3.65.
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1014 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published14.3.1.2 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1015 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published20. - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to correct typo in change request. Then to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Action: David Law Add to Y2K errata list under 'Minor editorial errata'.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Action: David Law to include in an update to Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 under 'Minor editorial errata'.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1016 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex H.4.1 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Change competed correctly in Y2K edition.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1017 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 32-1 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: David Law to do Graphics work for IEEE Editor.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Awaiting additional change text Errata - (CE)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to do Graphics work for IEEE Editor.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-01
Action: David Law Provide revised Figure to IEEE Editor. Add to Y2K errata list under 'Minor editorial errata'.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Action: David Law to redraw Figures 23-1, 24-1, 27-1, 28-2 and 32-1 as they all have this error. These redraws will be included in an update to Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

New status Errata - (E).

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1018 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published23.2.1.1 & - Incorrect symbol in diagram

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Assignment symbol problem. A constancy check is required. Style issue (should be put in the style manual) “Assignments” in state diagrams are equals in text.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1019 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn28.3.1 - State diagram variables error08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
As per the e-mail from Bob Noseworthy this change request is incorrect and the text as it stands is correct. The requestor withdrew the request.
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1019a Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.3.1 - State diagram variables error37031

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This correction is published in the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1020 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 22A - Incorrect reference08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.

New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1021 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 2-1b - Incorrect physical layer signal08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 12
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1021 Figure is now 2-2 and change is already in 2K.
SuggestedRemedy: No change needed.
Accept: Thanks for pointing this out and we are currently investigating why this happened.

Comment #: 12
Change #: 1021
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1021 Figure is now 2-2 and change is already in 2K.
SuggestedRemedy: No change needed.
Accept: Thanks for pointing this out and we are currently investigating why this happened.

Comment #: 20 (Observer comment)
Change #: 1021
CommentTye: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
Contrary to the assertion of the requester, "wasTransmitting" is indeed defined in the interface to the Physical Layer. See 802.3, subclause (b), which lists the components of this interface.
Do not implement the proposed revision.
Reject: “wasTransmitting” is not in (b), only “transmitting”. “wasTransmitting” is used within the MAC only and is generated in Process Deference, not an input from the PHY.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.1 Working Group Recirculation Ballot Comment resolution 12-Jan-01
CommentID: 1
Clause: Comment 1021
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
Either I am seeing words that aren't there, or something has changed since my copy of 802.3 was printed. Looking at 802.3-1998, subclause (Summary of Interlayer Interfaces), page 61, fourth and fifth lines from the bottom of the page:
transmitting: Boolean; {Indicates outgoing bits}
wasTransmitting: Boolean; {Indicates transmission in progress or just completed}
These entries are present under "The interface to the Physical Layer, defined in ...".
The resolution to my comment said, ""wasTransmitting" is not in (b), only "transmitting". I reiterate that "wasTransmitting" is there, and that the original commenters request should not be implemented.
Do not implement the proposed revision, or show me that this section no longer contains the indicated line of Pascal.
The commenter is indeed correct that “wasTransmitting” is in subclause, item b). It appears the response to the comment in the previous ballot (D1.0) was incorrect. What the change is stating is that wasTransmitting is not an input from the Physical Layer and therefore should not be shown as such in Figure 2-1b. This is indeed true, in the Pascal on Page 66 of 802.3-1998, in process deference, wasTransmitting is assigned a value (wasTransmitting = transmitting) hence it cannot be an input from the Physical Layer and a search of 802.3-1998 shows that wasTransmitting only appears in process deference. Further, while subclause item b) lists wasTransmitting, it states it is summarising the interface defined in 4.3.3, yet 4.3.3 does not include wasTransmitting. Due to this the change request is still valid and should in fact be augmented to add an additional change that the variable definition for wasTransmitting should be removed from subclause item b) and placed in the deference process.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is Included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

The following text is included in May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. Page 34: Figure 2-2. Replace Figure 2-2 with the following gore. NOTE - The deletion of the wasTransmitting arrow, restored by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently being balloted as part of IEEE P802.3ag Maintenance Ballot #6. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1022 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published32.1 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
The correction should read 10**10, not 10**-10. The change request will be corrected. Once corrected the request should go forward as an errata.
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1023 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnAnnex 31B.3.4.4 - Incorrect equation08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Rich Seifert to confirm that this is indeed a Errata.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: Tom Mathey to contact Rich Seifert to confirm that this is indeed a Errata.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This change was incorrectly published in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. The following text is included in May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. Page 1477: Figure 31B-2. “(DA ≠reserved_multicast_address +phys_Address)” should read “DA ≠(reserved_multicast_address +phys_Address)” NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition removed by the above has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently on hold in the IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Committee. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

Awaiting response from Tom Mathey. Action - David Law to contact Tom Mathey for an update.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Action: Geoff Thompson to review earlier versions and drafts of the standard to clarify if there has been any change to the format of this equation.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
E-mail from Geoff Thompson in response to action item.

I have looked on the balloted draft, the figure matches what is published (no surprise since it is unlikely that FIGs get edited during prep for publication.
I have examined the equations.
I find that the current text is technically adequate. There is no ambiguity in the term:

transmission_in_progress = false * DA = reserved_multicast_address + phys_Address

There is, however, a stylistic inconsistency between this expression and the term on the right hand side of the diagram. I have checked with Rich Seifert. He agrees. Bottom line, it is OK (i.e to support editorial consistency within the same diagram) for the parens to go in. It is an editorial change. The new would appropriately be:

transmission_in_progress = false * (DA = reserved_multicast_address + phys_Address)

New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Market as an Errata however this same equation is subject to change in request 1089 which also performs an number of other changes to Figure 31B-2.

Due to this duplication the requester has withdrawn this request.

New status:
Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1024 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnFig 6-1 - Scope of figure08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
After a short discussion of this request Tom Mathey, the originator of this request, withdrew it.
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1025 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22.7.3.4 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1026 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.2.1 - Typo08-Nov-99

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
The sentence is correct when the word ‘required’ is changed to ‘require’.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Update errata sheet with this under the 'minor editorial'.

E-mail from Geoff Thompson dated 26th July 2001

This paragraph does not exist in the initial edition of 802.3 (1985).
The typo "required" does show up in the 1990 ISO edition.
In the first supplement to 802.3 (ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3a,b,c and e-1988)
...the text was added to 1.2.1
It says "required"

So, the error has been in place since the first time it was published.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1027 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published36. - Equation typo05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: David Law to contact Rich Taborek to confirm that if the PI symbol should be an equal or not-equal symbol.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Bob Noseworthy acted as the technical expert for this change. He stated that the symbol should be a not equal symbol.
Action: David Law to update change request then contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This change was published incorrectly in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. The following text is included in May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. Page 984: subclause, definition of the function VOID(x)should read VOID(x) x Œ /D/, /T/, /R/, /K28.5/. Substitutes /V/ on a per code-group basis as requested by the GMII.
If [TX_EN = FALSE * TX_ER = TRUE * TXD != (0000 1111)], then return /V/;
Else if [TX_EN = TRUE * TX_ER = TRUE ],
then return /V/;
Else return x.

NOTE: The single character Not Equals symbol is used in place of the two symbols != above in the published errata sheet.

The revision is still open as the errata has yet to be corrected.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1028 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.4.2.2 - Incorrect reference05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: David Law to identify and contact a technical expert involved in the 1000BASE-T TX block and have them confirm that this indeed is a errata.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (23-Apr-2001) - Yes, I agree with the recommended change. In addition, I recommend that the specific paragraph number for "PMA Transmit function" be inserted into the last
sentence of This would change the last sentence of to read: " The received clock signal is supplied to the PMA Transmit function ( by received_clock.". E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (23-Apr-2001) - I agree with the comment and consider it errata. should point to not

Change published in 802.3-2000.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1029 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.3.4, Fig 40-9 - PCS Transmit state diagram05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
This appears to be a errata however this needs to be confirmed by multiple technical experts involved in writing 1000BASE-T.
Action: David Law to identify and contact those involved in the 1000BASE-T TX State Machine and have them confirm that this indeed this is an errata.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
It appears that this is an error between the Sponsor Ballot approved draft (D6.0) and the published document. The state machine should be as balloted.
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1030 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40. - Error in Sc _n [7:4] equation05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
This also appears to be a errata however again this needs to be confirmed by multiple technical experts involved in writing 1000BASE-T.
Action: David Law to identify and contact those involved in the 1000BASE-T side-stream scrambler and have them confirm that this is a errata.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: Bob Noseworthy to contact Sailesh Rao for comment on this proposed change.
Action: David Law to include comment from Sailesh in the request then forward the request for ballot.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

This change was published incorrectly in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. The following text is included in May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. Page 1095: subclause, rest line of rest equation.
Sxn [3:0 ] if (tx_enablen – 2 == 1)
should read
Sxn [3:0 ] if (tx_enablen = 1)
NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition, replaced by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently being balloted as part of IEEE P802.3ag Maintenance Ballot #6.This was published in IEEE Std 802.3,2000 Edition in error.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1031 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.12.9 - Error in formula in PICS05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
While this is probably editorial this needs to be confirmed and until then will be characterised a technical and passed to a technical expert for review.
Action: David Law to identify and contact those involved in the 1000BASE-T and have them confirm that this is a errata.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Consult with Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.

New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1032 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22. to - Incorrect subclause cross reference

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.

New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1033 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 32-17a
& 32-17b - Typo

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: David Law to do Graphics work for IEEE Editor.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Awaiting additional change text Errata - (CE)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
We believe that this is a cross platform problem, refer to voted test pdf printed from a PC. Warning for all future annotated scanned drawings to for this type of error.
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.

New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1034 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 30-1d
& 30-1e - Typo

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata 0 (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to contact IEEE Editor to ensure that this errata is included in the 2000 edition and is also place on the web site.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Change published in 802.3-2000.

New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1035 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 7-5 - Variable typo05-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
Action: David Law to check earlier editions.
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Awaiting Technical expert - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Action: David Law to check earlier editions.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This change was published incorrectly in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. The following text is included in May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. Page 110: Figure 7-5, “START ” state [set output_in_progress ] should read [set output_in_process ] NOTE - The text published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition, replaced by the above, has been proposed by an IEEE P802.3 Revision Request, (URL - which is currently on hold in the IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Committee. This was published in IEEE Std 802.3, 2000 Edition in error.

Action: David Law to check earlier editions.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
A review of Figure 7-5 in the current and previous editions of IEEE Std. 802.3 showed -

1996 Edition - output_in_process
1998 Edition - output_in_process
2000 Edition - output_in_progress and output_in_process

This showed that in fact that footnote, and one state in Figure 7-5, was in error. Due to this the following items of the change request will be modified to read as follows.
Clause Number: and Figure 7-5
Clause Title: Carrier Sense function
Proposed revision text: In the footnote associated with subclause and Figure 7-5 change all occurrences of 'output_in_progress' to 'output_in_process'.
Rationale for revision: The variable is defined as output_in_process, see Figure 7-5 in IEEE Std. 802.3-1998 and IEEE Std. 802.3-1996.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
This change request has been partially completed. The figure 7-5 'output_in_progress' has been changed to 'output_in_process' however this still have not been corrected in subclause

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Due to IEEE Process requirements this will have to be balloted.

Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 24-Jun-03
No D3.0 Sponsor ballot comments received.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1036 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published25.3 & 25.4 - Update 100BASE-T to reference Cat-514-Mar-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance conference call 12-May-00
The change request needs to have the changes to the PICS it requires added. Once these have been provided the change is ready to go to ballot.
Action: Terry Cobb to provide the addition change text for this
request in relation to the PICS.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Awaiting additional change text Ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
New PICS text has been supplied by Terry.
Action: David Law to add new text to change request, after that ready for ballot.
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 4
Change #: 1036
CommentType: Technical
Comment: This addition contains 6 shall statements without a corresponding entry in the PICS
SuggestedRemedy: For the following shall statements, add an entry in the PICS two places two places
Accept in Principal: Other changes have been made to this Revision Request due to comment resolution, and these changes have removed some ‘shall’ statements. The update of the PICS in response to this comment will take into account these changes.

Comment #: 8
Change #: 1036
CommentType: E
No units with equation
Add "dB" at the end of equation

Comment #: 13
Change #: 1036
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1036 - use "...specifications...are..." or ""

CommenterName: Rich Seifert
CommenterPhone: (408) 395-5700
CommenterCompany: Networks & Communications
Comment #: 21 (Observer comment)
Change #: 1036
Clause: 25
Subclause: 25.3, 25.4
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
The proposed changes cause a number of problems, both for existing cable plants and existing transceivers. A change to the cable specification can make existing (conformant) cable plants now non-conformant. As many end users contractually bind installers and/or
maintenance personnel to meet a published standard, this change can open the door for considerable confusion as to whether a given site conforms to the standard.
Second, the BER requirement is stated backwards from the way a BER is normally presented. Usually, the requirement is on the electronics (i.e., the transceiver) to deliver data with a BER not exceeding some level, under specified noise conditions. This change would place a
requirement on the *cable system* to present noise such that a transceiver will not deliver data exceeding the given BER. Unfortunately, this is both untestable (i.e., there is no way to test a cable plant to see if the BER will exceed 10^-9 when a worst-case transceiver is put into the system), and can cause existing, conformant cable plants to now become non-conformant. One cannot, years after a standard is approved and tens-of-millions of transceivers installed in the field, suddenly add a requirement that the cable plant and transceiver must meet some minimum BER
Do not implement the proposed revision.
The response is in two parts, the first part addresses the first paragraph of you comment, the second part addresses the second part of your comment.
Reject: The cable plant in ANSI TP_PMD and IEEE 802.3 Clause 25 specify Category 5 UTP as the compliant channel or link segment. When ANSI TP_PMD was published EIA/TIA or ISO 11801 had not completed their work on Category 5 or Class D links. Since then a compliant Category 5 UTP channel is now specified in the Standard EIA/TIA 568 TSB-67 and TSB-70 and are the same requirements as the proposed change. The requirements in EIA/TIA are the only published specifications for a compliant Category 5 UTP channel and are the only requirements that have been used to certify a cable plant as Category 5.
Accept: The requirements for BER and cable systems will be removed. In the text ‘... a 100BASE-TX PHY shall meet a 10^-9 BER in the ...’ will be changed to read ‘... a 100BASE-TX PHY should operate in the ...’. In the text ‘... link segment shall not exceed ...’ will be changed to read text ‘... link segment should not exceed ...’.

Comment #: 24
Change #: 1036
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR)
insert "(Class D)" after ISO/IEC 11801:1995.
See above

Comment #: 24
Change #: 1036
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR)
Delete "at least" (don't think you can or should exceed 100m).
See above

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1037 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1, 26 - Replace LCF-PMD normative references17-Apr-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.1 Working Group Recirculation Ballot Comment resolution 12-Jan-01
CommentType: (E)
Comment: IEC 61754-4, Interface 4-2 is for simplex SC connectors not duplex SC connectors
SuggestedRemedy: Replace 'Interface 4.2' with 'Interface 4.3'
Accept in principle
We accept that it is correct that interface 4-2 is not the duplex SC plug, but incorrect that interface 4-2 is the simplex SC plug. Rather, interface 4-2 is the simplex SC adapter. Interface 4-1 is the simplex plug. For duplex SC plugs the correct reference is interface 4-3. For duplex SC adapters the correct reference is interface 4-4. Since clause 26 specifies the MDI, it is appropriate to refer to the adapter specification. This means reference interface 4-4. Here is a summary of the interface designations:
4-1 = simplex SC plug
4-2 = simplex SC adapter
4-3 = duplex SC plug
4-4 = duplex SC adapter.
So reference should be IEC 61754-4 Interface 4-4. In addition, subclause 38.11.3 ‘Medium Dependent Interface (MDI)’ references IEC 61754-4 Interface 4-2 in relation to a Duplex SC MDI connector so is also incorrect. The change request will therefore be modified to include the correction of this subclause.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
The following comment was received on Change Request #1037 during the D1.2 Working Group re-circulation ballot.

CommentID: 1
CommenterName: Mike Dudek
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) T

The Duplex SC referenced in the IEC standard is a solidly connected plug which requires tighter tolerances between the two SC receptacles than are contained in the Fiber Channel description. (Which assumes the two individual SC's are "yoked" together with some compliance in the connector plug). I believe the change suggested will cause problems to some existing transceivers ie there will be an impact on existing networks. Much discussion took place on this topic in Fiber Channel in their FC-PI revision with the decision that the reference could not be called out as is, but needed to include a modification to the tolerance between the two SC receptacles.


Accept in principle.

A number of e-mail discussion took place over the connector specification referenced by FDDI and the 1Gb/s specification within IEEE Std 802.2-2000. During these discussions an additional IEC connector specification, IEC 60874, has been identified. These discussion however were taking time and to ensure timely resolution of the remaining Change Request in the P802.3ag package Change Request #1037 will be removed from the package and the remaining request will move forward to sponsor ballot. Change Request #1037, or its successor, will be placed in the next maintenance ballot package.

As this request seem to have some technical issues within it status has been set to incomplete.
Action - David Law and Geoff Thompson to contact Tad and Mike Dudak about this change request. (Tom Lindsay also volunteered later on in the meeting week).

New status Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
During discussion of the 1000BASE-X specification it was found that the specification was indeed intended to be a 'duplex SC' meeting the dimension and interface specifications IEC 61754-4, Interface 4-4. This aligns with Mike Dudek's comment. Due to this the changes within the request related to Clause 38 are incorrect and should be removed. It was also agreed that the new specification for 100BASE-FX should be the same as that for 1000BASE-X hence the change request returns to its original form.

New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
The spelling of Mike Dudek's name was corrected in the July action item.

Awaiting ballot. To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 24-Jun-03
D3.0 Comment:

This revision creates a problem:
26.4.1 Medium Dependent Interface (MDI)
Change subclause 26.4.1 as follows:
[Maintenance request 1037 -] The 100BASE-FX medium dependent interface (MDI) shall conform to one of the following connectors.
The recommended alternative is the Low Cost Fibre Optical Interface Connector.
a) The duplex SC connector as specified in IEC 61754-4 [B25] and IEC 61754-4, Interface 4-2. (See 38.11.3).
b) Media Interface Connector (MIC) as specified in fiber-PMD 7 and Annex F. When the MIC is used, the receptacle shall be keyed as "M".
c) Optical Medium Connector Plug and Socket (commonly called ST connector) as specified in 15.3.2.
The problem is that we have deleted the words "Low Cost Fibre Optical Interface Connector" which is preferred! (except in the PICS).




See comment #12.

Comment #12 response reads:

Change the first paragraph of 26.5.4 to read:
"The 100BASE-FX medium dependent interface (MDI) shall conform to one of the following connectors. The recommended alternative is the duplex SC Connector."
Change the Feature column text of item FSC in subclause 26.5.4 to read:
"Supports duplex SC Connector"

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1038 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1, 25 - Correct bad references17-Apr-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1039 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.3.1 & 28.3.4 - Next Page Exchange State Machine28-Jun-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 14
Change #: 1039, 1040, 1041
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1039, 1040, and 1041 - Clause 28.3.4 contains a number of large state machines over several pages. Checking these changes was made burdensome because the text of the proposed revision does not identify the Figure number or name but only the state name. This also introduces potential ambiguity.
SuggestedRemedy: In the future, identify the state machine by name and figure number.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1040 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.3.1 & 28.3.4 - Next Page Exchange State Machine28-Jun-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 14
Change #: 1039, 1040, 1041
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1039, 1040, and 1041 - Clause 28.3.4 contains a number of large state machines over several pages. Checking these changes was made burdensome because the text of the proposed revision does not identify the Figure number or name but only the state name. This also introduces potential ambiguity.
SuggestedRemedy: In the future, identify the state machine by name and figure number.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1041 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.3.1 & 28.3.4 - Next Page Exchange State Machine28-Jun-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 14
Change #: 1039, 1040, 1041
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1039, 1040, and 1041 - Clause 28.3.4 contains a number of large state machines over several pages. Checking these changes was made burdensome because the text of the proposed revision does not identify the Figure number or name but only the state name. This also introduces potential ambiguity.
SuggestedRemedy: In the future, identify the state machine by name and figure number.

Comment #: 15
Change #: 1041
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
Comment: RE: 1041 - The proposed revision text says that notHCD = all is already defined. notHCD and all are each defined to represent a set of transceivers. It is not clear how an equation between the two sets such as notHCD = all is to be interpreted. I expect that what is meant is that there is no Highest Common Denominator. This either needs to be defined or instead define HCD as possibly having the value empty so
that the test can be HCD = empty. I prefer the latter since it is more clear.
There is also another possible resolution. Part of the exiting test is link_status_[HCD] = FAIL and there is no timer on this transition. It would seem that if HCD is the empty set that the HCD is in the failed status – a link with no HCD can not possibly work. So the change could also be executed by defining link_status_[HCD] as optionally equal to FAIL when HCD is empty.
SuggestedRemedy: Define HCD = empty when there is no highest common denominator and test for this rather than notHCD = all or define Link_status_[HCD] as Fail when HCD is empty.
Accept: For resolution see remedy contained in comment #22.

Comment #: 22
Change #: 1041
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) T
The following is in Response to Pat Thaler's comment #15 suggesting improvements to Change# 1041:
I do agree with the statement that notHCD=all is unclear and prefer HCD=empty, however I have a new problem with the how HCD and notHCD are defined, in that they are set of variables defined for "a variable with '_[x]' appended" (referring to the first sentence of 28.3.1). I believe the clearest way to solve this is to verbosely define the variable. To do this, I would suggest a new remedy, see SuggestedRemedy below.
The alternative proposal in comment 15 to rely on link_status_[HCD]=fail when there is no HCD does not accomplish the desired goal of bypassing the link_fail_inhibit timer following a negotiation which results in no compatible HCD. The current standard defined text is: (link_status_HCD=FAIL + link_status[HCD]=READY) * link_fail_inhibit_timer_done.
Removing link_status_[HCD]=fail from the control of "link_fail_inhibit_timer_done" is not desireable as link_status_[HCD]=fail routinely occurs upon entrance to the state FLP LINK GOOD CHECK even when a valid HCD is selected.
In Figure 28-16, the transition from FLP LINK GOOD CHECK to TRANSMIT DISABLE should read:
((link_status_[HCD]=FAIL + link_status_[HCD]=READY) * link_fail_inhibit_timer_done) + incompatible_link=TRUE
add to 28.3.1 the variable definition for incompatible_link
Parameter used following Priority Resolution to indicate the resolved link is incompatible with the Local Device settings. A device's ability to set this variable to true is optional.
Values: false; A compatible link exists between the Local Device and Link Partner (default).
true; Optional indication that Priority Resolution has determined no highest common denominator exists following the most recent negotiation.
NOTE - This variable is set by this definition; it is not set explicitly in the state diagrams.
finally, ammend the NOTE at the bottom-right of the Figure 28-16 to include the new "incompatible_link" variable:
NOTE: ability_match, acknowledge_match, single_link_ready, consistency_match, and incompatible_link are set according to the variable definitions and are not set explicitly in the state diagrams.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1042 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1043 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1044 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1045 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 5
Change #: 1045
CommentType: Technical
Comment: I believe that a typo error has crept into the text.
SuggestedRemedy: added text for rx_link_code_word[NP] should be =0, not =1

Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1046 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1047 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

Comment #: 17
Clause: 40C
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) TR
Comment: RE: 1047 - The proposed change doesn't identify which transition term it is trying to change. Also, the transition from Base_Page_TX to Flp_Link_Good_Check (which apparently where this is to be applied based on the rationale) appears to have gone outside the frame of the figure. The transition disappears at the right edge of the diagram reappears at the bottom. Thirdly, the transition term should be placed close to the state it is exiting rather than at the end of the arrow because it makes it much harder to read state diagrams when the transition term is so far from the state in which it is evaluated.
Accept: For clarity in future the re-drawn state machine will be included in the Revision Request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1048 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1049 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 40C.2.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-Neg Transmit state machine07-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE P802.3ag/D1.0 Working Group Ballot Comment resolution 08-Nov-00
Comment #: 7
Change #: 1049
CommentType: Technical
Comment: If the terms are labeled as:
A is mr_bp[NP],
B is mr_lp_np_able,
C is np_loaded;
then the original equation is (A) * (B) * (C) + (not A) * (B). The proposed equation is A * C + not A, which results in term B being completely removed. While the intent may be to remove term B, there is no supporting text to justify the removal.

Comment #: 9
Change #: 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) T
The logical equation:
(mr_bp[NP]=1 * np_loaded=true) + (mr_bp[NP]=0)
is not fully reduced
Replace it with its reduced, logical equivalent:
(np_loaded=true) + (mr_bp[NP]=0)

Comment #: 16
Change #: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Comment: RE: 1042, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049 Identify the state diagram. It is particularly confusing here because both diagrams have states named WAITn.

Comment #: 23
Change #: 1049
CommentType: (E, T, ER, or TR) E
Regarding Change #1049, and Comment #9 by Ben Brown np_loaded is not defined otherwise, the suggested remedy from Ben Brown is correct. In response to Tom Mathey's comment #7, mr_lp_np_able is not needed in the equations in the three states in question (1000T_MP_TX, 1000T_UP1_TX, 1000T_UP2_TX) as 1000T_MP_TX cannot be entered without mr_lp_np_able being True on the transition from
Base_Page_TX to 1000T_MP_TX.
use "next_page_loaded" instead of "np_loaded"

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1050 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30, Annex 30A
& 30C - Identifier 802dot3(10006)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
While this appears to be an errata it is of such significance that it needs to be considered at the closing 802.3 plenary.
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

It was noted that there were missing notes and footnotes in the IEEE Std. 802.3-2000 edition of 30C MIB. A new Revision Request, #1077, has been raised.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1051 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30C - MIB Objects syntax incorrect12-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
IEEE std 802.3ad MIB Error.
Action: David Law to ensure that there is an errata slip-sheet in book, a footnote in DS2K and errata on the web.
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Geoff commented that the should not have been approved as the MIB has already been published with the existing items and rather than modifying them they should be deprecated with new items added.

Action - David Law to talk to Dan Romascanu about this.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Pat asked for a volunteer to submit a new change request. Geoff has withdrawn his informal request to change this. While best practice would have been to deprecate the objects and add new correct items, at this point further change would be as likely to produce interoperability problems as to resolve them.

Pat covered this error in the maintenance report at the Thursday Closing Plenary where there was nobody concerned enough to submit a change request.

No change in status - this Change Request is Published.

Change Request 1052 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1 & 14 - 8-pin modular jack specification reference12-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Jul-00
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Included in IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

While the Clauses 1 and 14 have been changed correctly, two other Clauses, 12 and 28, and the Clause 14 PICS also reference this connector and have not been change.

Action: David Law
Raise new change request to remove references to ISO/IEC 8877 and replace with IEC-60603-7 in subclause 12.6.1 'Line interface connector', 'MDI requirements', '10BASE-T link segment characteristics' and 28.1.4 'Compatibility considerations'.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
New request #1096 raised to cover this.

No change in status - this Change Request is Published.

Change Request 1053 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22. - Incorrect subclause cross reference12-Jul-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1054 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 40-13
& 40-14 - Incorrect GMII signal name

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Typo in request, GTX_TCLK should read GTX_CLK.
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - Errata, typo - should be GTX_CLK.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1055 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 40-9 - PCS Transmit state diagram01-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1055: Errata, transition label lost from final draft to standard. (I thought 802.3ag had this but I cant find it)

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1056 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40. - Clock specification01-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1056: Errata, typo - 1% should be 0.01%.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1057 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn40.3.1.3 - PCS Transmit Function06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Action - David Law to contact Sailesh Rao to confirm that this is an errata.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
The following e-mail was received from Sailesh Rao with respect to the change request -

This is not an errata. The term "state" is being used here in the sense familiar to linear systems exponents (see, e.g., T. Kailath, Linear Systems, Prentice Hall), but it can be interpreted in the way Vivek assumes if you look at it from a computer engineering standpoint. I would vote to leave it as is, but if Vivek is not satisfied, I would be agreeable to changing this to "three-bit convolutional encoder", to put this behind us.

I believe there was another comment equivalent to this during the normal review process, which we rejected. You could probably dig that up and use it to persuade Vivek to rescind his comment.

Action - David Law to contact Vivek to request that he withdraw this request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Action - David Law to contact Vivek to request that he withdraw this request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Email received 06/06/2002 from Vivek withdrawing this request.
New status Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1058 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40. - Typo06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1058: Errata, typo

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1059 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40. - Decoding of code-groups06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1059: Errata, variable name changed in response to a comment was not carried through entire document.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1060 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.3.3.2 - State diagram variables error06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1060: Errata, typo.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1061 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.3.3.4 - Incorrect reference06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1061: Errata, typo (incorrect reference).

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1062 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.4.2.4 - PHY Control function06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1062: Errata, typo (incorrect acronym expansion).

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1063 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 40-16 - Incorrect reference06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1063: Errata, typo (incorrect reference).

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1064 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.7.5 - Incorrect reference06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - N/A
Ballot Required - N/A
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Review by Technical Experts - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
E-mail from Larry Rennie (20-Feb-2001) - I have reviewed requests 1054 to 1064 and agree with you that they are all of the "errata" type. E-mail from Bob Noseworthy (21-Feb-2001) - #1064: Errata, typo (incorrect reference).

Check earlier drafts to see if this reference was broken at some point.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Action - David Law to check this text in the IEEE P802.3ab drafts.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Action - David Law to check this text in the IEEE P802.3ab drafts.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Action - Check text in the IEEE P802.3ab drafts.

D4.0 - Itemized list does not exist.

D4.1 - To ensure robust operation the alien NEXT noise must meet the
specification of External Coupled Noise

D5.0 - To ensure robust operation the alien NEXT noise must meet the
specification of External Coupled Noise

D5.1 - To ensure robust operation the alien NEXT noise must meet the
specification of External Coupled Noise

D6.0 - To ensure robust operation the alien NEXT noise must meet the
specification of External Coupled Noise

RESULT: 40.7.6 used to be numbered Change request to
correct reference to 40.7.6. Editorial change.

Affirmed as Errata by motion at closing 802.3 Plenary meeting.

New status:
Errata - (E)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Due to IEEE Process requirements the only way to get this change published is to have it balloted. Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1064
Comment Type TR
Alien NEXT noise is specified in 40.7.6; only gives a nominal value.
Change reference in 40.7.5 g) from "" to "40.7.6".

CR 1064
Comment Type TR
I thought we had corrected this change at a maintenance meeting but the change didn't get into the balloted text. The reference should be to 40.7.6. Looking at drafts, the text in 40.7.6 was40.7.5.1 and sometime near publication the number was changed so this would keep the reference the same as what was balloted. Alien NEXT is a type of external coupled noise.
Use 40.7.6 as the corrected reference.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1065 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.12.5 - Typo06-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1066 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published8, 11, 12, 16,
23 & 32 - Add 'not recommended for new installations' to these MAUs/PHYs

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 08-Nov-00
This change request is submitted by the IEEE P802.3ag Task Force Editor in response to comment #19 receive during Working Group ballot.
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)
Added to the IEEE P802.3ag Ballot Package (D1.1).

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This request is Included in IEEE P802.3ag LMSC Sponsor Ballot Package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Assuming approval of IEEE P802.3ag at the December Standards Board meeting this request should be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1067 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published3 - Typo's27-Sep-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Items 2 and 3 on the request have already been performed in IEEE Std. 802.3-2000. The change request will be edited to reflect this. Item 1 is an typo.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1068 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published13.1 - Add example of five repeater topology to clause20-Dec-00

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
The figure illustrating the 5 repeater network needs to be added to this revision request, once added ready for ballot.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
New status Awaiting additional change text – Ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
The figure has been completed.

New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Remove the extraneous text that reads 'Figure 31B–2—PAUSE Operation Receive state diagram' and associated state machine transitions from the figure on page 2.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1068
Comment Type T
Is this really necessary? This change request covers repeaters on 10BASE- networks, 2 subjects which are long past the point of interest (not at all "what everyone wants to see"). The change will add a page and may force many standards watchers to read through the changed section in order to verify that there is no material change. It is unlikely that anyone is intending to implement a new design using this Clause which would be helped by the new illustration.
The principle of Occam's razor suggests that this Clause should be left alone.
Perhaps the proposer might consider withdrawing this request.
This Figure has been added in response to the continuing misunderstanding that there is a four repeater limit.

No change required. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1069 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published38.6 & 38.12 - Correct Bessel-Thompson to be Bessel-Thomson19-Feb-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1070 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 15-1 - Typo's in Figure 15-119-Feb-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1071 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22. - Incorrect cross references27-Feb-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1072 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
RejectedAnnex 28C - Allocation of new Next Page Message Code Field18-Mar-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
The same process used to allocate Auto-Negotiation Selector Fields will be used to allocate Next Page Message Code Fields. A web page will be added to show the allocation of Next Page Message Code Fields, and the Working Group Chair will be the Registration Authority controlling the allocation of the
Auto-Negotiation Message Code Fields.

One change to both the Auto-Negotiation Selector Field and Auto-Negotiation Message Code Field allocation pages should be to change the Registration Authority from being a name to a position.

The Auto-Negotiation Message Code Field space will have the first 255 values reserved for IEEE P802 project use then the area after that for Vendor use. TDK is therefore allocated the value 256 in response to this request.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
No update.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
On further consideration it is not clear that this is ready for ballot. As this change is requesting the allocation of a Next Page Message Code to a company rather than a new protocol to be published in the Standard a new Registration Authority may be required.

New status -
Technical experts review - (T)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Return to submitter - no action taken. (We know it will bounce, but it isn't 802.3's responsibility to track down submitters who don't update contact info. - put the reject on the web site.) Rationale: The available code space is too small to allow assignment to vendors for proprietary use. Any change to reserve a portion of the code space for vendor use would require a new project to amend the standard.

New status - Reject - (J)

Change Request 1073 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22.7.3.4 - PICS Item MF5704-Apr-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1074 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4.2.2.4 - Missing heading for

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Text anchor is incorrect for some of the figures hence while the Clause title appears to be missing it in fact is a few pages previous between earlier figures.

This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1075 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFront Matter - Incorrect approval dates for 802.3ab10-Jul-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1076 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFront Matter - Add pointer to Interpretations in front matter10-Jul-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Does not require balloting. Work with IEEE editor to have this text added to 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

New status - Received (R)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1077 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30C.6 - Missing notes and footnotes10-Jul-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
This errata should be included in an update to the May 2001 Corrections Sheet for IEEE Std. 802.3-2000.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
New status Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
To be included in the 2002 edition of IEEE Std. 802.3.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1078 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28. - Auto-Negotiation expansion register 618-Jul-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-01
Erica Williamsen and Bob Noseworthy of Univ of New Hampshire InterOperability Lab to compose a revision request in relation to the Auto-Negotiation Next Page register issues related to the recent interpretation request. On received the interpretation request will be sent out for Working Group ballot. As the revision request will involve changes to registers it can therefore be classified as follows.
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
No update.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Action: David Law

Progress getting finalized change proposal from Bob Noseworthy.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Action: David Law
Edit in text received from Bob Noseworthy.

New status - Change Text then Ballot - (CB)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Change the second sentence of the note to subclause to read: If this bit is not supported there is no indication if the Link Partners Next Page is stored in Register 5 or register 8.

Update proposed change and include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1078
Comment Type TR
I believe that the revision request 1078 is a feature addition, and not a maintenance request. The request does highlight an issue with the wording for the variable mr_page_rx and a missing value in Table 28-8. Instead of adding new features, I'd recommend we fix the error.
Add a variable to 28.3.1 (matches the variable used in 40C.1):
A 16-bit array that contains the advertised ability of the link partner's next page abilities Link Code Word.
For each element in the array:
Values: zero; data bit is logical zero.
one; data bit is a logical one.
Change mp_page_rx in 28.3.1 to read:
Status indicating whether a New Page has been received. A New Page has been successfully received when acknowledge_match=true and consistency_match=true and the Link Code Word has been written to mr_lp_adv_ability[16:1] or mr_np_rx[16:1], depending on whether the page received was a base or next page, respectively, and per the requirements of
Add to Table 28-8 the following entry:
mr_np_rx[16:1] 8.15:0 Auto-Negotiation link partner's next page ability register
A recommendation will be added that 'all new implementation use Register 8'.

CR 1078
Comment Type TR
I'm still concerned about impact of proposed changes on existing implementations. More details on impact to existing implementations would help narrow selection among the alternatives discussed. The prudent course at this time is not to make any changes until the full impact is better understood.
The solution of writing to both registers 5 and 8 may be preferable (but I agree this is not ideal either).
Your comment addresses the original change request which was a problem statement and does not address the solution developed and proposed. The proposed solution has been carefully designed to not impact existing hardware.
An update will be added to the Change request statements. No change is required to the proposed normative text.

CR 1078
Comment Type E
The word "determined" implies that bit 6.5 can control where next page is stored. As read only, it is a status bit.
Change "determined" to "specified" in lines 34 and 36.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
D2.1 Comments:

CR 1078
Comment Type TR
Existing equipment is more likely to return a value of "0" for bit 6.6. The default value should match what existing equipment returns.
Change bit 6.6's default value to "0".
The default values for both 6.5 and 6.6 will be changed to be blank.

CR 1078
Comment Type E
I finally saw something I had missed before, and perhaps it wasn't noticed by others during preparation of the response. This register problem may have started with an incompletely edited copy and paste that was never corrected. Reviewing the change at the referenced line, I noted that clause 22 and 28 use very different names for register 8. (Most registers in this clause only have slightly different names from clause 22.) Register 8 isn't an ability register.
In the referenced subclause, change: "Auto_Negotiation link partner Next Page ability register (Register 8)." to "Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Received Next Page register (Register 8)."
If accepted, would also require change to:
page 230 of IEEE Std 802.3-2002: subclause heading plus three occurrences in first paragraph.
page 231: Table 28-7 title end of first line of change request page 6, line 23

All changes editorial - include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1079 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published43 - Link Aggregation MAC address types29-Sep-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
The request was reviewed with the submitter and it was agreed to change the new text to read 'Each IEEE 802.3 MAC has an associated MAC address (See Clause 4).'

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
New status Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
No update.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
The original request included two possible options for change. Update to remove unnecessary text and include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1079
Comment Type T
I believe this is alright to only require locally administered addresses but have no expertise to understand what effect this might have on MAN or Wide Area implementations.
It appears that you have misunderstood the change. IEEE 802.3 currently allows both locally and globally administered addresses, but clause 43 has a statement that implies that it only allows globally administered. This change removes the incorrect statement and does not change the allowed behavior. See clause 3.2.3 which allows both types of MAC address.

CR 1079
Comment Type TR
1) There are two places in the rationale where some words seem to be missing which makes it difficult to understand the associated parts of the explanation.
2) This revision request seems to support configurable MAC addresses. This may be a major change and requires more thorough discussion of the consequenses.
I welcome this request rewritten with more thorough discussion of the consequneces for being able to make a decision.
Yes, some words are missing in the rationale. Also, the text of the rationale is copied from an interpretation request so the tone is that of a question rather than a more definite statement. It
should say:
The statement in 43.2.10 that "each IEEE 802.3 MAC has an associated globally-unique individual address whether that MAC is used for Link Aggregation or not (see Clause 4 [Part 1]." is inaccurate. IEEE 802.3 does not require that the MAC address be globally-unique. 3.2.3 defines the MAC address space as including both globally unique and locally administered addresses. This change deletes "globally-unique" from the sentence to make it accurate. "individual" should not have been deleted as each MAC must have an individual address. The strike out in the change goes too far and should be corrected. The change has no impact on implementations since it is not changing the requirements for MAC addresses. Some implementations allow the MAC address to be configured, but IEEE 802.3 takes no position on that and this correction does not change that.

CR 1079
Comment Type E
This is not the first instance of IEEE 802.3 and registration has been removed in the latest version of IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
Remove the registration mark on IEEE 802.3.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
D2.1 Comments:

CR 1079
Comment Type E
Change "Claus e4 [Par t1]" to "Clause 4 [Part 1]".

All changes editorial - include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1080 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1, 14, 15, 40, Annex B & D - Update to Cable specification references01-Aug-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Nov-01
Alan Flatman is continuing to refine the changes required to update the cable specification references.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Alan Flatman provided a detailed list of requested changes. This will be used to revise the change request.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Action: David Law
Edit in text received from Alan Flatman.

New status - Change Text then Ballot - (CB)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
This change should be updated to reflect the recently approved ISO/IEC 11801:2002. In addition the specification for Chromatic Dispersion should be removed from the 10BASE-F (Clause 15) as this is not a parameter normally specified for Multimode fibre and the update to Annex B.5 related to 10BASE-FP should be removed as we are no longer performing maintenance on the 'deprecated' PHYs (see Change request 1098).

1. Add the text 'ISO/IEC11801:2002 provides a specification for media that exceeds the minimum requirements of this standard.' to the note at the end of 14.4.1, and as a note to Add the text 'These requirements are met by a Class D channel as specified in ISO/IEC 11801:2002.' to the end of subclause 40.1.

3. Delete Clause 13 Chromatic Dispersion specification. Action: Contact Steve Swanson to confirm it is correct to remove the chromatic dispersion specification from 10BASE-F.

4. Remove 10BASE-FP related change text.

Change the change to 1.3 to be an addition to 1.3, that is keep both 568-A and 568-B.

New status:
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1080
Comment Type E
Update 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T notes to included 11801-2002 Channel Class.
Change note to subclause 14.4.1 to read: NOTE- ISO/IEC11801:2002 provides a specification for media that exceeds the minimum requirements of this standard.
Change note to subclause to read: NOTE-ISO/IEC11801:2002 provides a specification (Class D) for media that exceeds the minimum requirements of this stan-dard.

CR 1080
Comment Type TR
Page: 1084-4 to 1080-7
Clause: 40 and 40A
With the publication of ISO/IEC 11801:2002 the 1995 standard may not be available. The only current standard that includes the correct Category 5 specifications is ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-B.1 Annex D.
In Clause 40 and 40A change all ISO/IEC 11801:1995 and ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-A 1995 references for Class D or Category 5 to ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-B.1 Annex D Category 5.
Add to the footnote that informs where ISO/IEC standards can be purchased 'Previous editions of ISO/IEC standards . . . '.

CR 1080
Comment Type E
Clause: 40, Annex 40A
The use of Category 5/Class D is ambiguous in my opinion. ISO/IEC 11801:2002 Class D is equivalent to TIA/EIA Category 5e not Category 5 as this is no longer recognized by the TIA/EIA. The point is Clause 40 and Annex 40A still cause confusion by mixing references throughout the text. In the Rationale For Revision the author states: "At this point we should not have to rely on the national reference and the references to TIA-568 should be able to be removed." Yet we're adding the reference to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B:2001 and still referencing ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A:1995 I guess my point is it seems like we're not really accomplishing the goal, but since I couldn't come up with a better way to do it I approve with a comment.
Remove the references to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568 completely and use ISO/IEC 11801 as was done in the note in Clause 14, subclause 4.1 (page 1080-2, line 47). This should be done throughout clause 40, and Annex 40A.
Also - a few text editing issues:
page 1080-4, line 23: replace Figure40-18 with Figure 40-18
page 1080-4, line 42: replace 1 00 , with 100 ,
page 1080-7, line 43: replace Fi gure40A-1 with Figure 40A-1
While it would be possible today to now delete all references to anything other than 11801, the references to TIA/EIA specifications are being retained in order to clearly capture the installed based originally designed to these specification. See response to #29.
The editorial correction are ACCEPT.

CR 1080
Comment Type TR
These changes are unacceptable for two reasons.
The document puts at risk the ability of 1000BASE-T to claim broad market potential. While TIA 568A might be obsolete as a specification document, almost all enterprise campus sites have TIA 568A technology installed and most have installed Category 5 cabling according to TIA- 568A. As currently edited, the document bounces back and forth between references to TIA 568A and TIA 568B. It also bounces back and forth between references to ISO 11801:1995 and 11801:2002. The IEEE 802.3 document need to clearly support that 1000BASE-T operates on plants installed in the past according to TIA 568A or ISO 11801:1995 when such cabling plant also passes the additional parameters in TIA 568-B1 Annex D. Except for such statement about cabling installed
Second, violates the principle of being easy to understand and non-ambiguous because it makes references to both TIA 568A and 568B and to both ISO 11801:1995 and 11801:2002. More specifically, the document now introduces two very different definitions of Category 5 cabling one of which are contrary to the normal use of the term by users both in USA and outside USA where Category 5 is understood to be specified by TIA 568A. The document refers to Category 5 as defined in IAO/IEC 11801:1995 and Category 5 as defined in ISO 11801:2002.
Changes to Clause 40 need to clearly explain in context which ISO 11801 document is being referred to when the term "Category 5" is used. Old Category 5 is old Class D defined by 11801:1995. New Category 5 is new Class D and called Category 5e in TIA 568A and 568B and defined in ISO 11801:2002.
Clause 40 and Annex 40A need to clearly state that Category 5 cabling plants installed according to EIA/TIA 568A and ISO 11801:1195 before the publication of the EIA/TIA 568B and ISO 11801: 2002 support 1000BASE-T when tested for the additional performance parameters specified in TIA-568-B1 Annex D.
For example change First paragraph of Annex 40A lines 27ff to: Whether installing a new Category 5/Class D ISO 11801:2002 balanced cabling system or reusing a Category 5/Class D ISO 11801:1995 system that is already installed, it is highly recommended that the cabling systems be measured and certified before connecting 1000BASE-T equipment following the guidelines in ANSI/EIA/TIA 568-B1 Annex D.
1. Change the last two lines of 40.1 '1000BASE-T signaling requires four pairs of balanced cabling, as specified in ISO/IEC 11801:1995 (Class D) and ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-A-1995 (Category 5), and tested for the additional performance parameters specified in ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-B1 Annex D.'
2. Delete the text 'These requirements are met by a Class D channel as specified in ISO/IEC 11801:2002.'
3. Add a new note 'NOTE-ISO/IEC11801:2002 provides a specification (Class D) for media that exceeds the minimum requirements of this standard.'
4 Change text in first paragraph of Annex 40A to read '1000BASE-T is designed to operate over 4-pair unshielded twisted-pair cabling systems that meet the requirements described in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-A-1995 (Category 5) and ISO/IEC 11801:1995 (Class D), and the additional . . .'

CR 1080
Comment Type E
Isn't the current editorial policy to leave the year of a standard off unless necessary, to minimize the maintenance problems of new editions of standards?
I think the relevant changes are:
p.2, l.48 -- Change to read "The current version of ISO/IEC11801 provides..."
p.3, l.49 -- Change to read "The current version of ISO/IEC11801provides..."
p.4, l.10 -- Remove ":2001" from ANSI/EIA/TIA-568-B
p.4, l.13 -- Remove ":2002"

CR 1080
Comment Type E
100 ohms is not formatted correctly.
Correct format.

CR 1080
Comment Type E
Should be "100 m".

CR 1080
Comment Type E
New typo introduced (that isn't in the base document) -- misplaced space
Change "Fi gure40A-1" to "Figure 40A-1".

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
D2.1 Comments:

CR 1080
Comment Type E
Page:354 of IEEE 802.3,1998
The present standard uses non-optimal reference to a fiber specification in first sentence of designated clause. What is needed is a cable specification. ISO/IEC11801 is an appropriate cable specification unto itself. ISO/IEC11801 references this fiber specification within its cable specification. So if ISO/IEC11801 is referenced, it becomes redundant to reference the same fiber specifications in clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 is the latest edition, and cables meeting this edition are compliant with the specifications of clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 obsoletes its 1995 edition, making it the preferred reference. However, in the context of clause 15, the specifications for identified fiber-type have not changed. So no cable plant compliant to clause 15 of the presently published 802.3 standard will become obsolete by updating the reference to the 2002 edition.
Change the first sentence to read:
"The optical medium requirements are satisfied by the 62.5/125 µm nominal diameter fiber specified in ISO/IEC11801:2002 with the exceptions noted in to"
The note to subclause and provide refernces to ISO/IEC 11801.

CR 1080
Comment Type E
The note regarding attenuation uses non-optimal reference to fiber specification, IEC 60793-2:1992. What is needed is a cable specification. ISO/IEC11801 is an appropriate cable specification unto itself. ISO/IEC11801 references this fiber specification within its cable specification. So if ISO/IEC11801 is referenced, it becomes redundant to reference the same fiber specifications in clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 is the latest edition, and cables meeting this edition are compliant with the specifications of clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 obsoletes its 1995 edition and is therefore preferred. However in the context of clause 15, the specifications for the identified fiber-type have not changed. So no cable plant compliant to clause 15 of the presently published 802.3 standard will become obsolete by updating the reference to the 2002 edition.
SuggestedRemedy: Change the note to read: "NOTE - This value of attenuation is a relaxation of the standard ISO/IEC11801:2002."
We wish to continue to include the direct refernce to ISO/IEC 60793 so that the reader does not have to go through two levels of references to find the fibre specification.

CR 1080
Comment Type E
The note regarding modal bandwidth uses non-optimal reference to fiber specification, IEC 60793-2:1992. What is needed is a cable specification. ISO/IEC11801 is an appropriate cable specification unto itself. ISO/IEC11801 references this fiber specification within its cable specification. So if ISO/IEC11801 is referenced, it becomes redundant to reference the same fiber specifications in clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 is the latest edition, and cables meeting this edition are compliant with the specifications of clause 15. ISO/IEC11801:2002 obsoletes its 1995 edition, making it the preferred reference. However, in the context of clause 15, the specifications for identified fiber-type have not changed. So no cable plant compliant to clause 15 of the presently published 802.3 standard will become obsolete by updating the reference to the 2002 edition.
Change the note to read:"NOTE - This value of modal bandwidth is a relaxation of the standard ISO/IEC11801:2002."
We wish to continue to include the direct refernce to ISO/IEC 60793 so that the reader does not have to go through two levels of references to find the fibre specification.

CR 1080
Comment Type E
PICS Proforma M4 and M5 are associated with clause on chromatic dispersion of the fiber medium. Clause is proposed for deletion. The PICS Proforma must be coordinated with this change.
Harmonize the PICS Proforma with changes to clause

All changes editorial - include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1081 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28 - Typo15-Nov-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1082 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28 - Register 7 name15-Nov-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1083 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.3.3.1 - Clarification of variable definition15-Nov-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
At the July Interp. Ad Hoc meeting, which followed the July Maint. meeting, it was decided that this change was not necessarily required.

New status:
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
It was agreed that this request should be included in the IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1084 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40. - Scrambler polynomial error15-Nov-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
This was a publication error.
Change published in IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1085 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 36-7b - State diagram transition condition clarification15-Nov-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1085
Comment Type E
Grammo. Change "SUDI that cause the.." to "SUDI that caused the.."
See comment.

CR 1085
Comment Type E
The grammar of the note seems to be a bit off.
"against the code group obtained from the SUDI that caused the transition"
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^
because "contained from" isn't standard English and "cause" needs to be either causes or caused to fit the grammar. Past tense seemed better since the transition happens before the test.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1086 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedClause 43 - Update MAC service specifications to match 802.3ae07-Dec-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1087 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedMultiple - Correct cross-references to deleted subclauses through

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1088 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedClause 31 - MAC Control corrections07-Dec-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
The rational for revision includes the text 'The definition of the ReceiveFrame function is flawed.' without further explanation. Before this request is progressed this needs to be completed.

Action: David Law to contact Shimon and obtain additional text in relation to the flaw in the ReceiveFrame function.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
In response to the action item the following question was e-mailed to Shimon:
Q: The rational for revision includes the text 'The definition of ReceiveFrame function is flawed.' without further explanation. To allow us to progress this request further please could provide an explanation of this statement.
A: This is a minor point, and by itself I would not have bothered with it. My objection was to the use of the term "primitive" for a function in Pascal. In the context of 802.3, we typically use this term for service interfaces between sublayers only. Which reminds me that there is one more revision request that I need to submit for the definition of "primitive in clause 1. This came up during the recirculation of 802.3ae/D4.2.

The rational for the change to the ReceiveFrame function will be changed to read 'ReceiveFrame is a Pascal function, not a primitive.'

New status - Change Text then Ballot - (CB)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1089 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 31B - MAC Control Pause Operation corrections07-Dec-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
The rational for revision includes the text 'The exit conditions from state WAIT FOR TRANSMISSION COMPLETION in Figure 31B-2 are incorrect.' without further explanation. Before this request is progressed an explanation of this statement is needed.

Action: David Law to contact Shimon and obtain additional text in relation to why the exit condition is incorrect.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
In response to the action item the following question was e-mailed to Shimon:
Q: The rational for revision includes the text 'The exit conditions from state WAIT FOR TRANSMISSION COMPLETION in Figure 31B-2 are incorrect.' without further explanation. To allow us to progress this request further please could provide an explanation of this statement.
al thea logic equations for the exit conditions from the above state are missing parentheses and can therefore be interpreted incorrectly by implementors. If you just follow the binary logic arithmetic rules for these equations, the result will clearly not be the one that was intended by this standard.

The rational for the change to the ReceiveFrame function will be changed to read 'The exit conditions from state WAIT FOR TRANSMISSION COMPLETION in Figure 31B-2 is missing parentheses so can be interpreted incorrectly.'.

Affirmed as Errata by motion at closing 802.3 Plenary meeting.

New status - Errata - (E)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Due to IEEE Process requirements the only way to get this change published is to have it balloted. Correct the != symbols to use the normal 802.3 not equal symbol.

Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1090 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedClause 35 - Change to RX_CLK (receive clock) operation07-Dec-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
It was believed that the PONs PHY will not be continuously signalled in the upstream direction (to the head end) therefore this request should be withdrawn.

Action: David Law to contact Shimon to discuss this concern and if valid request he withdraw this Revision Request.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
In response to the action item the following question was e-mailed to Shimon:
Q - There was a concern that a PONs OLT (Head End PHY) will not receive a continuously signal and therefore require the ability to utilize a local clock when an incoming signal is not present. Based on this do you still wish to proceed with this request ?
A - Yes, I do. The issue is not whether a local clock reference is used or not, but rather how often the switching between the two clocks is done. The specifications in clauses 22 and 35 allows to do this clock switching on a frame-by-frame basis, and is therefore very tight. This is only necessary for 10BASE-T, where the line will go quiet during the IPG between frames. For EPONs the line will go quiet between slot times when one ONU shuts down its laser and before another one turns it on. This will result in temporary loss of link at the OLT. However, the OLT can easily do the switching between the clock sources well within the guardband that the system will provide. My suggested text will still apply in this case.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1090
Comment Type T
The revision requests asks for a change to the text for RX_CLK. I think that this change may require the removal of tPERIOD for RX_CLK from Table 35-8.
Remove tPERIOD for RX_CLK from Table 35-8.
This value only specifies a minimum and this minimum is still in force.

CR 1090
Comment Type T
The sentence "Transitions from nominal clock to recovered clock or from recovered clock to nominal clock shall not decrease the time between adjacent edges of RX_CLK." seems ambiguous or unnecessarily strict, demanding that the phase adjustment process must always proceed by slowing the clock momentarily, whereas PLL implementations could pull the clock faster, but by very moderate amounts. We discussed a similar issue in 802.3ae. For example, 51.7.2 XSBI PMA_RX_CLK Specification: "During the transitions, the PMA_RX_CLK pulse width shall not be less than the minimum that is calculated by the period times the duty cycle as defined in Table 51-10 and Table 51-12."
Should you say "Transitions from nominal clock to recovered clock or from recovered clock to nominal clock shall not decrease the period, or time between adjacent edges, of RX_CLK below the limits specified in Table 35-8."?

CR 1090
Comment Type TR
The changes eliminate the maximum time a clock can be stretched (line 48). When a PHY chip switches from recovered to nominal clock source for RX_CLK it can have an effect on MAC operation if clock edges do not continue for extended periods. It is possible that a design per the current GMII text could fail if clock transitions do not resume within the maximum two clock periods previously specified.
Add to the end of the sentence on line 40:
", and shall not increase the time between adjacent edges of RX_CLK more than twice the nominal clock period."
Change PICS SF4 Value/Comment (p.4, l.16) to read:
"No decrease of period between adjacent edges of RX_CLK."
Change PICS SF5 Value/Comment (p.4, l.20) to read:
No increase greater than two nominal clock periods between adjacent edges of RX_CLK ."
Restore original numbering of following PICS items.

CR 1090
Comment Type E
The proposed edit references clock period, but the normative text references adjacent edges of the clock.
Change PICS SF4 Value/Comment (p.4, l.16) to read (a subset of recommended change on TR comment about maximum increase): "No decrease of period between adjacent edges of RX_CLK."

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
CR 1090
Comment Type E
Move ")" from end of line 12 to end of line 10.

All changes editorial - include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1091 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedMultiple - Correct the text "error rate" with "error ratio"07-Dec-01

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Incomplete - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Awaiting ballot.
To be included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1091
Comment Type T
We should review 802.3ae for the necessary change. As far as I scanned, there are several 'error rate' phrases in 802.3ae.
We should review 802.3ae for the necessary change.
The are a number of instances in Clause 50 and the associated Clause 30 MIB attributes.

CR 1091
Comment Type T
A few of these actually could be rates. Some should be left alone in clauses no longer maintained.
The first instance of "error rates" in should not be changed because bullets b and c are rates, not ratios. No need to change this one.
38.6.8 Bit Error Rate Test: usage varies and it doesn't matter here. As 38.6.8 copied FC-PH which used 'rate', it isn't worth breaking into clause 38 for this alone. No need to change this one.
Decide if you are putting the policy of request 1098 into operation; if so, need not change 8, 11, 12, 23 & 32 anyway.
Since the policy isn't yet in place for the deprecated Clauses the proposed changes for these will stand.

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1092 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published31B.4.6 - Incorrect PICS item28-Jan-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Request complete.

Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1093 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnMultiple - Excessive and incorrect use of Register Trade Mark symbol13-Mar-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No Action - It appears that the trademark issue may be resolved this week
without the need for this.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
This request will be considered for further action or withdrawal at the November plenary meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
This request was Withdrawn.

New status:
Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1094 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.3 - Fix publishing error. New line missing13-May-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Status: Received - (R)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Remove the text in relation to updating the reference to be 568B as this is covered in Change request 1080. Once removed pass to Project Editor as Errata.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1095 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published3.2.6 - Ethertypes for prototype protocol development04-Jun-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Status: Received - (R)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
No update.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1095
Comment Type TR
We should not adopt changes based on other draft.
We should reconsider the change request after 802a is finalized and approved.
IEEE P802a is currently in Sponsor ballot and should be approved prior to IEEE P802.3aj starting Sponsor ballot. If there is a delay with IEEE P802a we will remove this change during the IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor ballot.
In addition this change was submitted in response to a comment submitted against IEEE P802a by an IEEE P802.3 voter.
We do feel it is appropriate for one IEEE P802 draft to reference another draft that has Sponsor ballot and this has been done in the past.

CR 1095
Comment Type E
The proposed text should be added as a note. In checking for normative references, an overlooked obsolete reference was also noticed (yes this is stretching the scope of the change request).
Add to end of 3.2.6:
"NOTE -- Clause 12 of IEEE P 802a (an amendment to IEEE Std 802) defines a set of Type values and associated mechanisms for use in prototype and vendor-specific protocol development."
Add normative reference to 1.3 (should be updated by IEEE editor before publication of 802.3aj):
"IEEE P 802a(TM)/D2 (May 28, 2000), Draft Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks--Overview and Architecture--Amendment 1: Ethertypes for prototype and vendor-specific protocol development.6"
Errata noticed while generating comment.
Missed updating normative reference in 802.3-2002: "IEEE Std 802.1Q-1998,IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks."
Typo in footnote 7 on page 9 of 802.3-2002 "IEFT" should be "IETF"

Include in D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
CR 1095
The reference for 1155 doesn't appear to have any changes so it doesn't need to be in the change request.
Take out the reverence to 1155 for the convenience of the voters.

CR 1095
Comment Type E
Typos, misplaced spaces.
Change "IEEE Std d802" to read "IEEE Std 802".

All changes editorial - include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1096 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published12, 14 & 28 - 8-pin modular jack specification reference21-Jun-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Mar-02
Status: Received - (R)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Jul-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1097 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published47.3.3.4 - Driver differential return loss24-Sep-02

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
To be consistent with the style used elsewhere in 802.3ae rather than add 10**6 into the equation as suggested the text "where f is frequency in MHz" should be added after the equation.

Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
D2.0 Comments:

CR 1097
Comment Type T
Agree with Dhiraj. I must have reviewed this 100 times and did not see this.

CR 1097
Comment Type E
Need to update the PIC element E4
Delete equation from PIC, add reference to equation 47-1

No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
No D2.1 Working Group recirculation ballot comments received. Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1098 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published8, 11, 12, 16,
23 & 32 - Note that maintenance no longer performed on deprecated MAUs/PHYs

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim meeting 04-Oct-02
During the meeting it became apparent that there was a maintenance change that would change a deprecated Clause which it did not seem to be appropriate - if the Clause is deprecated there should be no further changes to it. The maintenance changes was therefore edited to removed the change to the deprecated clause and this new request was raised to add the text 'As of the 802.3-2002 edition no further maintenance changes are being considered.' to each of the deprecated Clauses.

Include in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Included in IEEE P802.3aj ballot package.

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1099 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published49.2.14.2 - Register bits reference15-Oct-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Include in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1100 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected52.14.14 - Connector specifications24-Oct-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
On review of IEEE Std. 802.3ae-2002, 10Gb/s Ethernet it was found that while the proposed new text was of course not present in subclause 52.14.14 nor 53.14.3 it was already published in IEEE Std.802.3ae-2002 in subclause 1.3 Normative reference where IEC 61753-022-2 is listed. The specific text reads as follows (note that 2 is a footnote.):


1.3 Normative references


IEC 61753-022-2, Performance standard - Part 022-2: Fibre optic connectors terminated on multimode fibre for Category C - Controlled environment.2


2 IEC 61753-022-2 is under development and not available at this time. Its anticipated publication date is April 2003. Until the IEC standard is available, users are encouraged to reference ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3-2000 in its place.


It was pointed out that this footnote was added to one of the later drafts to address the concern you were raising.

Since it is the policy of IEEE P802.3 to reference International Standard in preference to National Standards, the reference to the IEC specification in the body of the text, and a footnote to reference the ANSI/TIA/EIA specification in the Normative References subclause, was believed to be the appropriate editorial structure in this case. Based on this, and the belief that the present text satisfied the 'Rational for Revision' in the request, the proposed resolution was to reject these requests as they would add duplicate text.

This resolution was approved at the IEEE P802.3 Closing Plenary on Thursday 14th November 2002.

New Status: Rejected - (J)

Change Request 1101 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected53.14.3 - Connector specifications24-Oct-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
On review of IEEE Std. 802.3ae-2002, 10Gb/s Ethernet it was found that while the proposed new text was of course not present in subclause 52.14.14 nor 53.14.3 it was already published in IEEE Std.802.3ae-2002 in subclause 1.3 Normative reference where IEC 61753-022-2 is listed. The specific text reads as follows (note that 2 is a footnote.):


1.3 Normative references


IEC 61753-022-2, Performance standard - Part 022-2: Fibre optic connectors terminated on multimode fibre for Category C - Controlled environment.2


2 IEC 61753-022-2 is under development and not available at this time. Its anticipated publication date is April 2003. Until the IEC standard is available, users are encouraged to reference ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.3-2000 in its place.


It was pointed out that this footnote was added to one of the later drafts to address the concern you were raising.

Since it is the policy of IEEE P802.3 to reference International Standard in preference to National Standards, the reference to the IEC specification in the body of the text, and a footnote to reference the ANSI/TIA/EIA specification in the Normative References subclause, was believed to be the appropriate editorial structure in this case. Based on this, and the belief that the present text satisfied the 'Rational for Revision' in the request, the proposed resolution was to reject these requests as they would add duplicate text.

This resolution was approved at the IEEE P802.3 Closing Plenary on Thursday 14th November 2002.

New Status: Rejected - (J)

Change Request 1102 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected46.4 - XGMII electrical characteristics25-Oct-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
This request originated as an e-mail and was then placed in the maintenance process. On review it was concluded that this request should be dealt with as an Interpretations.

This resolution was approved at the IEEE P802.3 Closing Plenary on Thursday 14th November 2002.

New Status: Rejected - (J)

Change Request 1103 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.2.2 - Register bit width25-Oct-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Included in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1104 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.4.5.1 - 1000BASE-T Auto-crossover13-Nov-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-02
This request was submitted in response to the defect pointed out by Interpretation request 1000BASE-T Auto-crossover.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3aj Maintenance #7 Interim meeting 09-Jan-03
Passed Working Group ballot with no comments. Move to Sponsor ballot with IEEE P802.3aj.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Included in IEEE P802.3aj Sponsor Ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Expected to be published as part of IEEE P802.3aj which will be forwarded for approval at September standard board meeting.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Published in IEEE Std 802.3aj-2003.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1105 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45. - Register cross reference error14-Nov-02

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1106 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30. - Incorrect cross references20-Feb-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1107 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn52.9.1.2 & 49.2.8 - Square wave test pattern definition06-Mar-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Mar-03
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
An attempt will be made to contact the submitter to discuss this request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Piers Dawe provided a presentation analysis of the change proposed in this request. For the time being the submitter choose to allow the request to remain in its current state - it will not be included in the upcoming revision ballot.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Action: David to contact submitter to see if they want to continue this requets.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 19-Jul-2006
Action: David to contact submitter to see if they want to continue this requets.

Email sent 6th July 2007.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
The request was Withdrawn by the requester.

Change Request 1108 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 48B - Jitter test methods30-May-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 23-Jul-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include the correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1109 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
RejectedVarious, see details - Document re-structuring17-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
This request was discussed at a special meeting after all other request had been classified. At the meeting the following motion was made:

Motion: “classify req. 1109 as J (rejected).

M: J. Thatcher
A: H. Frazer
Y: 28 N: 6 A: 3

New status Rejected - (J)

Change Request 1110 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published53.15.4.3 - Management Functions, item MR617-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #164
Comment Type: TR
The intent of this PICS entry is to ensure that PMD_transmit_fault is set if the PMD finds a local fault on "any" transmit lane. There are multiple lanes involved, not just one.
Recommend a different remedy from that suggested in the request:
"Sets PMD_transmit_fault to a logical 1 if a local fault is detected on any transmit path."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1111 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published53.15.4.3 - Management Functions, item MR717-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #165
Comment Type: TR
The intent of this PICS entry is to ensure that PMD_receive_fault is set if the PMD finds a local fault on "any" receive lane. There are multiple lanes involved, not just one.
Sugested Remedy:
Recommend a different remedy from that suggested in the request:
"Sets PMD_receive_fault to a logical 1 if a local fault is detected on any receive path."

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1112 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - PICS copyright release statement17-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include the correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1113 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn45.2.3 - PCS registers17-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Y
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

Vote to forward to ballot: Y:4 N:1 A:4

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #33
Comment Type: TR
The suggested change adds unnecessary complexity. We fully discussed the possibility of this option during the development of the standard and decided not to include it. It provides no additional utility as the PMD and PCS are always provided as a pair.
Sugested Remedy:
Do not make the change in this maintenance request.

The change request 1113 is withdrawn by the submitter and will be removed from the package.

New status: Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1114 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.5.8 - 10G DTE XGXS lane status register17-Aug-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Incomplete (I)
Peter Bradshaw to provide rewording.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Correct spelling of Advertisement on Page 1114-1, line 21.
Bit 4.24.10 to be defined as 'Ignored - Value 0 or 1, writes ignored'.
Once complete include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1115 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published23.7.1, 40.8.1 - MDI Connectors02-Oct-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Incomplete (I)
Check with 1000BASE-T experts to ensure that 1000BASE-T is indeed polarity insensitive. If this is correct the note will be added to 1000BASE-T only (100BASE-T4 is deprecated and maintenance is no longer preformed on that Clause).

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
New text to be supplied by Sailesh.
Once supplied include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1116 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 33A - PSE Detection of PDs - Figure 33A.222-Oct-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1117 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.3.7 - PSE State Diagrams31-Oct-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
While it was felt this change was acceptable the consensus of the meeting was to keep this in the state R to allow further time to review the change in detail.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1118 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published48.2.4.2 - Idle ||I||31-Oct-03

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Nov-03
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #27
Comment Type: T
The change request to remove the requirement for "uniform" random for the ||A|| code for 8b/10b encoding needs to be rejected. There were good reasons during the draft development for this requirement. One reason that I seem to remember was to spread out the EMI energy that is present over a broader spectrum. This requirement is still valid.
Removing this text could mean that two numbers which are "random" would meet the requirements.
Simply because implementations have not followed the standard is not a good reason to then change the standard.
If I was to be present at the Ottawa meeting, I would make this disapproval a TR.
Do not change the draft. Perhaps more clarifying text is needed.
The normative state machine in Clause 48 will not produce a uniform random distribution of ||A||'s. It will however produce a good enough pseudo random non uniform distribution to spread the spectrum (see taborek_1_0500.pdf).

Comment: # 173
Comment Type: E
The word 'uniformly' needs to be removed from this subclause in support of CR 1118.
Remove 'uniformly'.
Change request 1118 will be updated..

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1119 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.7.2 - PSE classification15-Nov-03

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1120 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4 - Definition of Type25-Nov-03

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1121 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28C.6 - Message Code #5--Organizationally Unique
Identifier (OUI) tag code

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
The revision request includes a note that states:

Why are there 11 unused bits and a 9-bit final code value? Other approaches could be:
1) Maximal: Define the remaining 20 bits as dependent bits.
2) Uniform: Define 16 bits as dependent bits.
3) Minimal: Define 8 bits as dependent bits.
Regardless of this or other choices, the meanings of these unused bits should be clearly specified.

The definition of these bits will need to be determined and explained prior to this request moving forward to ballot.

Incomplete - (I)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Updated text supplied by David James - Option 1, the maximal approach was chosen with the 20 bits defined as dependent bits.
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #107
Comment Type:T
While the new text and figure provides an excellent illustration of Message code #5, the current descriptive text is also useful and should not be removed. In addition the current new proposed text supplied in change request 1121 only places a shall on the use of message code 0x005 and places no shall on the four user codes.
1. Add editing instruction to the text supplied in change request 1121 that read 'Insert the following text at the end of subclause 28C.6.'
2. Delete the first sentence of the new paragraph supplied in change request 1121 as this is a duplication of the first sentence of the current text.
3. In the last sentence of the current paragraph change the text 'The fourth and final ...' to read 'The fifth and final ...'.
The first instance of 'fourth' should be changed to 'third'. The second instance of 'fourth' is correct.

Comment: #108
Comment Type:T
The text uses the example '... the manufacture-selected extension identifier for a given component is 101100011.'. Apart from this being only 9 bits when the filed is 20 bits, these 20 bits are not a manufacture-selected extension but instead is a 'user-defined user code value this is specific to the OUI transmitted'.
In addition since this value is indeed a user-defined user code associated to the OUI transmitted I don't think we need to define the bit order - it is the owner of the OUI that does that. While I don't think there are any implementations out there that use Message code #5, I'm not too sure that we need to defined the bit order here to ensure inter-operability - only the format of the OUI need be defined for inter-operability. If we do choose to defined the bit order of these 20 bits aren't we constraining the use of Message code #5 more than it has been in the past.
Assuming however that we are going to choose to define the bit order for this field the text related to the example needs to be updated to match the fugure.
Suggest that the text '... the manufacture-selected extension identifier for a given component is 101100011.' be changed to read '... the user-defined user code associated to the OUI is 11001110000011111100.'.

Comment: #105
Comment Type:E
The figure number, and the reference to it are incorrect. The Figure number should be 28C-1 (not 28.1) and the reference to it on line 24 should be corrected to match this.
Correct figure number and reference.

Comment: #166
Comment Type:TR
I agree that this text is confusing, since 9.1 of Std
802-2001 describes the OUI as consisting of 3 octets and not a 24-bit field. I'm not sure what the MSB really means without using the same terminology used in 802-2001.
However, I think the example provided by Dr. James is just as confusing. The "manufacturer-selected extension identifier" used in the example, "101100011" does not match anything in Figure 28.1 (though I think this figure should be labeled Figure 28C-1).
I would prefer to see this request rejected than to swap one level of confusion with another. I'm not sure if I'm simply missing something or if there's an error in the example.
If nothing else is done, I would recommend correcting the text that already resides in 28C.6 by replacing "fourth user" in the next to last sentence with "third user code".
If a clear example can be provided in subsequent circulations, I would not be against flipping my vote on this request.
See response to comment #107 & #108.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1122 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Failed28C.7 - Message Code #6--PHY identifier tag code17-Dec-03

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
New status Failed - (F)

D1.0 Comment:

Comment: # 109
Comment Type: T
While the new text and figure provides an excellent illustration of Message code #6, the current descriptive text is also useful and should not be removed. In addition the current new proposed text supplied in change request 1122 only places a shall on the use of message code 0x006
and places no shall on the four user codes.
Instead of replacing the current text the new text and figure supplied in change request 1122 should be used to supplement and clarify the current text.
1. Add editing instruction to the text supplied in change request 1122 that read 'Insert the following text at the end of subclause 28C.7.'
2. Delete the first sentence of the new paragraph supplied in change request 1122 as this is a duplication of the first sentence of the current text.
This is duplicating the mapping of the OUI into the register bits found in The mapping of the regsiter bits found in to Message code #6 is already clearly defined in subclause 28C.7. Placing this mapping in two places could be confusing. Based on this we will not merge the text from CR1122 into the draft and will remove CR1122 from the package.
Straw poll:
Y: 13
N: 1
A: 4

Comment: # 106
Comment Type: E
The figure number, and the reference to it are incorrect. The Figure number should be 28C-2 (not 28.1) and the reference to it on line 25 should be corrected to match this.
Correct figure number and reference.
See comment #109.

Comment: # 167
Comment Type: TR
This figure is very different from the one recommended in Request 1121 as a change to 28C.6. It might be a good example but the two figures need to match.
Align these two requests with a common theme between the figures and I would consider flipping my vote. Otherwise, I'd prefer to keep the original text.

Change Request 1123 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published24.2.4.2 - Transmit 05-Jan-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1124 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFront matter - Introduction to IEEE Std 802.3-200205-Jan-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance #7 interim meeting 13-Jan-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - Y
Errata - (E)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Include this correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1125 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published24.8.3.2 - PICS - PCS functions10-Feb-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1126 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published26.4.1 - Medium Dependent Interface (MDI)10-Feb-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1127 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published3.2.3 - Address Fields10-Feb-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1128 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published36. & - Functions & Variables1-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

This errata is considered essential therefore and should be included in an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3-2002.
Action: David Law to work with IEEE-SA Staff to issue an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3-2002.

Also include the correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1129 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnFront matter - Additional text for introduction2-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Withdrawn. This request was withdrawn by the requester on the basis it is matter of policy to add this text to all drafts and has been referred to SA Staff to add this text as remedial action to all existing Standards.

Change Request 1130 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn24.2.4.2 - Transmit 2-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Withdrawn. This request is a duplicate of 1123.

Change Request 1131 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4.2.7.1 - Common constants, types, and variables10-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

This errata is considered essential therefore and should be included in an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002.
Action: David Law to work with IEEE-SA Staff to issue an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002.

Also include the correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1132 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4.2.3.1 - Transmit data encapsulation10-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Clause number should read '4.2.10'.
Clause title should read 'Common procedures'.
Proposed revision text should read change 'CRC32 := {The 32-bit CRC for the entire frame, excluding the FCS field (if present)}' to read 'CRC32 := {The 32-bit CRC for the entire frame as defined in 3.2.8, excluding the FCS field (if present)}'
Rational should read 'Add a cross-reference to 3.2.8'.

Based on the updates:

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Y
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1133 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4.2.8 - Frame transmission16-Mar-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 17-Mar-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
Ready for ballot - N/A
Errata - (E)

On examination of the approved draft of IEEE P802.3ae (D5.0) it can be seen the text in the approved draft does not match that of the published standard. This is therefore an errata. The Change request will be updated to reflect this. This errata is considered essential therefore and should be included in an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002.

Action: David Law to work with IEEE-SA Staff to issue an Errata sheet for IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002.

Also include the correction in IEEE P802.3REVam draft - does not require ballot as it is a Errata.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1134 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn48.7.4.1 - Compatibility considerations PICS08-Apr-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Action: New text for subclause 53.1 to be generated by Jonathan Thatcher, Arthur Marris, Peter Bradshaw and Piers Dawe. Once this text is complete move this request forward to be included in IEEE P802.3REVam.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Still awaiting completion of action item to produce new text for subclause 53.1.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Still awaiting completion of action item to produce new text for subclause 53.1.
Action: David Law to send reminder e-mail.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Reminder e-mail sent - no further progress.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 19-Jul-2006
David to contact submitter, Arthur Marris and Piers Dawe to see if there is any progress.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
The request was Withdrawn by the requester.

Change Request 1135 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.5.3 - PMA/PMD management functions PICS29-Apr-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #1
Comment Type: E
In fixing the original error, I asked that 'lane 0' be replaced by 'bit 0'. My bad, the original actually had 'lane zero', and the editors changed the text to 'bit zero'. To be consistent with other similar formats (e.g. MM32 through MM42), where the bits are designated by numeric, rather than textual, values, I suggest that the original remedy be completed, i.e. the former 'lane zero' now changed to 'bit zero' be changed to 'bit 0' .
In, MM31, replace 'bit zero' by 'bit 0'
See comment #19.
Comment #19 response:
Change 'lane zero' to 'bit 1.9.0'.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1136 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.5.16 - Electrical characteristics PICS29-Apr-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Add a new entry to the PICS options for Open Drain buffer. Predicate EC7 based on this option not supported. Once the request has be updated with this the new status will be:

Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #2
Comment Type: E
Add the following entry to the end of the table found in subclause"
There does not appear to be any subclause (not in part 1 section 4, or in part 2), but the instructions do not seem to demand the addition of one. The entry item to be added (the '*ODB' line) could rationally (imho) be added to the end of the Table in clause, which does refer to the signaling format on the MDIO and MDC lines, which is the topic at issue here.
Add the '*ODB' item to end of Table in instead. If it is necessary to change it to an 'SF4' item, change the reference in the EC7 item in also to the same, as by replacing
!ODB:M by !SF4:M.
The item '*ODB' should be added to the end of the table in subclause 'Major capabilities/options' as it is an option.
The new item 'EC7' is still correct.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1137 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.5.3 - PMA/PMD management functions PICS29-Apr-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1138 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5 - PICS for Clause 45, MDIO interface29-Apr-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1139 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4 - Definition of CS0, CS121-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1140 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published5.2.4.2 - Error in variable name21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Action Item - Tom Mathey to e-mail Rich Seifert, Ben Brown and Shimon Muller to confirm that they agree that this is an error that should be corrected. If they agree, then this request should be included in IEEE P802.3REVam.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Agreed that this is indeed an error.

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1141 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published7. - Formatting error21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1142 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published7. - Mis-spelled word21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1143 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 7-6 - Transition condition inversion missing21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1144 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published14.2.1.5 - Typo in minimum value of range21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1145 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published14.2.3.2 - Incorrect state name referenced21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1146 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 14-3 - State transition error21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Action Item - Tom Mathey to e-mail Pat Thaler, Geoff Thompson and Paul Nickolich (Former chair of 10BASE-T conformance Test Task Force) to confirm if this really is an error.

If they agree, then this request should be included in IEEE P802.3REVam.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
On review of the state machine and the related variable definitions it was found that the required gating was included in the variable definition text rather than the State Diagram as is more normal practice today.

Based on this the request was withdrawn by the submitter.

Withdrawn (W)

Change Request 1147 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 14-2 - Text formatting error21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1148 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 27-1 - Spurious text in figure21-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3REVam Maintenance #8 interim meeting 29-Sep-04
D1.0 Comment:

Comment: #168
Comment Type: TR
The heading LAN CSMA/CD LAYERS is common to nearly every figure of this type throughout the entire document. There is no need to remove that heading from this figure.
Reject this request.
The repeater does not have other layers above it - it is entirely a physical layer device.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1149 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40C.1, 40C.2.1, and
Fig 40C-2 - Missing variable definition

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - No
Errata - (E)

Action: David Law to have this added to the IEEE Std 802.3-2002 Errata sheet.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Include in IEEE P802.3REVam draft.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1150 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 40C-2 - State machine error25-May-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 25-May-05
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Include in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1151 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published54.6.3.2 - Test Fixture Impedance1-Jun-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1152 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published64.3.3.2 - Variable error8-Jul-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1153 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published64.3.3.5 - Message error8-Jul-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1154 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published64.2.2.1 - Constants error8-Jul-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1155 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published65.2.2.2 - Functions error8-Jul-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1156 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 64-22 - State machine error8-Jul-04

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1157 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 64-21 - State machine error8-Jul-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1158 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published65. - FEC Special frame markers lack of Hamming distance8-Jul-04

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim meeting 14-Jul-04
Proposed solution now added to request as well as two further pages related to the rationale. Now that these have been added the request is read for ballot.

Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Approved for inclusion in IEEE P802.3REVam ballot package.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2005.
New status Published - (P)

Change Request 1159 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn57 - OAM Discovery state diagram7-Mar-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action: David Law to contact request submitter to see if, based on the update to this State Machine in the recently approved IEEE Std 802.3REVam, they would like to withdraw this request.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 15-Sep-05
Email received from Al Brag on 26th July confirming that he would like to withdraw this request.

New status - Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1160 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn30.11.2.1 - Additional attribute aTCCRCErrors8-Mar-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Email received from Michael Beck on 14th June confirming that he would like to withdraw this request.

New status - Withdrawn - (W)

Change Request 1161 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 33C.6 - Figure 33C.6 Title19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Forward to IEEE P802.3at editor.
Y:8, N:0, A:0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1162 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.8.8 - Short circuit Output current19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action Yair Darshan:
Add title that explains the purpose of the change so the reader will understand that we are referring to "foldback" current limit type.
Set separate request for fixing the text in to reflect that the operating voltage specified in table 33-5 item 1 range is for normal powering mode and during overload mode as per the description of figure 33C-6.
Explicitly allows voltages less than 44V in short circuit condition or when current reaches to ILIM.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim week meeting 15-Sep-05
New version of request D2.0 reviewed.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1163 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.3.1 - Alternative A detection timing19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action Yair Darshan:
Remove colour from figure.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim week meeting 15-Sep-05
Black and white version of figure supplied and request updated.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Figure updated.

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
On hold requesting clarification from submitter.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1164 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 33C.11 - Align informative figure with normative text19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action Yair Darshan:
Update figure to include text that explains that dashed lines can be different possibilities

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Interim week meeting 15-Sep-05
Figure colours changed to black and white. Dashed lines added to detection parts to reflect that the detection wave forms have more options and it is example only of few possible scenarios. Request updated with new figure.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Figure updated.

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Recommend Yair to revise drawing and resubmit.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1165 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33C.1.4 - Capacitive load for inrush current test19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action Yair Darshan:
Check that the test model in the upper part of figure 33c.3 meets the spec requirement and discuss with the following group - Yair Darshan; Dave Dwelley; Clay Stanford; 'Mike McCormack ; Arkadiy Peker; Steve Robbins; David M. Lucia; Patoka Martin.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 15-Sep-05
Text and drawing updated to address comments regarding the matching between them. Explanations added for the port voltage behaviors during Inrush (startup) load.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Figure updated.

New status:
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Forward to IEEE P802.3at editor.
Y:6, N:0, A:1

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1166 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33C.16 - Test procedure PSE-14 test setup19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Action Yair Darshan:
Add the required text to the spec or change it to reflect that Zsource is Rrev_min.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 15-Sep-05
Figure updated in realtion to Rrev. Request updated with new figure.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Figure updated.

New status:
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Forward to IEEE P802.3at editor.
Y:9, N:0, A:0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1167 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 33-6 - New state diagram option for short circuit condition19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - No
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 15-Sep-05
Updated request in respect to shutting the port off during short circuit condition with time shorter then Tlim.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

Pass on to IEEE P802.3at for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1168 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedClause 14, 25, 40 and 33 - DTE Power via MDI isolation requirements19-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 20-Jul-05
Revision request:-
Line 19 p.3 to update the date and version to 609501/2001
-To add the need to update paragraph line 14 and paragraph line 15 with 60950/2001 as well.
-Line 3 p.2 should be "requirements"
-Line 3 p.4 should be "requirements"

Regarding the Corrigendum PAR draft that referees to 1168:
The draft was reviewed and the following items need to be corrected:
- Title has typo: should be corrigendum
- Item 14: "deviations" spelled wrong.
- Item 19: need to be corrected from "does specifies" to "does not specify"
David Law introduce and red to the group the IEEE-SA policy regarding patents.
Motion from the maint committee that requires pre submission of the PAR pass with: Y=25, N=0, A=0

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 15-Sep-05
Review and updated request.
Chartered IEEE P802.3-2005/Cor1 editor to generate draft and pre-circulate to IEEE 802.3 in preperation for request to go to Workign Group ballot at November closing IEEE 802.3 plenary.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
IEEE P802.3-2005/Cor 1 PAR Appoved Sep SASB
Requesting WG ballot.

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Handled by IEEE Std 802.3-2005/Cor1. This standard is now published.

New status:
Published - (P)

Change Request 1169 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 64-28 - Gate Processing ONU Programming StateDiagram26-Jul-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Action: Hugh and Wael to contact Glen to add an option to allow implementations to the existing standard comply with changed state machine.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Action: David to resend email to Glen.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 19-Jul-2006
New status:
Ready for ballot (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1170 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.8.1 - Output voltage29-Sep-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

Pass to IEEE P802.3at Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1171 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published60 - No time specified for receiver settling time in PONS29-Sep-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Technical
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1172 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published65 - Shall statement without a PICs29-Sep-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1173 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published60 - Correct Octets to be ten-bit code-groups29-Sep-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
New status:
Editorial/Technical - Editorial
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - Yes
Ready for Ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1174 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published57 - OAM access of multiple instances of objects24-Oct-05

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Nov-05
Action: Hugh and Kevin to contact submitter in respect to the use of the broadcast value (0xFF).

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Complete then ballot - (CB)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
Updated version of request submitted.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
two changes:

1. Parsing fix

In lines 26-30 of the current request, change:

Additionally, a special Variable Container with Variable Branch and Leaf values corresponding to an object identification number (such as 7/330 for a PME ID, or 7/282 for an EPON LLID) may be used in a Variable Request OAMPDU to select a particular instance of a managed object of which multiple instances exist in the remote MIB.


Additionally, a special Variable Container with Variable Branch and Leaf values corresponding to an object identification number (such as 7/330 for a PME ID, or 7/282 for an EPON LLID), Variable Width equal to 2, and Variable Value equal to a 2-octet identification number, may be used in a Variable Request OAMPDU to select a particular instance of a managed object of which multiple instances exist in the remote MIB.

Reason for change:
Note that the identification attributes such as PME_ID and Link_ID are defined as INTEGERs and hence have a length of 32 bits. This means that the width field in the variable container would normally be set to 4 (octets). This introduces an ambiguity with respect to variable descriptors requesting a package (branch value = 4). To avoid all confusion, the Variable Width should not coincide with the branch values that could be found in a descriptor (object = 3, package = 4, attribute = 7). We propose to mandate a variable width of 2 octets. As a result, the total length of the descriptor would become 6 octets. A parser that does not implement the changes proposed in this maintenance request would parse this container as two descriptors of 3 octets each, the second one of which is certain to be discarded as garbage because of an illegal "branch value"; the receiving parser remains in sync with the subsequent descriptors and remains in a valid state.

2. Remove reference to identification number '0'

In lines 38-46 of the current request, change:

If no explicit instance selection has taken place, the instance corresponding to identification number '0' is presumed to be addressed.
If the Variable Width field is set to 0xFF in an instance selector, all instances of the concerned object are addressed. Each subsequent Variable Descriptor shall be understood to consecutively target the attributes of all existing instances until an other instance selector is received or the Variable Request OAMPDU ends.


If no explicit instance selection has taken place, all instances of the concerned object are addressed.
In this case, each subsequent Variable Descriptor shall be understood to consecutively target the attributes of all existing instances until an instance selector is received or the Variable Request OAMPDU ends.

Reason for change: there is no way of knowing that the identification number '0' is effectively assigned to any of the instances of the desired object.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1175 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected57 - Per loop OAM on EFM aggregated links (Clause 57)11-Nov-05

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
Request was classified as a new feature request.

Working Group Motion #6: Reject maintenance requests #1175 and #1176 as beyond the scope of maintenance
M: A. Healey on behalf of the Task Force
Technical (>= 75%)
Passed by voice without opposition

Change Request 1176 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected61 - Per loop OAM on EFM aggregated links (Clause 61)11-Nov-05

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
Request was classified as a new feature request.

Working Group Motion #6: Reject maintenance requests #1175 and #1176 as beyond the scope of maintenance
M: A. Healey on behalf of the Task Force
Technical (>= 75%)
Passed by voice without opposition

Change Request 1177 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published and - aFECCorrectedBlocks / aFECUncorrectableBlocks08-Mar-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 8-Mar-2006
An updated version of the request will be submitted to change the maximum for 10Mb/s should be 10,000 counts/second and the maximum for 1Gb/s should be 1,200,000 counts/second.

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 19-Jul-2006
Updated version of request submitted.

New status:
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1178 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published48. - Idle deletion rules11-Sep-06

IEEE P802.3ay Maintenance #9 interim meeting 17-Jan-07
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1179 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.5.4.5 - Cross reference error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1180 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.5.4.8 - PICS status error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1181 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.1 - Register name error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1182 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.4 - Missing bit definition in register19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1183 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.60 - Table and text do not match19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Action - Sanjay and George to talk to Brett about this request.

IEEE P802.3ay Maintenance #9 interim meeting 17-Jan-07
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1184 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.7.1 - Cross reference error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1185 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.7.10 - Bit description typo19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1186 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.3.3 - Missing PICS item19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1187 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.3.8 - PICS clarification19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
This change was implemented as part of the IEEE P802.3ap project.

Change Request 1188 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.3.8 - PICS inconsistent with text19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1189 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.12.6 - PICS status error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Tech
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1190 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.12.8 - PICS cross reference error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1191 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28.3.4 - Variable spelling error19-Sep-06

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Nov-06
Editorial/Technical - Edit
Ballot Required - Yes
Ready for ballot - (B)

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1192 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFig 33C-2 - Typo2-Dec-06

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07

Recommend change to:

"dI/dt=35mA/ µs"
Change diagram: Remove Rmin & S1, replace with “current load black box”
Remove references to S1 in procedures 1 and 2

Forward to IEEE P802.3at editor.
Y:9, N:0, A:0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1193 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published - Correct refernce to turn on voltage specification12-Dec-06

IEEE P802.3at DTE power via MDI enhancements interim meeting 19-Jan-07
Recommendation is to replace the text wholesale to:

The PD shall turn on at less than or equal to VOn and turn off at greater than or equal to VOff (as specified in Table 33–12) when connected to a PSE through a 20Ω series resistor. The PD shall turn on or off without startup oscillation and within the first trial at any load value.

Forward to IEEE P802.3at editor.
Y:7, N:0, A:1

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Sep-09
IEEE 802.3at-2009 was approved by IEEE SASB on 9/11/2009

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Oct-09
IEEE Std 802.3at-2009 was published October 2009

Change Request 1194 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55. - Figure error23-Jan-07

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 14-Mar-07
Included in IEEE P802.3ay draft.

Change Request 1195 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected48.2.5 - Management function requirements19-Oct-07

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
E-mail sent to requester on 8th November 2013.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This maintenance request was discussed and there was a recommendation to reject the request because it has not been progressed by the submitter. It was observed that the maintenance request was first submitted in October 2007.

Motion #3: Reject Maintenance Request #1195
M: D. Law
S: H. Barrass
Technical (>=75%)
Passed by voice vote without opposition

A motion was then considered by the IEEE 802.3 Working Group (see

Reject MR 1195 since it has not been progressed by the submitter.
M: A. Healey S: H. Barrass
Technical (>=75%)
Passed by voice vote without opposition 20-March 2014, 3:11 pm

The maintenance request is rejected.

Change Request 1196 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published64 - OLT, ONU MUX States10-Jul-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Jul-08
1. Debate on whether the interface or the use of the interface needs to be fixed
2. Debate on urgency and scope of fix: Would impact method of solution
3. Debate on impact to 802.3
4. Chartered ad-hoc. Appointed Jeff Mandin to Chair it: (a) Ad-hoc to address the above issues (b) Ad-hoc to conduct telecons / mtgs as needed (c) Ad-hoc to report to Maint TF on Monday in Sept (d) Discussion on maint reflector (e) Will request TF Chairs to pass info on their reflectors

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 15-Sep-08
Adhoc recommends (a) Clarification to a state diagram in the MAC layer and (b) Minor corrections to 3 state diagrams in the MAC Control layer. Refer

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 10-Nov-08
State diagram changes to be applied to C64 and their counterparts in C77 (for 10GEPON) simultaneously. Specifically, Figures 77-13 and 77-14 (counterparts to 64-12 and 64-13 as of WG D2.3)

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1197 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published31B.3.7 - Pause Timing Consideration05-Sep-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 15-Sep-08
(a) Accepted proposed resolution (c) as shown in diab_1_0908.pdf to maintenance request 1197 and (b) Maintenance Task Force Chair to prepare a draft Corrigendum PAR with scope to address maintenance request 1197 for consideration at the November plenary

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-08
PAR for P802.3bc (802.3-2008/Cor 1) approved

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Jul-09
Status will be changed to “Balloting” when P802.3bb is in Balloting stage

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Dec-09
IEEE SASB approved IEEE P802.3-2008/Cor1 (IEEE 802.3bb) was approved December 2009

Change Request 1198 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published15, 49, 60, 61, 64, 65 - Capitalization08-Sep-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 15-Sep-08
TF recommended styles be added to.3 style guide

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1199 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30 - Editorial20-Sep-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 12-Nov-08
(a) Places where “this subclause” appear: 1. Definitions and 2. Beginning of new subclauses (b) On next revision change the instances that
appear within to point to other
sections. E.g. 1. WIS definition: Point to 30.8 2. Autoneg, MAU, PSE and WIS for 2008 (c) State of request changed to be “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1200 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected72.7.1 - 10GBASE-KR Electrical Characteristics18-Nov-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 14-Jan-09
(a) It appears that the issue has been fixed in 802.3ay which was published as IEEE 802.3-2008 in December 2008
(b) There was no objection to rejecting the request

Change Request 1201 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedAnnex 28A, 30 - INCITS Selector Field15-Dec-08

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 14-Jan-09
(a) Proposed request and change look complete
(b) No objection in progressing the comment to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1202 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published14. - 10BASE-T CM Output Voltage Frequency Test Range07-Jan-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 14-Jan-09
(a) After discussion, the suggested text was changed to say "The frequency of the measurement shall be above 1 MHz."
(b) Lower frequency may be discussed during ballot if there are any objections
(c) Poll
In favour of proposed change: 4
Against: 0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1203 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40.8.3.3 - 1000BASE-T CM Output Voltage Frequency Test Range07-Jan-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 14-Jan-09
(a) After discussion, the suggested text was changed to say "The frequency of the measurement shall be above 1 MHz."
(b) Lower frequency may be discussed during ballot if there are any objections
(c) Poll
In favour of proposed change: 4
Against: 0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1204 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.2 - Accuracy and resolution of numerical quantities12-Jan-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 14-Jan-09
(a) There was no consensus on proceeding with the request
(b) Request stays as “Received”

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 18-Nov-09
Consensus to make the change. Y:7 N: 0. Change state to "Ready for Ballot"

Insert new section after 1.2.5 titled "Accuracy and resolution of numerical quantities" with the following content:

"Unless otherwise stated, numerical limits in this standard are to be taken as exact, with the number of significant digits and trailing zeros having no significance."

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1205 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22. - CARRIER_STATUS transition editorial error15-Jan-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Mar-09
(a) Behaviour is correctly described in the NOTE
(b) First sentence of 2nd paragraph is incorrect and is to be deleted
(c) Status to be changes to “Ready for Ballot”
(d) Maint TF Chair to provide P802.3az Chair option of conducting the balloting with P802.3az WG ballot

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 30-Apr-09
Assigned for balloting with P802.3az

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Jul-09
Status will be changed to “Balloting” when P802.3az launches WG Ballot

IEEE-SASB September 2010 27-Oct-10
IEEE P802.3az approved at IEEE-SASB September 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3az-2010 published October 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1206 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published24.1.2 - 100BASE-TX Media grade objective04-Mar-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Mar-09
(a) Requester updated suggested change to “deleting the word “UTP” from bullet (d)”
Poll of support of such a remedy
Y: 1 N: 7 A: 13
Lacks consensus
(b) Propose adding the “5” footnote designation after the word UTP
Y: 9 N:1 A:11
Has consensus
(c) Change the status from “Received to Ready for Ballot” and update remedy

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-Sep-09
Motion in IEEE P802.3az to implement request in next draft. Request assigned to P802.3az. Status changed to "Balloting"

IEEE-SASB September 2010 27-Oct-10
IEEE P802.3az approved at IEEE-SASB September 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3az-2010 published October 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1207 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published24.1.2 - 100BASE-TX Media reference objective04-Mar-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Mar-09
(a) Requester updated suggested change “adding the “5” footnote designation after the word unshielded”
Y: 11 N: 0 A: 8
Has consensus
(b) Change the status from “Received to Ready for Ballot” and update remedy

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-Sep-09
Motion in IEEE P802.3az to implement request in next draft. Request assigned to P802.3az. Status changed to "Balloting"

IEEE-SASB September 2010 27-Oct-10
IEEE P802.3az approved at IEEE-SASB September 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3az-2010 published October 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1208 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn55.1.1 - 10GBASE-T Media reference objective04-Mar-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 11-Mar-09
Submitter withdraws request

Change Request 1209 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published73.10.1 - Backplane Auto-Negotiation State Diagram Variables10-Mar-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 30-Apr-09
Deferred to July to allow for expert participation in the discussion. Request still in “Received” state

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 16-Jul-09
(a) Consensus to make the change
(b) Assigned to IEEE P802.3ba since that clause is open
(c) Status to change to “Balloting”

IEEE-SASB June 2010 22-Jun-10
IEEE P802.3ba approved at IEEE-SASB June 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3ba-2010 published June 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1210 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published25.3 - 100BASE-TX Objective Typo11-Mar-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 30-Apr-09
Consensus for the change and was changed to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-Sep-09
Motion in IEEE P802.3az to implement request in next draft. Request assigned to P802.3az. Status changed to "Balloting"

IEEE-SASB September 2010 27-Oct-10
IEEE P802.3az approved at IEEE-SASB September 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3az-2010 published October 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1211 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn52.9.10 - TDP Measurement Procedure30-Apr-09

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance interim week meeting 30-Apr-09
Received after the deadline. Will be considered in July. May also be addressed in IEEE P802.3ba

IEEE 802.3 Maintenance plenary week meeting 13-Jul-09
Withdrawn. Email received 7/13/2009

Change Request 1212 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published25 - 100BASE-TX Max Stream Size26-Aug-09

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 23-Sep-09
(a) Consensus to make the change
(b) Error also appears in Table 26-1. Same change to be made there
(c) Change status to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1213 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - FO Terminology16-Sep-09

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 23-Sep-09
(a) IEEE P802.3ba is making the changes for the relevant sections
(b) Consensus to make the changes for other clauses at the next Maintenance project
(c) Change status to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE-SASB June 2010 22-Jun-10
Portions in IEEE P802.3ba approved at IEEE-SASB June 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3ba-2010 published June 22nd 2010.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1214 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published74 - 10GBASE-R FEC Parity Check16-Sep-09

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 23-Sep-09
(a) IEEE P802.3az is making the change
(b) Change status to “Balloting”
(c) Note that it is assigned to P802.3az in the minutes

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 19-Nov-09
Consensus to make the change in Sept. Assigned to P802.3az but was not recorded in P802.3az minutes.

Following motion was made and passed in the IEEE 802.3 closing session in November:
Move that maintenance request #1214 is included in the Working Group ballot recirculation of IEEE P802.3az

IEEE-SASB September 2010 27-Oct-10
IEEE P802.3az approved at IEEE-SASB September 2010 Series. IEEE 802.3az-2010 published October 22nd 2010.

Change Request 1215 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.2.7 - PoE Icut Typo12-Nov-09

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 27-Jan-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
Y: 4 N: 0
(b) Implement suggested text in next revision
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1216 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55 - 10GBASE-T PMA_Coeff_Exch08-Mar-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
• Consensus to make the change (Updated Table
in the request)
– Y:4 N:2
– Discuss again after other requests
– Y:7 N:1
• Refer the request to IEEE P802.3az Task Force
along with the results of the straw poll for
– M: H. Frazier S: M. Landry
– Tech 75%
– Y: 13 N:0 A:1
– Motion Passes
Update from IEEE 802.3 Closing March Plenary report by IEEE P802.3az
- Request considered by IEEE P802.3az and outcome was for the request to be done by the Maintenance Task Force.
- Will remain in Maintenance Task Force as "Ready for Ballot"

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1217 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76.2.2.3 - Dual Rate Mode Fig Typo23-Feb-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
– Y: 7 N: 0
(b) Implement suggested text in next revision
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1218 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76. - Undefined constants in Data Detector, input process SM23-Feb-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
– Y: 7 N: 0
(b) Implement suggested text in next revision
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1219 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76. - FEC Block Naming Typo23-Feb-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
– Y: 7 N: 0
(b) Implement suggested text in next revision
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1220 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published77.2.2.7 - 10G-EPON ONU FEC Bug08-Mar-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
• Consensus to make the change
– Y: 2 N: 0
• Further discussion
– Implement the change with the variable name
IdleCount to IdleGapCount to help clarify intent
of variable
Y: 6 N: 0
• Implement suggested text in next revision
• Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1221 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published77.2.2.7, - 10G-EPON ONU Registration Bug11-Mar-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
• Requests address the same type functional issue
• Preference to keep behaviours the same across
both systems
• Add an Editor’s note to the change, when it is
balloted, to read
– “Similar change being done for both 1G-EPON and
• For request 1222, only make change to Fig 64-
29. Fig 64-28 is OK, suggested change does not
change functionality
• Consensus to make the change
– Y: 7 N: 0
• Implement suggested text in next revision
• Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1222 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published64.3.3.6, - 1G-EPON ONU Registration Bug11-Mar-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-10
• Requests address the same type functional issue
• Preference to keep behaviours the same across
both systems
• Add an Editor’s note to the change, when it is
balloted, to read
– “Similar change being done for both 1G-EPON and
• For request 1222, only make change to Fig 64-
29. Fig 64-28 is OK, suggested change does not
change functionality
• Consensus to make the change
– Y: 7 N: 0
• Implement suggested text in next revision
• Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1223 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55 - 10GBASE-T PBO PICS13-Apr-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-May-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
- Y: 9 N: 0
(b) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1224 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.5.4.4 - 10GBASE-T Error Rate for Alien Xtalk Noise Rejection14-Apr-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-May-10
(a) “...a receiver shall operate with an Ethernet frame error rate less than 6.4 × 10–9 for 800 octet frames...”
“...a receiver shall operate with an Ethernet frame error ratio less than 9.6 × 10–9 for 800 octet frames with either a minimum IPG or greater than 799 octet IPG...”
(b) Consensus to make the change
- Y: 18 N: 0
(c) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(d) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1225 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45 - 10GBASE-T RX Power Measurement03-May-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-May-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
- Y: 8 N: 0
(b) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1226 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.6.3.3 - PoE/P DLL Variables20-May-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 14-Jul-10
(a) In addition to the change requested
- Add the following sentence to the definition
* This variable is mapped from the aLldpXdot3RemPDRequestedPowerValue attribute (
- Add the following mapping to Table 33-23
* Under oLldpXdot3RemSystemsGroup Object Class; PD Section
* aLldpXdot3RemPDRequestedPowerValue => MirroredPDRequestedPowerValueEcho
(b) Consensus to make the change
(c) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(d) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1227 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76.3.2.6 - Gearbox29-May-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 14-Jul-10
(a) Text was present in the balloted and approved draft (D3.4)
(b) Change state to “Errata”.
(c) Maint TF Chair to work with IEEE Sr. Staff Editor to get a second printing done and an errata put up for the initial printing

Change Request 1228 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published31C - MAC Control organization specific extension operation24-Jun-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 14-Jul-10
(a) Consensus to make the change
(b) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1229 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published57A - Requirements for support of Slow Protocols04-Jul-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 14-Jul-10
(a) Consensus to progress the change
(b) Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(c) Change state to “Ready for Ballot”
(d) Request that the response to the SIEPON 1904.1 liaison letter CCs the Chair of the IEEE 802.1 Working Group

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1230 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.3.7.8 - PD classification stability time02-Aug-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Sep-10
(a) 1 Event
Classification is only done after valid detection
SM says do_detection then do_classification
Detection has a max of 10V, class has min 15.5V
Thus implicit that there will be a rise in voltage in this case
(b) 2 Event
Classification is only done after valid detection
SM says do_detection then do_mark / do_classification
Detection has a max of 10V, Mark has a max of 10V. class has min 15.5V
Thus implicit that there will be a rise in voltage in this case
(c) Requirement to have a rising voltage is implicit based on how a PD-today and PSE interoperate. Adding requirement would narrow PD scope space but eliminate ambiguity today.
(d) Consensus to progress the request
Y: 11 N:0
(e) Cycle: Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(f) State: Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Plenary 2010 09-Nov-10
(a) In addition to the notes agreed to in the last Maintenance
meeting, change text of the request to:
Following a valid detection and a rising voltage transition
from Vvalid, or lower, to VClass, the PD Physical Layer
classification signature shall be valid within Tclass as
specified in Table 33-18 and remain valid for the duration
of the classification period. (b) Consensus to progress the request with the above
– Y: 12 N:0
(c) Cycle: Remains to be initiated at the next Maintenance
revision or amendment
(d) State: Remains “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1231 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published28C - Next page Message Code field definitions07-Sep-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Sep-10
(a) There are 2 parts to this request
Fixing the binary code error on the 4th user message code from “0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0” to “0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0”
Adding a new message code is a new feature request that is outside the scope of maintenance
The change request that the Maintenance TF will address will be limited to the 1st part
(b) Consensus to progress the request
Y: 7 N:1
(c) Cycle: Change to be initiated at the next Maintenance revision or amendment
(d) State: Change state to “Ready for Ballot”

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1232 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected52.5 - OM4 Support for 10GBASE-S22-Sep-10

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-10
(a) Mr. Barrass “volunteered” to contact the submitters
– Request additional technical analysis to determine impact from
other optical parameters such as jitter
– Consensus building within the optical community in 802.3
– Discuss process options / schedule to make the change (request
vs. revision)
(b) Straw poll to recommend the above:
- Y: 19 N: 0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-11
(a) Report from Mr. Barrass
- Presentation on topic being worked on between optical experts
- Expect presentation to be submitted ahead of the next
(b) Maintenance meeting
- Mr. Barrass volunteered to talk to the submitters about options available outside of a maintenance request including a revision comment
(c) Motion to recommend that the request is rejected as its scope of change is beyond Maintenance
- M: M. McCormack
- S: P. Anslow
- Y:14 N:0 A:1
- Motion Passes

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-11
Working Group Motion: Move to
Reject maintenance request #1232 as its scope of change is beyond Maintenance as recommended by the maintenance Task Force.
- M: W.Diab
- S: P. Anslow
- Y:38 N:0 A:18
- Motion Passes

Change Request 1233 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30 - EEE Management03-Nov-10

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-11
(a) State to change to be “Ready for Ballot”
(b) No change to proposed remedy
(c) Straw poll to recommend the above:
Y: 10 N: 0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1234 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published70 - EEE Typos for Missing Text05-Jan-11

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 17-Mar-11
(a) State to change to be “Ready for Ballot”
(b) No change to proposed remedy
(c) Straw poll to recommend the above:
Y: 9 N: 0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-Sep-11
Request balloted in the initial working group ballot of IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008. Comments against the ballot to be discussed in the inteirm meeting

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 30-Aug-12
Request approved as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Dec-12
Request published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2012, the IEEE P802.3 (802.3bh) Revision to IEEE Std 802.3-2008.

Change Request 1235 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45. - Fast retrain management22-Aug-12

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 14-Nov-12
Request was received late for the September interim meeting, was considered in the November meeting. No objection to the suggested change
Change state to ready for ballot
As C45 may be open in amendments, Maint Chair to check with next amendment (P802.3bk) for option of putting in a comment on initial WG draft

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
Published in IEEE Std 802.3bk-2013.

Change Request 1236 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published49 - 10GBASE-R EEE PCS01-Nov-12

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 01-Nov-12
Request was received late for the November meeting, was considered in the January meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 21-Jan-13
No objection to the suggested change
Change state to ready for ballot
Maint Chair to work with Chair of IEEE P802.3bk to submit change on D3.0

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
Published in IEEE Std 802.3bk-2013.

Change Request 1237 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55A - LDPC Details18-Feb-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 18-Feb-13
Request was received late for the March meeting, will be considered in the May meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
(a) Hyperlink goes to IEEE-SA downloads page. However, text for download mislabeled as IEEE Std 802.3an-2006 with incorrect underlying file name
(b) Consensus for Maint Chair to work with WG Chair and staff to
- Request that text for download on website be changed to say “IEEE Std 802.3-2012 Clause 55A Matrices”
- Rename filename on server to be

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Jan-14
Published. Target of link updated.

Change Request 1238 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4.127 - Definitions; channel18-Feb-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 18-Feb-13
Request was received late for the March meeting, will be considered in the May meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
No objection to the suggested change
Change state to ready for ballot

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1239 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published77.2.2 - MPCP Variables; State diagrams28-Feb-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 28-Feb-13
Request was received late for the March meeting, will be considered in the May meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
No objection to the suggested change
Change state to ready for ballot

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1240 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30 - EFM Capabilities03-Mar-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 19-Mar-13
(a) No objection to the suggested change
(b) change state to ready for ballot
(c) Maint Chair to work with Chair of IEEE P802.3bk to submit change on D3.0

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
Comment was entered by IEEE P802.3 Maintenance Chair on IEEE P802.3bk Sponsor ballot

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
Published in IEEE Std 802.3bk-2013.

Change Request 1241 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72. - Frame Marker Pattern30-Apr-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
(a) After examination, it seems that the word hexadecimal has been deleted throughout section 5 and in the case identified the number has been incorrectly reproduced. Other examples include Figure 73A-1, last sentence of second paragraph 74A, heading of Table 59-12 etc.
- Quick search reveals 14 instanced in D3.2 of hexadecimal and only 2 in the published
(b) Maint Chair and WG Chair to work with staff on identifying as errata and request a reprint of IEEE Std 802.3-2012
(c) Change state to errata

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Jan-14
Published. (

Change Request 1242 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45 - Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) Interface18-Mar-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 16-May-13
(a) No objection to making the change
(b) Change state to ready for ballot
(c) Maint TF Chair to discuss with IEEE P802.3bj TF Chair opportunity to ballot as this clause is open

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
Submitted as IEEE P802.3bm/D3.0 initial Sponsor ballot comment #i-21.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
IEEE Std 802.3bm-2015 approved 16 February 2015.

Change Request 1243 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published49 - PCS IDLE16-May-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-13
This new maintenance request was discussed and there was no objection to accepting the suggested resolution and changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1244 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published80.4 - Optical Cable Delay Constraints30-May-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-13
This new maintenance request was discussed and, after examination, it was noted that the clause 44.3 reference in clause 80.4 is ambiguous as to how the bit time per meter number calculation is scaled for 40G and 100G (it is currently scaled for 10G). The proposed resolution was revised to: add the following sentence after the clause 44.3 reference in clause 80.4, “Multiply BT from 40.3 by 4 for 40Gb/s operation and by 100 for 100Gb/s operation.” There was no objection to accepting the revised resolution and changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
Submitted as IEEE P802.3bm/D3.0 initial Sponsor ballot comment #i-22.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
IEEE Std 802.3bm-2015 approved 16 February 2015.

Change Request 1245 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn49. - LPI State Diagram18-Jun-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-13
It was noted that Maintenance Request #1245 addresses the same issue and remedy closed by Maintenance Request #1243. Maintenance Request #1245 was withdrawn by the submitter.

Change Request 1246 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published86.10.2.1 - Skew variation16-Jul-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 04-Sep-13
This new maintenance request was discussed and there was no objection changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
Submitted as IEEE P802.3bm/D3.0 initial Sponsor ballot comment #i-23.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
IEEE Std 802.3bm-2015 approved 16 February 2015.

Change Request 1247 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72. - LINK_READY state13-Aug-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 04-Sep-13
This new maintenance request was discussed and the submitter indicated that his preferred resolution is to delete the state transition. The Chair requested that Mr. Marris resubmit the Maintenance Request with the preferred resolution expressly stated. This Maintenance Request will be considered again at the Maintenance meeting in November.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
The maintenance request was resubmitted with the preferred solution expressly stated. There was no objection accepting the proposed revision and changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1248 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published78. - Primitive value15-Aug-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 04-Sep-13
This new maintenance request was discussed. It was noted that the clause title pertaining to the requested revision should change from “Variables” to “When generated”. The Chair requested that Mr. Marris resubmit the Maintenance Request with the correct title. It was noted that this comment addresses content of IEEE 802.3bj, which should enter Sponsor ballot soon. Mr. Marris was requested to submit a comment against the Sponsor ballot of IEEE 802.3bj related to this proposed change. This Maintenance Request will be considered again at the Maintenance meeting in November.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
The maintenance request was resubmitted with the preferred solution expressly stated. Mr. Marris agreed to submit a comment proposing a revision to correct this issue against the IEEE P802.3bj Sponsor ballot.

Change Request 1249 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published75.10.4.5 - PRX PHY name22-Sep-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
There was no objection accepting the proposed revision and changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1250 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published62.3.4.4 - Stray cross-reference tag22-Sep-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
There was no objection accepting the proposed revision and changing the status of the Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1251 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76.3.3.6 - Change subclause title17-Oct-13

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-Nov-13
The request was received after the deadline for consideration at the November 2013 meeting. There was no objection to discussing the request. This new maintenance request was discussed and there was unanimous support for the proposed revision. Formal action was deferred to the January 2013 Maintenance interim meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Jan-14
This new maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to accepting the proposed revision and changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1252 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.3 - Use of 22-bit OUI deprecated19-Dec-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Jan-14
This Maintenance Request was received by the deadline for consideration at the March 2014 meeting. There was no objection to discussing it at this meeting as it wass related to a P802.3bm Working Group ballot comment. It was agreed that the proposed resolution could be enhanced to provide additional information to the user and should be inserted as a NOTE instead of a footnote.

Motion #3: Suggested response to IEEE P802.3bm/D2.0 comment #31:
Add the followinga note to the end of and
“NOTE – The use of only 22 bits of the OUI as described here has been deprecated by the IEEE Registration Authority. The definition of vendor specific device identifiers for other applications is expected to use the full 24 bits to accommodate the use of either an OUI or Company ID.”

M: B. Booth
S: B. Grow
Technical (>75%)
Passed by voice without opposition

Mr. Healey took the action to submit this suggestion to Pete Anslow and Dan Dove for consideration as the proposed response to IEEE P802.3bm/D2.0 comment #31. This was completed on 20 January 2014.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
IEEE Std 802.3bm-2015 approved 16 February 2015.

Change Request 1253 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published77 - Missing "then" in Figure 77-2920-Dec-13

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 20-Jan-14
This new maintenance request was discussed. This Maintenance Request will be formally considered at the Maintenance meeting in March 2014.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1254 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published69B - Incorrect replacement for Figure 69B-523-Jan-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1255 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published67 - Include PHYs added by P802.3av and P802.3bk05-Feb-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was discussed and it was observed that Clause 67 is expected to be amended by the IEEE P802.3bn project. The IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force Chair took an action to discuss this issue with IEEE P802.3bn Chair and Editor-in-Chief. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain at “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-May-14
The IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force Chair subsequently reviewed this request with the IEEE P802.3bn Chair and Editor-in-Chief and it was agreed that it was better to target the next revision rather than ballot the revision as part of the IEEE P802.3bn project. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1256 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published75.3.5.3 - SIGNAL_DETECT capitalization06-Feb-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was discussed and it was agreed that, since the proposed revision is not clear, the submitter should resubmit the comment with the desired revision explicitly stated. The IEEE 802.3 Maintenance Task Force Chair took an action to discuss this issue with the Submitter. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain at “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-May-14
This maintenance request was discussed at the March, 2014 Maintenance meeting and it was observed that the desired revision text was not explicitly stated. The Submitter resubmitted the maintenance request with the desired revision explicitly stated. The revised request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1257 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72. - Coefficent update process reference17-Feb-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was introduced. This Maintenance Request will be formally considered at the May 2014 interim meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-May-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1258 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published53.8.2.1 - Input jitter definition17-Feb-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 27-Mar-14
This new maintenance request was introduced. This Maintenance Request will be formally considered at the May 2014 interim meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 12-May-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1259 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76.3.3.6 - Incorrect cross references28-May-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1260 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76.3.2.2 - Incorrect cross references28-May-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1261 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 82-17 - Vestigial state transition13-Jun-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 16-Jul-14
This maintenance request was discussed. IEEE-SA editorial staff confirmed that this error can be corrected during the IEEE P802.3bj publication preparation process. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received” until publication.

Change Request 1262 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.3 - Normative references grammar01-Jul-14

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 08-Sep-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1263 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Rejected49 - Encoding small inter-packet gaps02-Jul-14

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 08-Sep-14
This maintenance request was discussed. It was noted that, this is a new feature request and is outside the scope of the Maintenance Task Force. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received” and stay on the agenda for consideration at the November 2014 plenary meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed at the September 2014 meeting. It was noted that this is a new feature request and outside the scope of the Maintenance Task Force.

Motion #3: Reject Maintenance Request #1263 as beyond the scope of maintenance because it is a request for a new feature.
M: M. Hajduczenia
S: V. Maguire
Technical (≥ 75%)
All: Y: 5 N: 0 A: 1
Motion Passes

Working Group Motion #5:
Reject revision request 1263 as beyond the scope of maintenance because it is a request for a new feature.
M: A. Healey on behalf of the Maintenance Task Force
Technical (≥75%)
Passed by voice without opposition 6-November 2014, 2:02 pm

Change Request 1264 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn28C.13 - Next page flag25-Jul-14

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 08-Sep-14
This maintenance request was discussed. It was noted that, while typographical errors that need to be corrected are identified, accepting the resolution to the request as proposed would appear to introduce a new feature that could make an existing implementation non-conformant. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received” and stay on the agenda for consideration at the November 2014 plenary meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed at the September 2014 meeting. It was noted that the proposed resolution, which attempts to correct typographical errors, results in a new feature request and is outside the scope of the Maintenance Task Force. The Submitter withdrew the Maintenance Request and agreed to submit a comment to correct the typographical error against the IEEE 802.3 Revision project.

Change Request 1265 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published46.4.2 and 46.4.3 - Organization of 46.431-Jul-14

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 08-Sep-14
This maintenance request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Balloted as part of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) Draft 2.0.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1266 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.3.4 - Remove 10GBASE-T periodic training sequence05-Aug-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This maintenance request was discussed. The Chair proposed that this maintenance request be forwarded to the IEEE P802.3bq Task Force for consideration. There was no objection to this proposal.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
IEEE P802.3bq/D2.0 WG ballot comment #103

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 26-Jul-16
IEEE Std 802.3bq-2016 approved on 30 June 2016.

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 15-Sep-16
IEEE Std 802.3-bq-2016 published on 8 September 2016.

Change Request 1267 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72.10.4.4 - CF7 missing Status/Support05-Sep-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”. The Chair agreed to submit this comment against the IEEE 802.3 Revision project.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Submitted as IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) initial Working Group ballot comment #37.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1268 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72.10.4.5 - TC10 missing Status/Support08-Sep-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”. The Chair agreed to submit this comment against the IEEE 802.3 Revision project.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Submitted as IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) initial Working Group ballot comment #38.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1269 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72.10.4.5 - TC19 missing Status/Support08-Sep-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”. The Chair agreed to submit this comment against the IEEE 802.3 Revision project.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Submitted as IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) initial Working Group ballot comment #39.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1270 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 25-3 - Encoder deadlock29-Sep-14

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 05-Nov-14
This Maintenance Request was discussed. It was noted that, while the Maintenance Request does identify a potential problem, it does not necessarily result in a dead lock condition as suggested. Three possible resolutions were proposed. The Submitter agreed to resubmit the comment with the desired resolution expressly stated. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received” and stay on the agenda for consideration at the January 2015 meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Submitted as IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bx) initial Working Group ballot comment #47.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

Change Request 1271 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.1.4 - Refer to cabling specifications13-Jan-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 13-Jan-15
Revision request #1271 was received January 13th 2015 and did not meet deadline for consideration at this meeting. Mr. Healey asked if anyone objected to considering this revision request and there was no objection. The request was categorized as complete, in-scope, and not errata. The status will be set to ready for ballot and referred to the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force for consideration (along with comments #59 and #60).

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
This request was the subject of IEEE P802.3bt/D0.4 comment #139.

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1272 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
RejectedVarious, see details - Define jumbo frames and cut-through behavior21-Jan-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
This revision request was discussed. It was noted that this is a request for new features and outside the scope of the Maintenance Task Force. Requests for new features should follow the process for new projects beginning with a "Call for Interest" for the formation of a Study Group (see IEEE 802.3 operating rules, 4.2).

Motion #6: Reject Revision Request #1272 as beyond the scope of maintenance because it is a request for new features
M: G. Thompson
S: B. Grow
Technical (≥ 75%)
All: Y: 11, N: 0, A: 0
Motion PASSES.

Working Group motion: Reject revision request 1272 as beyond the scope of maintenance because it is a request for new features
M: A. Healey on behalf of Maintenance TF
Technical (>= 75%)
Motion PASSES by voice without opposition.

Change Request 1273 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33 - Definition of power interface9-Feb-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
This request did not meet deadline for consideration at this meeting. Mr. Healey asked if anyone objected to considering this revision request and there was no objection. The request was categorized as complete, in-scope, and not errata. The status was set to "Ready for Ballot" and referred to the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
This request was the subject of IEEE P802.3bt/D0.4 comment #141.

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1274 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn33 - Voltage or common-mode voltage9-Feb-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
This request did not meet deadline for consideration at this meeting. Mr. Healey asked if anyone objected to considering this revision request and there was no objection. The request was categorized as complete, in-scope, and not errata. The status was set to "Ready for Ballot" and referred to the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
This request was the subject of IEEE P802.3bt/D0.4 comment #142.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-16
This maintenance request was withdrawn by the submitter.

Change Request 1275 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnTable 93A-2 - Add reference to 100GBASE-CR415-Feb-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Mar-15
The request was withdrawn by the submitter.

Change Request 1276 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFrontmatter - Define "PoE"20-Feb-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
This maintenance request was discussed. David Law took an action to determine if this change could be implemented in the “front matter” of the Standard, as opposed as via a new definition. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-July-15
This maintenance request was discussed. Geoff Thompson took an action to draft a proposed text change to clause 33.1 that expands on “PoE”. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received”. This action was completed on 13th July 2015.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. It was noted that an alternate path to resolving this issue is to remove “PoE” from the document list of key words. The group reviewed proposed text changes to clause 33.1, as drafted by Geoff Thompson, that expands on “PoE”. The first two sentences of Geoff’s proposed text were revised to, “This clause defines the functional and electrical characteristics for providing a Power over Ethernet (PoE) system for deployment over balanced twisted-pair cabling. The system consists of two optional power (non-data) entities, a Powered Device (PD) and Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE), for use with the MAU defined in Clause 14 and the PHYs defined in Clause 25 and Clause 40.” The clause 1.4 definition text proposed by Geoff Thompson was revised to, “1.4.339 IEEE 802.3 Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3 PoE): A system consisting of one PSE and one PD that provides power across balanced twisted-pair cabling. (See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 33.)” David Law agreed to revise the revision request with the updated resolution text and resubmit it. The status of this revision request will remain “Received” and stay on the agenda for reconsideration at the November 2015 meeting.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
Consideration of this request was deferred pending the resubmission of the request with updates to the proposed revision text. The status remains "Received".

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The request was resubmitted with new proposed revision text. The proposed revision text was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and will be forwarded to the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-16
This request was the subject of comment #5 against IEEE P802.3bt/D2.0.

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1277 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33 - Load during inrush25-Mar-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 21-May-15
This Maintenance Request was discussed. It was noted that the proposed change may be a new feature request, which is outside the scope of the Maintenance Task Force. The Chair will discuss the proposed change with the submitter. The status of this Maintenance Request will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. It is believed that accepting this request will result in a new feature request and have an impact on the compliance of existing PD’s and networks. Action on this revision request will be deferred to the November 2015 meeting in order to gather more information.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
There is ongoing discussion between Mr. Healey and the P802.3bt Task Force chair with respect to the impact of this change and any actions relevant to the this topic that have been taken by the P802.3bt Task Force. Consideration of this revision request will be deferred to the January 2016 meeting so that more information can be gathered. The status remains "Received".

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
There is ongoing discussion between Mr. Healey and the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force chair with respect to the impact of this change and any actions relevant to the this topic that have been taken by the P802.3bt Task Force. Consideration of this revision request will be deferred and the status will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 15-Mar-16
Consideration of this revision request will be deferred and the status will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
A comment related to this request was submitted as IEEE P802.3bt/D1.3 comment #21 (Accepted in Principle). The affected subclause further modified by D1.7 comment #215 and was also the subject of D2.1 comment #244. This requeset will be marked as "Ready for Ballot".

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1278 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4, 33.1.4 - Incorrect placement of definitions19-May-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 13-July-15
This Maintenance Request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this Maintenance Request to “Ready for Ballot”. The Chair forwarded this maintenance request to P802.3bt for action (and copied P802.3bu) on 15th July 2015.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to this proposal or to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-16
This request was the subject of comment #6 against IEEE P802.3bt/D2.0.

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1279 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to this proposal or to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1280 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published57 - Hard-coded pdu_limit15-Jul-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to this proposal or to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1281 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn82 - Incomplete logic in LPI Transmit state diagram16-Jul-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
The submitter withdrew this revision request.

Change Request 1282 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published76. - IdleBlockCount type22-Jul-15

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 15-Sep-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to this proposal or to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1283 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published73.6.4 - Backplane/twinax PHY advertisement26-Aug-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
This revision request was discussed. There was agreement that there is no obvious reason to prohibit simultaneous advertisement of backplane and copper cable PHYs and it was noted that some of the text that existed in this clause has been deleted by IEEE P802.3by. It was observed that it is not necessary to leave 100GBASE-KP4 and 1000GBASE-CR10 in the listing of PHYs in the first paragraph as proposed. It was also agreed that “at the same signaling rate” would be more accurate than “at the same data rate”. The Chair will relay the discussion to the submitter and this may result in the request being resubmitted with new revision text. The status of this revision request will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
At the November 2015 meeting, the Maintenance Task Force chair accepted an action to discuss the request with the submitter. The expected outcome of the discussion was resubmission of the request with some improvements to the proposed revision text. This action item is on-going. The status of this revision request will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 15-Mar-16
The Maintenance Task Force chair discussed the request with the submitter and the expectation is that a revised request, which will most likely suggest removing the paragraph in question, will be submitted. The status of this revision request will remain “Received” pending the updated revision request.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and the request will also be forwarded to the P802.3cd Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
Implemented in IEEE P802.3cd per Draft 1.0 comment #31.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1284 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published83 - Incorrect register names03-Sep-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1285 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4 - Incorrect/missing cable definitions09-Sep-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
This revision request was introduced and some potential concerns regarding the proposed resolution were highlighted. The comment submitter indicated that this revision request will be resubmitted. The status of this revision request will remain "Received".

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The request was resubmitted with new proposed revision text. The proposed revision text was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1286 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published90.7 - Data delay reference points11-Sep-15

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 10-Nov-15
This revision request was discussed. There was no objection to this proposal or to changing the status of this revision request to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 24-May-17
Addressed in IEEE Std 802.3-2015/Cor 1-2017 published 21 April 2017.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1287 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published75.1.4 - EPON extended power budget identification09-Oct-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project or an appropriate amendment project if the clause is opened earlier

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1288 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published86.10 and 95.10 - Equate fibre optic channel with link segment05-Nov-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. It was observed that this revision request follows November 2015 presentation by Jonathan King (see The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1289 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30. - Management enumeration of PHY types05-Nov-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1290 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published25.4.10 - Clarify definition of STP19-Nov-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1291 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published82 - Indicate FlexE uses O code 0x520-Nov-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. It was observed that this revision request fulfills the action assumed in the November 2015 liaison response to OIF (see The status of this
revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”. The change is currently targeted for the next revision project.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1292 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.74,,, and - Typo in RX signal power registers23-Nov-15

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-16
The revision request was reviewed. It was observed that this an obvious typo that can be included in the preparation for publication of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 04-Mar-16
Published as part of IEEE Std 802.3-2015.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1293 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.1.3.1 - Incorrect DSQ128 mapping description26-Jan-16

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 15-Mar-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1294 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 33-16 - PD entry to IDLE state27-Jan-16

IEEE P802.3 plenary meeting 15-Mar-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and the request will also be forwarded to the P802.3bt Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 25-May-16
This request is a subject of comment #147 against IEEE P802.3bt/D1.7.

IEEE 802.3 Plenary meeting 12-Mar-17
Removed from IEEE P802.3bt following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1295 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published93A.2 - Incorrect notation in Equation 93A-5021-Mar-16

IEEE P802.3 interim meeting 25-May-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and will be targeted for incorporation into the next revision or the next project to open this Annex.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1296 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.3 - Sort order09-Sep-16

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and will be targeted for incorporation into the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1297 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4 - Sort order09-Sep-16

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and will be targeted for incorporation into the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1298 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn78 - Sort order09-Sep-16

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
The revision request was discussed. The group agreed that the intended sort order for the PHYs/interfaces in Table 78-1, 78-2, and 78-4 proposed in the request is not clear. Mr. Healey will request the commenter to resubmit the revision request with specific revision text related to the sort order. Consideration of this revision request will be deferred and the status will remain “Received”.

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
Multiple options for the sort order were discussed. Mr. Healey requested that the commenter resubmit the revision request with a specific proposal for the sort order after the options were evaluated. Consideration of this revision request will be deferred and the status will remain “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
The request was withdrawn.

Change Request 1299 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published91 - FEC synchronization state diagram27-Sep-16

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 09-Nov-16
The revision request was reviewed. The status of this revision request will be changed to “Ready for Ballot” and the request will also be forwarded to the P802.3cd Task Force for consideration.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1300 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.3.7.9 - Backfeed voltage07-Oct-16

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
The revision request was discussed. The status was changed to “Ready for ballot” and this request will be forwarded to the IEEE P802.3bt Task Force for consideration.

IEEE P802.3 Plenary Meeting 12-Mar-17
Processed as IEEE P802.3bt/D2.2 comment #455 but not implemented following adoption of IEEE P802.3bt Task Force January 2017 interim meeting motion #4..

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1301 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn90 - Timestamp reference point for 100BASE-T28-Oct-16

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
The revision request was discussed. The request did not recommend specific revision text and was deemed incomplete. This request will be discussed with the submitter. The status of this request will remain “Received” pending an update to the request with a specific proposal for the revision text.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Mr. Cumming presented material to explain the motivation for the maintenance request and propose possible paths to resolution. See .
The request was withdrawn.

Change Request 1302 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published36 - Cross-references to Table 36-1(a-e)05-Nov-16

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
The revision request was discussed. The status was changed to “Ready for ballot” and the implementation of the proposed change is targeted for the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1303 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedEquation 126-38 - Incorrect frequency range06-Nov-16

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
The revision request was discussed. The status was changed to “Ready for ballot” and the implementation of the proposed change is targeted for the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1304 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 36-5 - Transition to/from XMIT_DATA not fully qualified14-Nov-16

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 11-Jan-17
The revision request was discussed. The status was changed to “Ready for ballot” and the implementation of the proposed change is targeted for the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1305 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.9.1 - General safety requirements05-Apr-17

IEEE P802.3 Interim Meeting 24-May-17
Marked "Ready for ballot" targetting the next revision.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3cj)/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1306 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33 - Clarify source of pd_dll_power_type21-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1307 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33 - Clarify source of pse_dll_power_type21-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1308 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published104.4.4.1 - PSE output capacitance limit21-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
This request was the subject of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bj)/D2.0 comment #28.

Change Request 1309 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.4.254 - Link section definition23-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
This request was the subject of IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3bj)/D2.0 comment #146.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 31-Aug-18
Published in IEEE Std 802.3-2018.

Change Request 1310 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33. - Midspan PSE description30-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1311 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33.4.9.1 - Connector Midspan PSE description30-May-17

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Jul-17
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 02-Apr-19
Included in IEEE P802.3cq/D2.0 initial Working Group ballot draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Apr-20
IEEE Std 802.3cq-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on 13 March 2020.

Change Request 1312 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published33 - Range of power value fields09-Oct-17

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 24-Jan-18
Set status to "Ready for ballot" and forwarded to P802.3bt for consideration. See also P802.3bt/D3.1 comment r01-79.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
Approved on 27 September 2018 as part of IEEE Std 802.3bt-2018.

IEEE Std 802.3bt-2018 published on 31 January 2019.

Change Request 1313 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published79.3.2 - Use of Power via MDI TLV08-Jan-18

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 24-Jan-18
Set status to "Ready for ballot" and forwarded to P802.3bt for consideration. See also P802.3bt/D3.2 comment r02-25.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
Approved on 27 September 2018 as part of IEEE Std 802.3bt-2018.

IEEE Std 802.3bt-2018 published on 31 January 2019.

Change Request 1314 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published99.4.3 - Text not consistent with state diagram26-Jul-18

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Sep-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1315 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Incorrect reference to "IEC 60068-2-1/27/30/38/52/64/78"21-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1316 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published66.3.3.6, - Undefined variable29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. An error was found in the proposed revision text. The submitter will be asked to change “This variable holds an value…” to “This variable holds the value…” in the definition of rx_flags and resubmit the request.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 15-Jan-19
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1317 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published77.3.3.6 - Incomplete transition condition29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1318 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published60., - Extraneous parentheses29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. It was observed the proposed revision text included two options. The submitter will be asked resubmit the request with only the option to remove the parentheses in the proposed revision text.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 15-Jan-19
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1319 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - "Ensuring" vs. "reassuring"29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1320 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published31A - "Maximum" vs. "maximal"29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1321 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published56.1.2 - Incorrect cross reference29-Aug-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
This revision request was addressed in IEEE Std 802.3ca-2020.

Change Request 1322 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
WithdrawnVarious, see details - Incorrect state name referenced11-Sep-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. It was observed that the proposed revision text would undo some of the changes made by the P802.3bt amendment. The submitter will be asked to resubmit the request with P802.3bt amendments to Clause 30 considered in the proposed revision text.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 15-Jan-19
The revision request was withdrawn by the submitter.

Change Request 1323 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published22 - Incorrect PICS item02-Oct-18

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-18
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1324 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45 - Typo in Table 45-15515-Oct-18

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 15-Jan-19
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1325 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45 - Incorrect description in Table 45-18106-Nov-18

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 15-Jan-19
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request was changed to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1326 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Update bibliographical reference04-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1327 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.3.75 - Redundant "shall"08-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. Additional issues related to the one identified to the request were identified. The status of this request will remain “Received” pending receipt of expanded proposed revision text.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
An updated revision request was received and discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
This revision request was addressed in IEEE Std 802.3cg-2019.

Change Request 1328 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published73.8 - Definition of link_control_[x]11-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. Mr. Healey noted that the request was updated with new proposed revision text that corrects issues not addressed in the original submission. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1329 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published40A.2 - Incorrect cross-reference13-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1330 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn75.1.4 - Mis-labeled power budgets17-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
This maintenance request has been withdrawn.

Change Request 1331 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Incorrect cross-references in PICS18-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1332 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published138.11.4.6 - Incorrect value/comment in PICS24-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43718
Subject of comment #i-25 against IEEE P802.3cm/D3.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43941
IEEE Std 802.3cm-2020 approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Boards on January 30, 2020 and published on March 30, 2020.

Change Request 1333 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published80.5 - Express skew in units of absolute time and UI28-Jan-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. Mr. Healey noted that the request was updated with refinements to the proposed revision text. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1334 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published113. - Simplify PSANEXT limit01-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1335 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published113. - Simplify PSANEXT limit01-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1336 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published116.5 - Missing cross-references04-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Mar-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1337 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
RejectedVarious, see details - Move P2MP (and related clauses) into own standard08-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
It was noted that the revision request was incomplete since no specific change text was proposed. It will be marked as “Received” until proposed text is provided and a more sufficiently clear IEEE 802.3 procedure to move forward is provided.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 18-Jul-19
This revision request was discussed. There were some questions about the maintenance process and whether or not this request was within the scope of maintenance. It remains incomplete.

IEEE 802.3 WG motion #3
Move that the IEEE 802.3 Working Group reject Maintenance request 1337.
M: D. Remein, S: C. Jones
Y: 70, N: 5, A: 46 (Motion passes)

Change Request 1338 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 2-2 - Change "PHY" to "Physical Layer".09-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1339 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.5 - Incorrect expansion of abbreviation19-Feb-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1340 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published4A.3.2 - Stray cross-reference tag14-Mar-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1341 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published138.5.4 - Typo in PHY name28-Mar-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 20-May-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
This revision request was addressed in IEEE Std 802.3cm-2020.

Change Request 1342 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45 - Allocate missing MDIO ability bits18-Apr-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 17-Jul-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”. It will be forwarded to the IEEE P802.3cn Task Force for consideration.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43718
Subject of comment #i-1 against IEEE P802.3cn/D3.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Dec-19
IEEE Std 802.3cn-2019 published on 20 December 2019.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 20-Dec-19
IEEE Std 802.3cn-2019 published on 20 December 2019.

Change Request 1343 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.3.6 - Some messages should be variables29-Apr-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 17-Jul-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1344 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published99.4.6 - Incorrect primitive name05-May-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 17-Jul-19
The revision request was discussed. The submitter will be asked to consider updating the revision request to only change “RS PLS_DATA.request” to “RS PLS_DATA.indication”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43718
Carry action item from July 2019 meeting forward.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Nov-19
Carry action item from July 2019 meeting forward.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
Carry action item from July 2019 meeting forward.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
An update to the request was received with new proposed revision text. The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1345 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45. - Incorrect register number10-May-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting. 17-Jul-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43718
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1346 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Number format definition11-Jun-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 43718
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1347 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Incorrect units25-Jul-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1348 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.3.8 - In-band vs. out-of-band15-Aug-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Nov-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1349 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.3.8 - Clarify OAM requirements29-Aug-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Nov-19
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1350 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFrontmatter - Title of standard10-Sep-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Nov-19
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request will remain “received” until Working Group chair prepares the frontmatter for next IEEE 802.3 revision and it is incorporated into the draft.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Frontmatter updated in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1351 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published55.4.6.3 - Incorrect cross-reference10-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1352 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.111.1 , - Generalize text describing number of lanes10-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1353 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 69-3b - Add Clause 118 to table10-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1354 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published136. - Text contradicts state diagram11-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1355 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published96.9.2.1 - Incorrect reference12-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1356 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.9.2.1 - Incorrect reference12-Dec-19

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 21-Jan-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1357 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Withdrawn99.1 - Include 10 Mb/s in Clause 99 introduction13-Jan-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
This request was withdrawn by the submitter.

Change Request 1358 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published125.3 - Incorrect conversion of units14-Jan-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1359 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Inconsistent usage of "PHY".17-Feb-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. It was determined that the issue highlighted in the request required further evaluation. The status of this request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Working Group ballot comments 148, 149, and 150 submitted against IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0 address this topic.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1360 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published147.9.2 - Incorrect units26-Feb-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. It was determined to be an errata and IEEE-SA editorial staff were notified.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
Correction sheet published 20 April 2020.

Change Request 1361 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published1.1 - Add "Word usage" subclause09-Nov-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1362 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published44.3 - Remove "informative" label from Table 44-209-Nov-19

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. The submitter will be asked to resubmit the request with an update to the proposed revision text. The proposed update is to add a footnote to Table 44–2 similar to footnote c) in Table 80–5. The status of the request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
It was noted that an update to the request was received with new proposed revision text. The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1363 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 136C-3 - Incorrect contact mapping12-May-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1364 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 98-9 - Incorrect variable assignment08-Jun-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 20-Jul-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1365 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published86.10.3.2 - Figures out of order13-Jul-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request points out that Figure 86‒7 appears after Figure 86‒8 (they are out of order). It was noted that, since Figure 86‒7 is a full page figure, the order is deliberate and intended to avoid having a large portion of a page be blank. Further discussion on how to proceed was necessary and the status of the request was kept at “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. There were differences of opinion on whether it is better the limit the amount of white space in the document or the keep the figures in the correct order. It was pointed out that there is no clear editorial direction (from IEEE 802.3 or IEEE-SA) on what should be done in a situation such as this. Further discussion on how to proceed was necessary and the status of the request was kept at “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. The status of the request remains “Received” while the impact of changing the figure order is assessed.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. It was noted that the figure order was corrected in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 1.0. The status of this request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Figure order updated in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1366 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published142.3.5.1 - End-of-burst delimiter definition21-Jul-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”. It was noted that a corrigendum project could be considered to raise awareness of the issue and accelerate the implementation of the change.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1367 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published141.2.6 - Formula alignment23-Jul-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request points out that an equation that centered on the page in the last balloted draft of IEEE P802.3ca now appears offset from center in the published standard IEEE Std 802.3ca-2020. It was noted that this change was deliberate and was done to be compliant to the IEEE-SA Standards Style Manual. Further discussion on how to proceed was necessary and the status of the request was kept at “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. It was suggested that the PMD naming convention “template” in 141.2.6 is not necessarily a formula and may not need to adhere to the formula style requirements. IEEE-SA editorial staff will be consulted. In the meantime, the status of this request will remain “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. It was noted that it may be possible to integrate the PMD naming template into the preceding paragraph or into Table 146-1. The status of this request remains “Received” pending evaluation of the different options.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
It was noted that the request had been resubmitted with updates to the proposed revision text. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1368 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - "Start-up" vs. "startup"10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1369 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published113. - "Control codes" vs. "control code"10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1370 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Spelling error10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1371 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45. - "Low-power ability" vs. "low-power feature"10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1372 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.3.3 - Incorrect PICS item10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. It was noted that the proposed revision text was incomplete. The submitter will be asked to resubmit the request with an update to the proposed revision text. The status of the request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The status of the request remains “Received” pending the resubmission of the request with complete revision text.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
It was noted that the request had been resubmitted with updates to the proposed revision text. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1373 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.5.3.7 - Incorrect PICS item10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. It was noted that the proposed revision text was incomplete. The submitter will be asked to resubmit the request with an update to the proposed revision text. The status of the request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The status of the request remains “Received” pending the resubmission of the request with complete revision text.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
It was noted that the request had been resubmitted with updates to the proposed revision text. It was also noted that the new revision text maintains Clause 45 PICS item RM196 which is redundant with Clause 149 PICS item PCT2. The status of the request remains “Received” pending the resubmission of the request with an update to the proposed revision text that removes this redundancy.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
It was noted that the request had been resubmitted with updates to the proposed revision text. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1374 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published104.9.4.3 - Incorrect status/support in PICS10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1375 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published30.15 - Incorrect subclause title10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1376 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published45.2.1.16 - Missing ability bit descriptions10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1377 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published97.1.2 - "Out-of-band" vs. "out of band"10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 10-Nov-20
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1378 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 101-3 - Incorrect values in table10-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1379 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published149. - Unused variable13-Aug-20

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1380 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - MAC address format08-Sep-20

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. It was suggested that the addition of the following reference to the “RATIONALE FOR REVISION” would enhance the documentation of the motivation for the change.

The requester will be asked to add it and the status of this request remains “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
It was noted that the request had been resubmitted with additional information under the “RATIONALE FOR REVISION”. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1381 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedTable 82-1 - Indicate ITU-T G.8312 uses O code 0xC01-Oct-20

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1382 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - References to IEEE Std 802.1D19-Nov-20

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 19-Jan-21
The revision request was discussed. It was suggested that the proposed revision text be reviewed to ensure that there is no ambiguity in how to implement the changes. If there are any ambiguities, the submitter will be contacted for clarification. In the meantime, the status of this request will remain “Received”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
It was noted that this revision request was resubmitted with an update to the proposed revision text that clarified the requested changes. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1383 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - References to IEEE Std 802.1D19-Nov-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1384 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Isolation requirements09-Dec-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
It was noted that this revision request was resubmitted with an update to the proposed revision text that takes into account the approval and publication of IEEE Std 802.3cr-2021. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1385 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Annex 120D jitter tolerance09-Dec-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1386 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published56.1.3 - Incorrect table entries12-Dec-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1387 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedVarious, see details - Precoder control21-Dec-20

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1388 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published139.3.1 - Error converting pause_quantum to bit times06-Jan-21

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 44272
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1389 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 90-1 - Clarification of note24-Feb-21

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1390 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
PublishedFigure 99-1 - Clarification of note24-Feb-21

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1391 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published148.4.4.2 - Typos in variable definition06-Mar-21

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1392 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published148.4.4.1 - Incorrect state name08-Mar-21

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1393 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Published72.7.1.11 - Incorrect formula28-Mar-21

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-May-21
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 27-Sep-21
Included in IEEE P802.3 (IEEE 802.3dc) Draft 2.0.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 approved by IEEE SA Standards Board on 13 May 2022.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
IEEE Std 802.3-2022 was published on 29 July 2022.

Change Request 1394 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
98.2.1 - Clause 98 HSM support18-Feb-22

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1395 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
147.8 - Mixing segment specifications22-Mar-22

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1396 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
147.8 - Mixing segment specifications22-Mar-22

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1397 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
1.4.473 - Definition of "PoDL PSE"01-Apr-22

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-May-22
The revision request was discussed. The submitter will be asked to consider resubmitting the request with the parenthetical “(See IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 104.)” included in the proposed revision text.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Jul-22
Mr. Healey noted that this maintenance request was resubmitted with updated proposed revision text. The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1398 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Primitive name23-May-22

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Jul-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
Mr. Healey noted that this maintenance request was resubmitted with updated proposed revision text. The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to keeping the status of this request at “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1399 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
56.1.3 - Split Table 56-1 by media type06-Jun-22

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 13-Jul-22
The revision request was discussed. The status of this request will remain “Received” pending a review of a mock-up of the proposed changes.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
Mr. Healey displayed a mock-up of the changes suggested in the proposed revision text. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1400 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Description of collision13-Jul-22

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1401 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
144.3.5 - Remove GLID from list09-Sep-22

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 15-Nov-22
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1402 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
135F.1 - Typo01-Dec-22

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 18-Jan-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1403 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Table 119-5 - Typo09-May-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Jul-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1404 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Annex 55A - Machine-readable extracts12-May-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Jul-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1405 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Formatting error26-May-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Jul-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1406 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Incorrect cross-reference26-May-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Jul-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1407 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Update interface list02-Jun-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 11-Jul-23
The revision request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1408 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - "PD" not "PSE"07-Jul-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 13-Sep-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1409 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Duplicate subclause numbers10-Jul-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 13-Sep-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1410 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Typo06-Aug-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 13-Sep-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1411 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
99.3.6 - mCRC value mapping06-Aug-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 13-Sep-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1412 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - State diagram conventions06-Aug-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 13-Sep-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1413 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - SMDS_ENCODE() definition18-Aug-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1414 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Typo18-Aug-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1415 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Error in return loss limit07-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1416 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Error in return loss limit07-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1417 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - am_rxpayloads derivation20-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1418 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Figure 36-3 - Incorrect title20-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1419 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Figure 99-6 - Missing action22-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1420 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
116.4 - Incorrect delay constraints29-Sep-23

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 14-Nov-23
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1421 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Incomplete97.4.2.4 - infofield_complete behavior11-Oct-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-Jan-24
The maintenance request was discussed. The request was determined to be “Incomplete” and will be returned to sender to ensure the proposed revision text is clear and complete (and correct a typo).

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Mar-24
The maintenance request was discussed. It was returned to the submitter to clarify proposed revision text and correct a typo. There is not yet been an update to (or discussion of) the request. The status remains “Incomplete”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 14-May-24
The maintenance request was discussed. It was returned to the submitter to clarify proposed revision text and correct a typo. An update to this request has not yet been received. The status remains “Incomplete”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 16-Jul-24
The maintenance request was discussed. It was returned to the submitter to clarify proposed revision text and correct a typo. No update to the request has been received. The status remains “Incomplete”.

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 11-Nov24
This request was returned to the submitter to clarify proposed revision text and correct a typo. No update to the request has been received. The status remains “Incomplete”.

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 04-Feb-25
This request was returned to the submitter to clarify proposed revision text and correct a typo. No update to the request has been received. The status remains “Incomplete”.

Change Request 1422 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Ballot - Requirement conditional on EEE11-Oct-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-Jan-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1423 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - AC-coupling to test points08-Nov-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-Jan-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1424 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Various, see details - Add measurement frequency08-Nov-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-Jan-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1425 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
Figure 119-11 - Typo13-Dec-23

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 23-Jan-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1426 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
149.1.3 - Extraneous signal18-Jan-24

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Mar-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1427 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
120G. - Incorrect reference point25-Jan-24

IEEE 802.3 plenary meeting 12-Mar-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1428 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Ready for
132.1.6 - Incorrect cross reference07-Feb-24

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 14-May-24
The maintenance request was discussed. There were no objections to changing the status of this request to “Ready for ballot”.

Change Request 1429 Revision History
StatusDescriptionDate Received
Incomplete46.3.4.3 - State diagram transition02-Apr-24

IEEE 802.3 interim meeting 14-May-24
The maintenance request was discuss